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Posts posted by TheFired3mon

  1. Nice, I'm almost there myself. Hoping to get my founders package upgraded (if I can) then I'll have Excal Prime, and I need to farm one Trinity part and I'm currently crafting Vauban. I have every single Warframe otherwise and none were purchased with plat. XD

  2. Well, today I got a plat discount (which will not be used) but I'd much rather have gotten xp or something better. I don't mind the xp when I actually have non-maxed equipment on. Either way, it's a free item that all I have to do is log on for. It doesn't matter much to me what it is.

  3. After reading through the first three pages (sorry, I didn't want to read more) I'll give my say on the matter.


    I do the things that OP said, but not with malicious intention. I want to reduce the load of enemies on the defender's side. I will go and handle at least 2 of the spawns as Saryn, or try to delay it as much as possible (in later waves) while my team gets the rest of the spawns, then we finish the ones I held back on my own. I've always seen it as a good way to progress because in early waves, the enemies are one shot by miasma, and it makes it so my teammates have less enemies to deal with. Though, if I'm playing Frost in Corpus, I defend. :)

    I may try this "defender" role just to see how fast or efficient it is. It's not hard to collect everything in that 10 seconds between waves, but I do understand the missing exp. Anyway, not sure where I was going with this, just rambling stuff off the top of my head.



    I kill enemies at the spawn points to help reduce the load of enemies attacking my teammates by a lot and to give room to fall back if all hell breaks loose. I don't do this to be selfish, I do it to try and keep the Cryopod from being overwhelmed.

  4. Well, it's courtesy. LIke holding the door open for people (unless of course you enjoy slamming it in a person's face, then you can ignore my comparison.)


    In all seriousness though, it's just the nice thing to do. If you're playing online, you should try to help the group. They may not need that resource or mod at the moment, but it can quite possibly help them in the long run. Though, if no one else is marking mods, then don't. I just don't see why you got angry that people asked you to mark things. It's a COOPERATIVE game, so just help the team out by marking stuff. It'll further them as well as yourself, and most likely they'll mark in return which may help you with that one thing you missed. It takes almost no time at all and no effort.

  5. I disagree with you, I don't mind seeing new Frost players. It'll happen with or without the Prime version. They'll learn him over time, like we all have.


    -Frost player shortly after his release and now happy to have my Frost Prime.

  6. Meh, red and black are the colors I like and wear in real life. I'll continue using em, doesn't bug me if I'm not "original" :)

    Though I have been trying to find other patterns that appeal to me and have been unable.

    EDIT: Though if it makes you feel better, my Ash isn't red and black only because I don't like how the red fits into his pattern :p


    Here's all my frames


  7. I thought it was funny because my friend and I killed Stalker right as it said "BEHOLD! IT LIVES!" and I thought they added a message for him. Until I saw the comment about "tank wife aggro"

  8. I noticed this today while taking my Supra with me on an assassination mission. It first happened when I was pulled by a Grineer Scorpion and tried to shoot at her point blank. All the shots went far to the sides (I believe it only went to the right) but when I backed off, it shot straight. Then, when I got to the boss and tried to shoot him point blank, all the shots flew off to the right of him and didn't hit. I believe if you're too close when trying to fire the Supra, it'll throw everything off to the sides. Can anyone else confirm?

  9. For example, earlier I glitched through the map in Kappa because one of the sliding doors. After a bit of falling, I popped into a room that had no way to leave it or get into it. What I'm suggesting is an option when you hit escape that revives you near your group (obviously costing you a revive.) It'd help when you get stuck or endlessly fall out of the map.

  10. It all started when a clan member tried to invite me to his Void run. I was unable to join his lobby, so I relogged to fix it. I noticed something weird when my email wasn't remembered and I had to type it in. When I logged in, I saw this.....




    I figured if I logged out and back in that it would fix, but it persisted even after I did that. I was able to get rid of it once I closed my client and reopened it.


    EDIT: Uploaded full-size image instead of resized one. XD

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