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Posts posted by Brandr_

  1. 3 hours ago, Kainosh said:

    It has.  + 50% (flat) proc chance for 4 seconds on charge attack.   Its charged attacks have tons of force, sending enemies flying in space even if they survive.

    And it looks great.  That glowing ice is super sexy.

    Riven disposition is also very high. 


    Totally worth that cryotic.

    Jat kittag flings'em better, lesion statues them better, fragor prime does both

  2. 3 minutes ago, INight00 said:

    Comparatively... What of the Javlok?
    Needs 5 nitain, takes 24 hours for 4 separate nitain alerts.
    Minimum of 24 hours +4 for 5 nitain. But if you miss one, you're waiting longer.

    Passively farming, no one is going to do an excavation with the sole goal to get 30k cryotic, That stuff if a by product of farming for relics/ endo, completing missions.
    If you're argument is around continuous game-play, then maybe.
    Look at the crafting reqs for Vauban.

    Wraith and vandal weapons in the invasion system too. Took me three months to organically build a snipetron vandal.

  3. Personally, not a fan of how you colored the leg armor. I see how you're trying to add more color to the overall frame, but it comes off as a bit jarring with how bright the second layer of dark green is


    Maybe try a darker green? Also, I love what you're doing with the sigil

  4. 2 minutes ago, Lt_Hobo said:

    My sentence was stating that it's the number 1 weapon in the game that DE does not want you to get, not that it was a candidate for being one of the top weapons in the game. I was trying to say that it's so stupidly hard to get that it's almost like DE just doesn't want anyone to get it. I started the topic saying that it was a decent weapon and in no way out performing any other weapon. 

    So, I went back and looked at that sentence, and you worded it in a very strange way. So yeah, Hema, Detron, Hate, Lato/braton prime, and any vaulted weapons.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lt_Hobo said:


    You're completely ignoring the rest of that sentence.

    It literally has no redeeming qualities. You even admit, in the rest of that sentence, that it's one of the most difficult weapons to make in game

  6. 9 minutes ago, Lt_Hobo said:

    {This is by far one of the easiest candidates for the number one weapon in the game}

    Lol, wut?

    Thing only has a 15% crit chance, 2x mult, 10% status, and an attack speed of 1, thing sucks.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Sorise said:

    Or is the Juttni Brace jus better w/o the strike?

    Even w/ or w/o Virtuos Fury?

    What do Adarza Kavats usually go for these days?(Price Range)

    Has there ever been talks about Motorcycles in the plains from Devs?

    Has there ever been talk of better Archwing system in plains and better controls from Devs?

    I'd keep the lohrin, but toss fury, health and armoy mods could be more useful


    Don't buy the kavats, you got a 50/50 to get the one you want


    Yes, and it's a big negatory


    Yes, and no, Devs pretty much leave archwing as is anymore

  8. Good news, we don't need any of that!


    Even without a screen shot to see what the heck you're talking about, i know what it is


    Wait one week for the cyst to grow to max size, (a little tendril will start drifting out of it) then take that frame to the infested door in the back of your ship and it will both remove the cyst and make it so thta frame can never get it again

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