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Posts posted by nubnubbud

  1. I... really don't think waframe parts should be in railjack. that's, like, seriously endgame. Ash and oberon are now harder to obtain than ash prime and oberon prime for new players. well, they're vaulted, but I think disruption missions or syndicate relic packs or something should be giving vaulted relics. there are prime warframes that haven't been available for almost half a decade now.

    • Like 6
  2. as an infested weapon it needs some slash, I mean, it is a tooth it's firing. 150 puncture, 100 toxin, and 25 slash would put it at the same damage range of the other faction snipers. that toxin would allow it to do its snipe-through-armor thing better, too...but otherwise, 225 puncture, 50 slash, and 25 impact would be a good spread, if not just 75 slash

  3. nice idea, i wanted to see someone do this idea

    how about an ability to phase through enemies which will cause an effect or becoming invisible and deflecting most incoming damage (just got this invisible shield one off a basketball anime) as alternates


    i upvote this

    phasing through enemies would be interesting, and I think the first ability would do that, anyway.

    as for deflecting damage, I prefer an accuracy reduction. there are A LOT of powers that deflect a percentage of bullets or reduce damage (turbulence, shatter shield, elemental ward, hysteria, link, iron skin, absorb, eclipse). they're all a little different, but none of them do damage reduction via the enemy.

  4. I was once again disconnected from a mission, and lost an hour of rewards, with nothing to show for it, and it got me thinking, wouldn't it be nice if there was a way past it? I thought a bit, and it turns out there are several that may be possible withing the game's engine.



    1-----a plugin that sends an abort message to the server when you press the abort button. this way, it would know whether to let the player rejoin after completion or not.


    2-----check the player names at mission completion, and allow any players in that list a reconnect, or to award them the prizes. this one has issues with players leaving missions, so the abort button would have to forfeit all rewards.


    3-----add the rewards to the player's item pool when they get them, instead of at the end of missions, and simply show them at the end of mission. like 2, this one has issues with players leaving survivals, so the abort button would have to forfeit all rewards.

  5. EDIT: I got through page 28 tonight... some very nice ideas in there, and congrats to nubnubbud for prompting the creation of a new section to the index: resources. Very nice templates, thanks for your contributions!

    WOAH I was noticed!

    I feel important and successful, because someone I don't really know personally mentioned me~.

    But I have an updated mod template, now. it changed right after I made that one.

    On the same subject, I realize that because of the size limitation, some ideas won't be seen as often, hidden behind a link. Resources might be misinterpreted as in-game resources. Perhaps a (concept building resources/help), or some similar tag would be better. I hope the reorganization goes well, though. Whether each major section gets a proxy thread or you have some ingenious way of sorting them, I'm watching intently


    I guess I'll post a bunch of things I did between then and now, to be a pain, in chronological order, so as to be a chronic pain.


    (gun kata pvp mode) {extensively thought out}



    (NEW mod design template (gimp and photoshop)) you should keep the old one too, just in case



    (syndicate auras)



    (looting/parkour mission type)



    (Chroma Wing Syandana)



    if anyone checks this thread and reads through the ideas, enjoy~ I put a lot of work into them for people like you.

  6. simply put, it's an appearance item that extends his wings, or exposes them folded and kept folded up.

    if that's the case, then the syandana would disappear for the length of his fourth power and let the power's effect be the wings.


    I do recognize the issue with it being his wings, as they're large, and would cover a large portion of the screen. perhaps a shader could be used to make then disappear whenever you're shooting or aiming, or they fold out when he's running.


    it would only be available for chroma, like Valkyr's bonds or the mortos syandana.

  7. DE just added it! check it out, it's a deer themed warframe that has several CC abilities, one that makes an enemy's life force explode and deal damage to other enemies, one that heals his teammates with homing dandelion puffs, and one where it plants a yard of painful, waving grass, and another CC ability where it introduces enemies to the beauty of the sky above and sand below! get this, it's so deer like, it has antlers on its helmets and hoofs for feet.


    it's Oberon.

  8. Great idea! I always wanted to try a game mode that puts your mobility skills to the test.

    Yeah, but in the current system, it would be pretty easy. I actually hope the new parkour system will need timing, or something else that requires more player skill than warframe skill.

  9. This is an idea I've been entertaining lately. simply put, it's a gamemode designed to not only test the player's parkour skills, but reward them for it. 


    (Loot/Secure/Collect/Gather) [name still in progress]


    The main premise is that the player is searching a ship for loot, be it resources, mods, or even special items.


    Blast doors are lowering to vent air out, however, and the player can't stay in any room for long. Later areas, and more time consuming locations to reach in those rooms will yield better loot. Some areas are dangerous, filled with lasers or turrets, perhaps dead ends with no loot, or rooms with extra loot.


    If a player takes too long, and is separated from the group, They may use a teleporter, but in doing so forfeit their earnings up to that point. (I'm still kind of iffy about that, and I'm thinking perhaps you just die, and can use a revive to get back with no other consequences, or perhaps use an air duct to skip the rooms you were excluded from.) When a blast door closes in front of the Tenno, they must locate the closest vent to outside, and jump out, letting their liset catch them, and fly away. Like survival, it can only fail if all tenno are defeated.


    As for the technical side of the gamemode, rooms could load in several in advance, and load out after no player are in them, and the blast doors are closed, ensuring peak computer performance. The time that the room is loaded in will determine the value of the prize pool, allowing it to ramp up over time. after half or more of the tenno pass a blast door, it will set off the one in the room just entered.


    This all stemmed from the thought: "What are those other tenno doing while I'm busy in a survival mission?"


    hopefully, this will also encourage the use of more mobility-oriented frames like zephyr, excalibur, Loki, and Valkyr.

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