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Posts posted by (PSN)ShuhanX

  1. 15 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Absolutely not. Not ever. Not even once. 


    As has been proven, whenever people talk about PvP invasions, they never, ever talk about the honourable challenge, it is always, 100% of the time, a means of just griefing other players, of 'punishing n00bs'.


    I would support the inclusion of such a mode if it included the potential to backfire catastrophically on the attacking player. For instance, if they invaded and lost to the defender, they forfeit their most played Warframe, and had their name published in the Relays as a failed Stalker assassin. Sounds about right.



    Jesus, look at the way people are already talking about it. Hunting newbies? Specifically sabotaging Sortie 3 missions? Yeah, this kind of malignant cancer is definitely what Warframe needs.

    You're over thinking it. Obviously, they'd prevent the Player-Stalker from doing anything to deliberately hinder the Tenno, aside from outright killing them. 

    Trying to hunt newbies? Make the Stalker scale based on the target's level. Only allow the Stalker to attack Tenno who are, at most, 2 Mr ratings beneath and above player invading.

    Trying to sabotage a Sabatoge/Survival mission? Make it so the Stalker is incapable of interacting with any consoles etc. Hard to pop a life-support, when the Devs totally negate your ability to do so.

    Trying to alert enemies in Spy? Make the Stalker not register as an enemy, so as to prevent enemies from being alerted on sight. 

    Trying to steal kills and delay Exterminate? Turn Stalker into a friendly to the other enemies, and render him incapable of damaging anyone who isn't a Tenno. Same thing applies to Spy/Capture/Rescue.

    Lockdowns already occur upon Stalker's arrival, so at worst the player will only be able to cause chaos within a single room. For open parts of stages however, that wouldn't be the case.

    DE has innumerable and simple methods to prevent Stalker Players from trolling other players. Your fears suggest that they'd just shoehorn the feature into the game without making virtually any effort to balance it for both the Assassin and the target.

    Also, Stalker is a God Mode? Lol he literally got immediately demolished on a couple matches in that footage. Thats not to mention how easy he is to take down generally. There's absolutely nothhing Godly about Stalker. DE's not giving players a God Mode, if they introduce this feature, I'd like to think that they wouldn't just allow the Stalker-player to have the same level of freedom as the in-mission players.

  2. 9 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    We're still gonna keep pushing them to solve the mess they created in the first place. No matter who gets reworked/fixed first, the only thing that matters is that the fixes are done.

    Exactly, it's totally fine if Mag (who does need to be looked at) is being looked at first. As long as they actually express some remote intention to rework Ash, that is what truly matters. And quite honestly, many of the older Warframes should be retouched and updated. Some of them just feel so outdated (even if their powers are generally practical and useful) in the face of the upcoming open world. Warframe is approaching a new frontier, so it just feels out of place to have Warframes with outdated mechanics. Ash is such a Warframe. So if there's a few other Warframes in line for a rework before him, that's fine. As long as Ash is on the radar, is what's important.

  3. Just downloaded the update and played my first mission since I wanted to test out the awesome new Helminth design...and for some odd reason my control scheme is out of whack. My power 1 key is changing the map display, my quick melee key is casting my power 1, my power 3 key is making me roll, my consumables key is switching to and back from my melee weapon. I checked my control layout, and even redid the layout, and it still persists. Is anyone else having this issue? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Yeah. I love Grim Fury (except the Backward input, simply because I think it's dumb) and yes, the idea I had was to keep the animations for the Finisher attacks. Nothing goes to waste.

    I agree

    4 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    I have given much thought to that, I mostly avoid that to prevent the situation where X ability is required for Y to be good, Synergy is good, but not when it feels forced, specially for a combat pragmatist that pretty much would go the "anything goes" fighting style.

    That is a very good point, however this only becomes an issue when the original power is outshinesd utterly by the Stance enhanced variant. This would not necessarily be the case. With a proper rework, Ash's normal powers would operate on a level that they can be solid, useful and fun powers to use. The Stance variants of said powers would merely provide additional perks. The perks, while useful, should not be so much so, that the normal variants become benign and boring by comparison. Indeed, it is a difficult thing to balance, however I do believe that some sort of interactions with his powers are needed to truly make his Stance ultimate shine in a way that others have not.

  5. 7 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Correct, hence why my Stance Blade Storm suggestion specifically says;

    Basic combo (EEE): Does nothing special.

    Combo 1 (EEpauseEE): hit>hit>radial attack with Bleed procs>Open an enemy in front of Ash to Finisher attack.

    Combo 2 (Ermb+EE) Ash lunges forward in a puff of smoke, stabbing and inflicting Bleed on enemies in line.


    Essentially it discourages mindless E-spam and rewards proper combo use, or using it in tandem with Teleport. The combos are also simple and short, in stark contrast to the other Stance Ultimates that have 6 to 8 inputs long combos that are never seen at all.

    I agree entirely. Combos other than basic E spam should be prioritized utility in such a way that it encourages the usage of them over E spam. But even more than that, entering the Stance should alter and enhance the way his powers operate. Even alter his parkour and mobility, such as giving him a similar function to Limbo's new mechanic for entering the Rift, the giving him the ability to mark with various parkour techniques, which could then interact uniquely with each of his powers. It's truly a shame that the very first Warframe to ever have innate melee weaponry is the last to be considered for a melee stance ultimate.

  6. 6 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Look at it this way:

    Excalibur is about spamming E

    Hysteria is about spamming E

    Primal Fury is about spammin E.

    All because none of them have anything worth getting from their passsives.

    Thank you. I really wish people would stop immediately dismissing the idea of Ash having a stance ultimate, and using that logic that doing so makes it a copy/paste of other stance ultimate. It just doesn't quite make sense to me. By that logic, all nukes are the same. All projectile powers are the same. All "mine" powers are the same. All aura abilities are the same. It's illogical to think this. Every frame has a wildly different theme and means of combat. The reason, as you suggested, that all stance ultimates feel similar, is simply because DE dropped the ball on making anything other than spamming E worthwhile. 

    The base ideas behind each Warframe stance ultimate is well done. The main issue is that DE does not push the uniqueness of each Warframe enough during the StanceStance and emphasise it through each individual combo and action. Excal as a light sword that fires waves of energy with each swing. Unique to him. Wukong's staff grows in length based in the combo counter. Unique to him. Valkyr becomes a Wolverine-esque berserker impervious to damage. Unique to her. 

    The core concepts of each stance are unique in themselves. The issue is that DE neglected to give specific combos unique and useful enough utilities to justify doing anything other than pressing E. Ash has A LOT to work with. Between his teleportation capabilities, his Wrist Blades, his ninja style shuriken, his ability to become invisible, his marking system, his tendency to finisher strikes, his passive, his abilities to potentially control smoke, the potential to throw smoke bombs, and his speed and agility, DE can do a lot with him to make his Stance ultimate unique and something that is more than spamming E. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    The fact that pre-patch Ash was broken doesn't mean current is fine. The only ability that got better was Smoke Screen. And let's not mention his current "abilities 90% useless" Conclave incarnation.

    Exactly. I hate when people use the "he's not press4towin now, so he's good" argument. Him not being "broken" doesn't by default mean he's in a good spot right now. 

  8. 8 hours ago, AntoninDvorak said:

    just wanted to contribute to reach 100 pages. We need a better ash rework!!!

    Honestly, will it honestly make a difference though? Even when it reaches 100+ pages, it doesn't really garuntee that DE will actually pay attention to it. At this point, I'm not expecting anything at all from them, regarding Ash. At least as far as this mess of a "revisit" goes. At best, I see them doing nothing more than giving negligible changes, like allowing us to trade chat while BS is active, or something along those lines. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Ash rework:

    Passive: Mark of the Assassin.

    While aiming, gliding or latching, Ash marks enemies. Marked enemies take 20% extra Finisher and Bleed damage. Mark lasts 10s and uses no energy. Enemies marked are highlighted on the radar. 50m range.



    Tap: Ash throws a Shuriken in a straight line, dealing heavy Puncture damage, impaling enemies on walls. Has 3.0 punch trough.

    Hold: After holding for 1s, Ash throws a barrage of smaller, seeking shurikens to all marked enemies, dealing Slash damage.

    Seeking Shuriken:

     -Tap: removes 100% enemy Armor and ricochets on a surface it can't pass trough up to 3 times.

     -Hold: removes 50% enemy Armor.

    Smoke Screen:

    Ash creates a cloud of smoke that lasts for 12s (base duration at max ability lvl). Ash is invisible while inside the cloud and for 8s after leaving the cloud. Enemies inside the cloud are blinded and open for Finisher attacks.

    Tap: cast at Ash's feet.

    Hold (1s): cast at the surface Ash is aiming (20m range max)

    Smoke Shadow: Allies who enter/pass trough the cloud are also gain invisibility.


    Tap: Ash teleports to the target location, stunning and opening nearby enemies to Finisher attacks. Cost 25 energy.

    Hold: Ash goes into a rampage, teleporting and attacking all marked enemies with his currently equiped weapon (essentially current blade storm) for 15 energy (10 if invisible) per enemy.

    Fatal Teleport:

     -Refunds 50% of the cost on next kill.

     -Tap: Ash will Finish the nearest enemy instantly, promting a second radial stagger with opening.

     -Hold: Increase Finisher damage 200%


    Blade Storm:

    Ash enters into Blade Storm mode (he pulls his blades out and vents more smoke). Roll, Sidestep and Backspring are replaced by manic-like teleports. On Finisher attacks Ash will rapidly teleport between enemies assassinating small groups.

    Combos are a mix of kicks and vicious blade attacks.

    Basic combo (EEE): Does nothing special.

    Combo 1 (EEpauseEE): hit>hit>radial attack with Bleed procs>Open an enemy in front of Ash to Finisher attack.

    Combo 2 (Ermb+EE) Ash lunges forward in a puff of smoke, stabbing and inflicting Bleed on enemies in line.

    Duration based ultimate. Tap while active to refresh, Hold to cancel.

    Rising Storm:

     -Increase COmbo counter while in Blade Storm by 10s and the combo counter increase by +0.25x


    Conclave version:

    Passive: Only marks on radar. Has 10m marking range and falls off when enemy is 20m away. Lasts only 5s..

    Shuriken: Tap deals 70 damage, Hold deals 25 damage. None of them inflict Bleed.

    Smoke Screen: Cloud duration is 6s, lingering invisibility is 4s. Attacking, casting abilities or picking items cancels lingering invisbility but not cloud invisibility.

    Teleport: Hold function disabled

    Blade Storm: Doesn't trigger Finishers, instead it deals heavy damage (not oneshot though) and inflicts a Bleed proc on hit. Lasts only 10s.

    Love it! Love everything about it. This is perfect. DE really needs to give Ash a true rework of this caliber! 

  10. 4 hours ago, Jiufengbao said:

    Alright, hoping this doesn't get lost in all the noise, but here goes...

    I have a suggestion for a rework of the Bladestorm rework that's based off a bug I found with Ash.

    I stumbled across that bug while playing around with melee channeling and Bladestorm. Basically, some combination of turning channeling on and off, while entering and leaving the Bladestorm state, while clicking and using the ability, leads to the bug. Once you enter the bugged state, clicking your melee attack, or pressing your quick attack button while having a gun, triggers a seemingly random Bladestorm attack on a nearby enemy. You can see the bug in action in the video at the end of this post.

    The coolest part of the bug is near the middle of the video, when it seems like by pressing the quick attack button, you warp to the enemy to attack them. That's what prompted this idea about the Ash rework. What if Bladestorm became a combat mode, like Exalibur's Exalted Blade, and Valkyr's Hysteria, which made it into a ninja teleport frenzy where your character actually went to the various enemies, instead of how it is now where you essentially stay in one place?

    So, to break it down, there would be two parts to this mode. The first part is similar to how Bladestorm functions now; you move your mouse over various enemies to mark them. Then you use Alt-Fire to trigger it. The difference besides that, is that you actually move to the enemies, AND the animation is sped up, the more enemies you target. Now, it's not only a damage ability, but also mobility that move to a new location. Yes, you could use Teleport or Fatal Teleport, but this helps give Bladestorm more involvement from the player. You kill fools, AND reposition.

    Second part is the big change. If you select an enemy, and click your normal attack button (left-click), you teleport to the enemy and deal a massive damage attack. Remember, in both of these changes, instead of teleporting BACK to where you started, you are ending up at the target.

    If you have your melee weapon out, you instead use E, or quick attack, to trigger the massive damage teleport. This leaves you open to use your normal melee attacks, in combination with Bladestorm mode.

    I think this rework would give Bladestorm something it's never had, which is actual agency and input from the player. Plus it would be FUN. SO MUCH FUN. You would literally be the ninja who flips out (sorry, old school boy here) all over the place, but instead of being stuck in an animation, you could chain together melee attacks and broadside fusillades from your gun by teleporting into the enemies' midst, then using the Alt-attack to go into invulnerable mode for a bit while repositioning yourself to safety. It would flow between Teleport Attack, melee/gunplay, and Bladestorm chain. And it would be goddamn beautiful.

    Here's the video. Sorry for the corny music, I was just so excited about the bug and its potential. Also, shout out to Shaddykack for figuring out what was likely the culprit!


    Honestly, I think a marriage of this in addition to previous suggestions (where marked enemies changes the functions of Ash's powers) would be absolute perfection.

    Marking is done with Aimgliding, Wall-latching, aiming etc. Normal Shuriken becomes a single massive Shuriken with 3 punchthrough that actually pins enemies to surfaces (as the actual power description claims). Teleport is a free teleport, with pinpointed teleports working as it currently does. Smokescreen drops an actual cloud of smoke under his feet that chokes and blinds enemies with the cloud, opening them to finishers. Ash becomes invisible as he does currently, and his invisibility can be extended by returning to the lingering cloud. 

    When Bladestorm Mode is active, Ash's Shuriken throws smaller homing Shuriken at all marked enemies, doing less damage but still inflicting bleed procs. Teleporting to marked enemies creates a Shockwave that stuns everyone within 10 meters and opens them to finishers. Smokescreen will hurl the smokebomb at the marked enemy you're aiming at (giving the blind and accuracy debuff more range as well as being able to aid teammates from a distance). And the actual Bladestorm will operate the way you suggested. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    What if:

    Ash passive makes him Mark enemies when you hold RMB (aim, block, glide, latch) for about 5 seconds.

    Shuriken no longer tracks enemies and shoots a single very powerful shuriken flying in straight line with 3 punch trough.

    Teleport teleports you to the location you are aiming and opening enemies in 2m radius to finisher attacks.

    Then add both Teleport and Shuriken a Hold function.

    Holding Shuriken for 1s makes Ash throw lesser shurikens to all marked targets.

    Holding Teleport plays current Blade Storm by making Ash teleport from enemy to enemy using his melee weapon


    And then make Blade Storm a Stance ultimate focusing on combos, finisher attacks and agility.

    This is perfect. It works for everyone. He gets some good synergy, an awesome and very useful passive which encourages tactical usage of Park our 2.0, everyone that likes the current cinematic of BS gets to still keep it, and everyone that wants an Exalted Stance gets one. Alas, I don't see DE even considering giving Ash such a rework for at least another year or two. The "he's a press4towin 'frame" complainers have been silenced, and that seems to be all they were ever concerned with. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, ShadowTony said:

    I seriously doubt the fact it needs to be infinite.

    1). Let's stop at 18 (similarly to Ash's Bladestorm number of hits).

    2). Half of stacks are lost whenever another spell is being casted by Ember

    3). All stacks are lost if World on Fire was cancelled due to any reason (entering null, going out of map, for ex)

    4). Make icon change colour when max stacks are achieved.

    I agree with everything other than #2. Ember is a caster frame, she needs to always be using her powers almost non-stop in order to survive. Being penalized for casting other powers is counter-intuitive to giving her more survivability. You'd basically never be able to maintain any stacks at all, because you're always casting other powers. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Grahnz said:

    Someone did bring up that the update was titled as "Ash Revisted" meaning small changes. Limbo's complete overhaul is titled as "Limbo Rework" which is likely why the changes are so drastic. Hopefully Ash will be looked at again with a full rework.

    You could always hold out for the rumored "damage 3.0" as well which would even the playing field. A lot of people claim Nidus is overpowered, but I feel how he scales late game is all how all the frames should properly scale. I only hope all frames will be adjusted to scale just as well.

    So was Excalibur's. Referring to an update as a "revisit" is irrelevant to the effort expended on the Warframe. Using the word "rework" vs the word "revisit" was never an indication of how extensive any changes to any given Warframe are. This is evident, given the fact that the most extensive rework DE has ever done for a Warframe, was given an update title of "Excalibur Revisited". The most you could argue was that they only intended to touch BS and none of his other powers. And even then, such an argument falls short, at best. They suggested multiple times that they intended to change BS completely, not merely produce small tweaks to it. Regardless of what the update was titled, the changes did absolutely nothing to address the issues they promised they would. 

    And how would waiting for damage 3.0 (which may or may not even come anymore) provide those disappointed with the changes any solace? Scalability was never an issue with Ash. Interactivity was. 

  14. 22 hours ago, GTX49 said:


    Anyway this rework was like a quick 'shut up about ash for a bit and have this nerf for another couple years to come before we finally fix him'

    Pretty much. When you look at the effort put into the Limbo rework, not to mention their total silence about fixing Ash despite having almost 100 pages of mostly negative (but constructive) feedback, it's pretty clear they have no desire whatsoever to give him a proper rework and likely never did in the first place. 

    At this point, I'd even accept them just plainly saying "we feel Ash is in a good place and no longer needs any changes", instead of just totally ignoring us all together. It'd be a bs response, but it's better than nothing imo. At the very least, they could acknowledge the feedback on some level, even if they have no intention of basing any decisions on it. But oh well, this is why I never post in the feedback threads for reworks. They seem like nothing more than a convenient tool used to compile the community's collective woes, so it's easier to ignore. But one can dream I suppose... 

  15. 10 minutes ago, NocturnalVahey said:

    it wouldn't make sense to have children be tankier than the death machines that are warframes

    They don't necessarily have to be "tankier". Not physically at least. They could be enshrouded by pure Void energy which could provide some sort of damage mitigation or CC. There's plenty they can do to give Tenno more survivability without outright enhancing their physical stats. As it stands now, an aggressive dust particle is enough to one-shot them lol. 

  16. That would actually be pretty awesome. Although, I think maybe a cone effect would be better than just a single target.  Maybe give it some synergy with her other powers too. Like the enemy(s) ensnared by it will draw aggro of enemies that are affected by Chaos. Or throwing a Mind Controlled enemy produces a massive shockwave that ragdolls anyone in the area. But either way, I like idea of her having telekinetic powers. It's sounds like I'd be way more fun than the current Psychic Bolts. 

  17. 8 hours ago, TheLoneNinja said:

    Magnatize should have more strength in pulling the enemies towards the center.  Otherwise it's only good for one enemy or two then you have to wait until it goes down to actually hit things in that general area again.


    Edit: Or it costs less energy (Unless it's not still 50) and goes down when the target dies.

    I completely agree. I feel like adding the pull effect was entirely redundant if a Butcher can sprint clean through it without difficulty. Although, I can understand faster moving enemies being difficult to ensnare with Magnetize's pull, but when I see pretty much any enemy type just casually moving through it, it becomes a bit frustrating. Just have the range of the pull effected by range mods, and the strength of the pull effected by strength mods (preferably the normal 100% strength/range being slightly greater than it currently is) and it will provide Mag with some much needed CC.

    Also, I'd love to have the ability to directly drag enemies into the bubble by aiming Pull at the bubble. Essentially, embuing the Magnetize bubble with an omnidirectional Pull, albeit with reduce range when compared to Pull itself. It'll give her some logical synergy with these powers. I've seen many other posters suggest this and I'm hoping DE listens.

  18. 2 hours ago, Keltik0ne said:

    If it makes you feel better, go look at Vauban's.

    Vauban's passive: F&(* you solo players. Lol should of been something like Ammo Production. Since he's an "engineer" give him the ability to slowly regen ammo by constructing his own. Basically an ammo counterpart to Energy Siphon or Rejuvenation. Have the ammo production rate depend on weapon type, magazine size, max ammo, and/or fire rate. It would be useful, fit his theme and wouldn't be OP.

  19. 28 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

    Looking at lore wise. The tower is able to control anyone who is in it. While only ignoring those who have some sort of shielding from tower. The tower shouldn't have its own units, except Corrupted Vor.

    There's nothing in the lore that says the Tower just automatically controls non-orokin entities. We clearly see normal Grineer and normal Corpus units frequently entering the void during Sabotage missions and they're completely fine. We have no information of how these units are co-opted and controlled. There wasn't always just the Corrupted units, something has to capture them. Whether it's advanced security units or some form of Orokin tech that attacks them, we know nothing of the actual process of which the Tower uses to ensnare targets.

    And as I said in my previous post...time rifts. DE already gave us a way to go back in time to how the original Orokin Towers were. DE can simply expand on this and reason that the Tower sends it's original units through these time rifts to acquire more units to be corrupted, or that it opens these time rifts itself when it detects non-orokin. They can come up with any explanation they want, but there's nothing that states the Tower "shouldn't" have it's own units.

  20. 1 hour ago, tutzdes said:

    I believe, towers really need some unique robotic enemies. We only have two (three) original Orokin enemies so far, so the faction itself lacks distinction. In addition to that, all these originals were carbon-copied by Corpus (Shield Drone, Fusion Moa, Attack Drone) and not so unique too.

    I would rather see some enemies that are unique to the tileset, not only design-wise (Orokin Drones) but also functionally.

    I completely agree with this. I don't want anymore reskined copies of pre-existing enemies, the Void needs some enemy units unique to the tileset. I'm sure DE has plans to do so, they've been expanding a lot of Void related things as of late, it's only a matter of time before that create some fresh new 100% Orokin units to combat against.

    Those time rifts from the moon spy missions could play a role in that. Perhaps these units spawn into the tileset by opening a rift somehow, so we can fight them and charge out of the portal guns blazing. That'd be awesome.

    But if we do get more corrupted foes, I'd like to see Manics, Combas, Scorpions, and some more infested

  21. While I do think dodging should be much swifter than it currently is, I think making it a full teleport across the board is a bit too much. Even if it is a very quick speedster-esque zip where their visage is blurred a bit, I'd prefer that to a full on teleport.

  22. 5 minutes ago, Insizer said:

    What is to stop someone from moving back and forth through the shield to exploit ideas 1 and 3?

    Speed buff 2 would be interesting and fun to use.

    Give the effects a cool down for idea #1 and give idea #3 a cap limit for the stacks until the duration ends. Or simply put a limit on how many times you can activate the effect of idea #1 per shield. Perhaps, for both ideas, have the ES shrink each time the effect is used. That way, you are essentially weakening your ES each time you access these benefits, thereby providing balance by sacrificing one power to gain other advantages. Pretty simple solutions for a simple issue, no?

  23. Absolutely love these ideas. It keeps Volt's theme and general playstyle intact and doesn't change him significantly, while opening him up to new possibilities and playstyles. I'm really hoping DE considers these changes. I especially love the idea of Volt gaining additional Shields and the Crit damage being applied to melee while running through ES with Speed activated, as that was my biggest gripe with their "rework". Well done.

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