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Posts posted by leojst

  1. 17 minutes ago, Mkilbride said:

    Not to me, and I've played since 2013. 

    you didn't think this through. and i'm not insulting you  i'm just saying stop, and think about it. seeing how you are big on the trade side ill do it like this the value on the items in out inventory are based on out the use of the item in game and the difficulty to obtain. now the prices going down on an item means one of the two thing are gone. in some cases both.

    and to say not for you that must mean you sell everything for the same price you did when it drooped with no fluctuation. and thats hard to believe 

  2. 1 minute ago, Mkilbride said:

    Sheev is literally one of the best daggers in the game, and it's available via Invasions, are are many.


    I don't get. Prices and value of items going down is good. 

    when i say value i dont mean the market what i mean is as a player. these weapons and warframes carry less value in our eyes then they did before they became so easy to obtain

  3. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

    Why not? Grofit is grofit, and I want a full size WAR! Hell I was eyeing Stalker's Hate at TennoCon with devils on both shoulders saying "my precious". 

    Nikana ok War??? to hell with the plasma how the F*** are you gonna carry that


    better get started you got a long way to go

  4. 3 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    By the way, you can obtain the Sheev from invasions now, they're just rarer than other Vandal or Wraith weapons :p

    I'm not sure about weapons since people want mastery to progress, and we still have debates about missing mastery points from Excalibur Prime (personally, I don't care enough about mastery :v)

    lol thanks for killing hope, but i dont think you need a event weapon for mastery since i know people who buy mk weapons max it and sell it over and over to raise their mastery. 

    to be fair no one cares about mastery i remember when rank 8 got you everything in game XD

  5. 9 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    ^ Here you go, OP. I made some fixes and tidied up the whole topic for better reading, hope this helps :)

    As for me, I don't think exclusives would be good for collecting games like Warframe (although I agree that you shouldn't touch Excalibur Prime, that's quite a sum amount of money during a time where Warframe could fail) but it is true that exclusives give a sense of achievement. Maybe make them solely for appearance, like special badges or syandanas in events?


    ty and i do understand what you mean by collecting stand point but it has been impossible to get everything in game since excal prime. the event weapons and items dont have to be OP they need to be like the  Sheev One of a kind

    p.s ty for the edit

  6. For most of us who were close beta players and had weapons and items given to us that during time, some of us held onto those items because they can not be found in game anymore such as the team full health restore, Braton Vandal, and the Snipetron Vandal.

    The snipetron vandal was 100,000 credits, a grind to get back then, but almost worth nothing now. Soon after open beta, there were prime frames that we could get in-game, and that was exciting. We learned that they would be in the Void for a limited amount of time we farmed like crazy. There was a sense of pride surviving the Void and selling the spoils for a few plat (this was before the market  inflation where people lost their minds)

    These items started to lose value over time, not because people didn't want them anymore, but because they've become more available. Baro ki'teer was an okay idea; I loved the Prisma gears and they were fun. However, the event items that we worked so hard to get could now be bought from him; the vandal and wraith weapons parts are now available in invasions; the excal proto armor that used to be a vault item now sits on the shelf at the market place. Sadly, the only thing we have left is the Sheev, and it's not the most impressive weapon.

    Don't get me wrong: I like the opening and closing of the vault from time to time. It's a great idea for some people to get primes that they want for a small window of time. Even though some of us didn't get it, the Founders' pack were kinda like thing we keep as time spent in-game and content we cleared during that time.

    One time weapons and mods made some aspects of the game and the few who had them special. A lot of you may not agree with me, but you will have to admit the events are just not as rewarding as they use to feel. hopefully Umbra does not suffer the same fate as our current primes do.

  7. 25 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    As mentioned previously, considering the length of a nikana it would actually be very hard to animate a duel wield version without it looking horrible.  

    useing our shortest warframe Mag the nakana seems to look the length of your average katana  42 inches longest being 57.

  8. 14 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    None of those are Katanas. They all see to be around the length of a long wakizashi, and considering Nikanas in WF are all on the longer side of a Katana, it would be a nightmare from an animation perspective, and look ridiculous.  

    I'm all for a duel wakazashi or shorter nikana/ wakazashi concept (not unlike nami skyla), but as I've said every time I see this idea pitched again, IMO having a duels wield option for two full length katanas that are pushing into the nodachi realm of things in terms of size, would just look comically absurd. I'm not going to lose sleep over it if DE does ever implement it, but I'd rather we got something cooler and more aesthetically pleasing then something copy pasted from just about every shonen anime in existence.

    each of their swords are about 42 inches in length its too long for a wakizashi and Kalman Csoka is about 6" 2 when his arms are fully extended you can see that the sword goes from just over his head to his waist so the sword is 42 inches or longer. 42 inches is the length of a full katana. 

  9. The idea is badass and i'm a big fan of dual weapons. its not like making a stance will be hard since there are close to 100 different dual Katana styles still in existence so making a stance mod should not be too hard. i think the hard part will be finding someone who could preform each stance in the style as it is harder for a right or left handed person to preform. the mane reason is these styles require you to use both hands simultaneously. most often times the users are ambidextrous to no surprise. but we would also be able to do things like blocking and striking at the simultaneously and that wound be a cool mechanic and for the game.

  10. I miss farming the void and void keys. even with the void still open for normal missions it does it's just not the same. void fissure are not bad and mix match Void Relics allow different prize options where if all relics of the same kind are Flawless Relic you get a better chance at gold. you can even change Relic's mid mission via 5 minutes or 5 waves etc. the time limit and the bouncing around  the map is annoying but it has its  perks like picking the mission 90% of the time its super easy. and i like some of the changes so why does it feel like the void keys and having void in one spot was better.

  11. Just now, Piggy_Piglet said:

    From what I heard it was only PC to console and not console to PC

    if i made it sound that way im sorry. But yes im talking about PC to console the other way around would be a good reason why Sony and Microsoft wont do it.

  12. 19 hours ago, SCwarframe12 said:

    I beat this game. You know why? Cause I just got every single part of the Loki Prime Warframe by spending only 3 plat and trading prime stuff that i didn't need.I got the systems for free. I am only rank 4 btw. So, do you agree that i beat the game? Someone once told me I was a legend and someone told me Engeland is a city. I agree with both.

    XD thats cute. i would give you something for it but there is no merit in getting loki prime.  so no does not mean you beat the game sorry.

  13. its not the first time someone asked and wont be the last but its been 3 years and no answer on it happening again. and im not knocking you for asking just saying i spent 800-1k on this game if there was a way to transfer all my stuff i would cause thought of doing it again kills me so i just don't. and if the unlikely event that the do it again ill be happy and so will they cause the only thing holding a lot of people back is the progress they made and the money already spent mostly the second one and its not like we will just stop spending money sony and microsoft can gain a lot from this but it is unclear why they wont move on it. cause the make a percent of all platinum bought on their market and if i transfered its mot like ill stop buying plat  

  14. asking this question is like asking whats the best frame in the game. The answer will vary because of two thing, first thing is mission & Ownage. While some of us take the same frame wherever we go like a badge of office some of us are more orthodox with our warframe choices based on each players perception of what they will need or what the team will need for the mission. now the second one is a big one here is why, have you ever been in a survival or defense and one of the members kills everything in in the room with out trying [sometimes thats you]. Most often times then less you will find that you are paying more attention to them or what you are doing that you forget the other one or two members of your team. and i am guilty of this too. its gets so bad that ill be in a survival and at the 40 or 50 minutes mark someone is at extraction and im like "but we are right here" and or you see one or two of the members more the the other.

    but what do you think is there more to it then less i wanna know let me know if i forgot something

  15. On 6/4/2017 at 8:41 PM, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

    I don't know what language this is but if it's Chineese then there's an entire different place for Chinaframe.

    If it's Korean or Japanese or whatever then there's probably a sub-forum for it

    XD if you just wanted to know what he said all you had to do was ctrl-C + ctrl-V (via google translate) and you get

    Update failed!
    The content server is temporarily unavailable.
    This update will be restarted in the short term
    I would like to ask this to solve this I have downloaded the hope that can help me thank you


    So please be nice and lend a hand

  16. No. MR is your badge for how much content you've run through.nothing more nothing less

    Next thing you'll want a bonus for achievements

    did u read everything i want more content and lol a @(*()$ badge that mean less then standings to most players also MR is not how much content you've plaayed cause we would get for everytime we forma a weapon or warframe at this rate if people keep thinking like you this game will go nowhere and ever since this game console i people keep saying end game end game ive been a pc gammer for some time and this is the first time a mmorpg have talks about end game like this one and it makes me kinda sour cause warframe has a lot of pontential starting with its place setting S P A C E the ever expanding universe gerat settings cause there so much they can do with it. im starting to think people dont want this game to grow or expand like Mk19c is the only systems did anyone else wonder why ther grineer call it the "Mother System" meaning they might have been in a nother system and or why there trying to take it back

  17. Or you could learn to play with no vitality/redirection/vigor installed :3

    i do run without it on some frames but its not like im fighting rank 1-30s enemys and some frames like frost and croma need armor and health mag is best used with shield and there are other frame combos the mods are needed for some frames so do your homework then come back

  18. As of right now mastery rank has no meaning. being that at rank 8 you can own everything in the game and the only reason people rank up now is for standings but the in-gane prob is mod slots and mod like Vitality, redirection and steel fiber takes a bit of space. i think we should get more armor shield and health based on warframe and mastery rank as wall as a tiny bit of power strength, duration and range i fell thet mods like vitality, redirection and steel fiber are best for people who are just starting the game and are getting a understanding for the mod systems and how it works but for other high ranks a mod like vigor should give almost as much health and shield vitality and redirection opening up more slots for us to try new mod configs plus with something like that in place we might get to go to another solor system where enemy start at lv 90+ with new maps and weapons with new resources to make them

  19. Ankyros Prime and some other fist weapons could use a buff and a new stance i find it hard to kill anything with it cause the stances is a little stiff and the speed looks great on paper but the stance wont show it if u wanna speed thorugh a map its really good but when u cant kill low levels it kinda hurts when u like the weapon

  20. First of all, using endless missions as a reference or foundation for feedback(tiering in this case) is just silly, as once enemies are over level 50, they are past the intended point of balance set by DE. Anything over level 50 will NOT be balanced gameplay.


    Second, I don't even feel like you've effectively played some of these frames, Oberon(my main) is definitely not 'D' tier, and Sayrn, Frost, Hydriod, and Zephyr shouldn't be that low either.


    Edit: oh, and Rhino a B tier frame? Haha, nice joke. Especially if you're using endless game types as a reference. XD

    balance is 80 not 50 sorry man

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