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Posts posted by Brandr_

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    You are posting in general discussion with no info provided.

    Your title and post make no sense whatsoever. Most people don't watch that youtuber and have no idea at all what you are mumbling about.

    He's asking about whether or not it's true that old Ember, or old Old Ember, was basically old Mesa because of some youtube.

    And to answer his question: Yes, both old Embers were like Mesa because they had stupid range, auto aim, and serious nuking potential. Hell Old old Ember was immortal during Wof, I think.

  2. 2 hours ago, ant99999 said:

    The point is not about energy weapons used in the Orokin Empire as such, but about them being used by warframes. Ship-mounted Imperator is allright as it is a machinegun, but Larkspur is a plasma cannon, it could be used against humans, but not against the Sentient.

    Why if you wanna put it that way: it could be a Late war weapon. We as players already know you can shred their resistances with void damage, and there is currently One orikin made weapon in game that can strip a sentients resistances without the help of spoiler mode.


    It stands to reason that the orikin, late into the war, realized the void was their best defense, that's where they hid their ships too.


    So until we canonically know how sentients turned advanced weaponry on their user we have to speculate that they meant the Sentients resistances turning their weaponry impotent.

    Where upon we can deduce that the Orikin began to make weapons that could strip their resistances, and then pair them with the overwhelming fire power of their more advanced machinery. The Tenno could not have been the sole decider of the war, changes were made before and after their inception

  3. 11 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Hahaha... Oh wait you were serious? 

    As much as it pains me to say it, DE has stopped caring about lore consistency quite some time ago *cough* valkyr, helios *cough*, it will have a Prime when the time comes. I mean there is odonata prime and concepts could always have been ready before the fall. 

    Hildryn Prime is workable. It's clear her larkspur was an orikin prototype into archguns, and Hildryn herself is clearly an experiment in shielding technology.


    Now let's think for a minute. None primes are mass-produced models created by (presumably) the lotus, with scaled down capabilities. So it stands to reason the originals, created by the orikin, would be primed and therefore more powerful


    and even then you have to consider the Imperator. It's been stated in its description that it is normally a gun mounted on ships. The grattler is an Anti Air weapon. So it stands to reason that the Larkspur prime might've been a pre-oldwar Spacecraft weapon

  4. 34 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Hey that's not half bad, but that's our competition so...*grabs pitchfork*

    Not for long with the way EA is selling it through all of those "deluxe packs," I doubt it'll last long

  5. 2 hours ago, YagoXiten said:

    Those of you arguing against a revert clearly didn't use the weapon before. The recent change was a nerf. The weapon feels awful to use now.

    Nope! I used it before the change and it sucked so hard that it pulled Lua through a straw. Now it's actually decent enough to use

  6. 32 minutes ago, TyrianMollusk said:

    I say this as a frequent staticor user who considers it my favorite and most-used secondary, possibly my favorite weapon in the game. 

    So you want them to make your favorite weapon in the game objectively worse?


    33 minutes ago, TyrianMollusk said:

      It was a fine weapon before.

    No, not really, it was quite a poor secondary weapon, that's why no one used it until the buff


    33 minutes ago, TyrianMollusk said:

      Please return it to its pre-buff state.  Please only return it to its prebuff state.

    So you want them to Nerf it? I thought nerfs were bad.

    Why not, instead of nerfing the weapon, they re-balance it? Or is that not what they already did when they boosted its AoE and literally nothing else?

  7. Rivens are predetermined items. From the moment you receive it from sortie/alert/trade the item inside is already determined. That's why opening it, and then save/lag scumming it won't reset it into a new item.

    So, since the kitguns bits aren't actually in the riven pool as of now, they won't drop from rivens currently in circulation. And when they do become released any riven obtained before that release will not drop them, again, because they're predetermined

  8. 4 minutes ago, Vanilla_nuka said:

    They delayed it originally because they were fixing bugs, but it seems pretty obvious it should have been delayed further. Its pretty sad when we receive new content, but for alot of people, its either not playable, or extremely buggy. I for one have had quite a few crashes after this latest update.


    Now I havent been around warframe too long, only a few months,

    Hi, welcome to warframe! You can hang your coat on that hook with the others, toilet is upstairs, punch is in the kitchen, and updates are normally a weekly thing.


    This is literally every content update. There will be bugs. There is no getting around it, that's just how it goes.

  9. 2 hours ago, AgentSkye said:

    I don't see anything about using feet exclusively, just about putting them to use. But maybe I failed to read between the lines.

    EDIT: Plus now that I think about it, exclusively using feet just seems silly. Pretty sure not even capoeira is exclusively feet.

    Feet, legs; tomato tomato. All i want is something like Gazalle from Kingsman, or Tomago from Big hero 6

  10. 8 minutes ago, AgentSkye said:

    Already have it, the category is called Sparring. Uses both fists and feet, unlike the Fists category (like Furax) which really only uses fists.

    Check out Kogake, Obex, and Hirudo.



    Negative there friendo, you said it yourself "the category is called Sparring. Uses both fists AND feet" Vs fists which solely use, well, fists. OP here is asking for Feet only, similar to the Fists category, but feet.

  11. The big reason the spawns tend to be so few is because, about 2-3 years ago, there was an issue going around where peoples computer cound't handle the spawns


    Old spawn rates were awesome, solo survival had the spawn rates of current 4 man surv.

    But it had to be cut back because some of the lower end toasters couldn't cut it.


    Just some history for you, my toaster runs this game at max with 140fps. BRING ON THE SPAWNS

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