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Posts posted by Brandr_

  1. For the most part none of them are blind, think of them as iron man without the eyes on the mask, they cans till see, just without eyes that advertise: 'Hey, my eyes are here!' Supposedly Banshee is blind though

  2. No, the Tenno are not bioweapons. The term Bioweapon is normally used to describe a biological weapon capable of mass destruction, Tenno are more like super hero's than anything. Now the infested are a "true" Bioweapon, they meet all the criteria, and were originally designed as such. Now with that said, the Tenno are technically weapons, kind of like comic books where the main character was in some military experiment giving them super powers, think wolverine. The best way I can say it is A bioweapon attacks the very DNA (Infestation) While a weapon attacks the body as a whole (Tenno)

  3. The biggest question I have for Warframe is whether or not the tenno are individuals, lemmie explain. We have regular Frames, Frost, Ember, loki etc. But then we get the primes, no my question is are these primes the same people as their none prime counterparts or are they the same person? Are Tenno capable of leaving the warframes? The grineer can't remove us because they always end up killing us before successful extraction, Valkyr almost died when Alad tried to take her out. Are they permanent life support systems? Then you have multiple frames running around, Three nova's and a loki for instance. So if that's true are the frames themselves like cars? Frost is a Toyota, Loki is dodge? (I'm not good with cars) And we pop in like it's a car, exchangeable suits like Iron man, but how would that work? After all we have Valkyr who seems pretty stuck in that suit, and we have to remember that anyone who jumps in has to fit the dimensions of the suit, last I checked Rhino and loki don't match... Lastly, the Gradivus dilemma, thousands of tenno were at stake and we saved them, what happened to them? Were they individual suits that now run around without us knowing? (Devs are limited, I know) Did they all conform to the Rhino Loki question? What happened to these supposed "Thousands"?

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