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Posts posted by Murderrrr

  1. For those how don't have their mods maxed out, and don't have a good amount of the higher conclave rated mods, yes.


    But since a few updates ago, I've found that 1800 isn't so bad, I can pull a 1800 Cosmic Specter out of any combination of weapons and warframes in my arsenal, I just have to remod them so they're all focused on 20+ conclave rated mods.


    Actually, the specter's conclave requirements do need to be lowered. After the wipe-out of ability mods, and the two ability slots it is rather hard to reach 1800. Prior to U15, my 2000+ conclave loadout is now barely under 1700. I am rather interested on what your loadout is for 1800, mind to post some photos? 

  2. I don't know if this has been changed permanently or still just a bug, but Nova's Anti-Matter drop doesn't absorb the right amount of damage. I suppose when the drop absorbs a certain amount of damage points, it resets to its base damage when detonated. This has been recurring for a month or two, hopefully there will be a fix to this.  

  3. Same issue but NO ONE seems to know the fix....I have a solid internet connection and a fairly good PC, after U15 it all went downhill. I cannot host without everyone getting dc'ed and having to re invite them. In most cases, i can't even host because it sends me back to the main menu due to the extremely long amount of time it had to attempt loading. 


    My ping also goes up to 200-400 during loading screens with an fps of 3-5. No idea why, probably because of the size of last update? I've noticed many others are having the same issue in forums, though most people in game seem to load fine. Prior to this update, it takes nearly seconds to process. Now it fluctuates between a whole minute. I seriously hope this problem is able to be fixed with a hotfix or some kind of update because this is starting to become a major malfunction in many players game. 

  4. I was in a interception, near the end of wave 3. Suddenly, a message from Lotus and Ordis saying that this mission is over. Which is clearly not since we just got 100% and had to kill off the remaining enemies. 


    I got Archwing mods that I needed as well....Then it suddenly failed me and never gave me it. What the heck is this?

  5. I just felt like posting my opinion on them, i just love them, first i thought that only two of them had been released. I discovered the other ones by chance browsing the market and i just couldn't resist and bought three of them. Frost, my favorite so far, Vor and Loki, i want an Oberon one now! and Saryn.

    I would buy them in real life too ; ).


    They are a great fun addition to the ships. Although, they can be very expensive if you choose to buy the whole set. 

  6. Today I did an ODD run with a friend, we both brought the warframe at lvl 9 and killed stuff until wave 30. we left at wave 30 and we only leveled from 9 to 11 despite all the kills and massive usage of skills we did....


    I remember leveling from 9 to 17 or more doing a wave 30 ODD run...


    Level 9 to 17?...With 30 Waves? Its most likely a glitch, and if it was really a scale down for exp, that is far beyond a major change.

  7. My warframe mastery level is now glitchy to where it will say you need 10,000 points then it will say 0 points needed and the numbers basically fluctuate randomly and doesn't show the progress bar for the mastery and i cannot rank up the mastery and now basically stuck on mastery level 4 and i have no idea whats going on or how to fix it. has this happen to anyone else and if so did stop and fix it self or did you figure out how to do so yourself? it would be greatly appreciated if this could be fixed very soon. I would like to be able to mastery rank up again soon haha. 


    This problem has been occurring since FOREVER! It rarely shows the right amount of exp towards other players, only to you. Although, since U15, it won't even show the exact amount for yourself. 

  8. U15 was over 1GB in size so you might want to optimize your download cache, that is what I did and other than a few lag spikes I haven't really seen any slow down. I'm not sure if it will help but it might be worth a try.


    Not exactly sure how you do that. Care to explain? 

  9. After U15, my game seems to load 10 times slower than it did before. The login screen now takes a bit to even respond. Nothing in my PC has changed prior and post U15. My ping goes up to 350-400 now during the ship loading screen. 


    Hoping this is some kind of bug/glitch that will be fixed in the near future.

  10. Back to greed... Look I just want to sell prime gear cheap. So what if I sell my stuff cheaper than you, and steal all your customers. Some of us could care less. We just want to sell something already. Not be outdone by people who POST MASSIVE THINGS OF THINGS... We can't even sell all the stuff those people sell. Deflation!? DEFLATION!? You speak of DEFLATION!? After all the rip offs going on in the market!? After all the customers I struggle to get a hold of because of everyone else!? I want to sell stuff too. I want to sell it cheap. Cheap sells, and makes people spend more. More is good.


    It will still cause some kind of deflation....If you want to sell your things cheap, then post it on the trading tab. Yeah, maybe it would take some time to sell but nothing comes easy. Maybe you don't care about the prices, but others will. On another note, its not GREED. Some people probably just want to make a couple more plat. There will always be plat-suckers, but that comes with the community. Rip-offs can be prevented, but it will happen nonetheless. 


        To modify the trade chat and keep it the way it is now, there would have to be slight tweaks to it. Instead of being restricted to a single trade chat, you may have various chats dedicated to certain item types. So you have your main trading tab on your chat menu. When you go to your market on your ship, you may access the full trading system. It gets split off into 7 tabs. The tabs are Unranked Mods, Fully Ranked Mods, Prime Blueprints, Prime Parts, Imprints, Keys and Regional Trade Chat. This way, you may still go to the main trade chat but it is now named Regional Trade Chat. This is for the people who are lazy and don't feel like using the easy way to buy or sell items in the dedicated tabs for ease of access. Now in the Regional Trade Chat the chat would have restrictions but not the average 2 minute post restriction. Instead it is now 1 minute and the rest of the channels are 30 seconds. Kickbot would also need a massive rework. It would have to have more trigger words added to the system that wouldn't kick the person from chat, but instead delete what they just said, move them to the correct channel and give them the option to repost what they just said.



    I agree that the current trading tab needs some rework but 7 tabs is quite excessive. Not to mention if you're in a clan and alliance, that would be an extra 2 and a total of 9 tabs altogether. I think there should just be two separate tabs, one for mods, and one for prime parts. Though, it would be nice to see it actually happening.... 

  12. I've seen many threads regarding these auction houses being a viable option in the trading section. In MY opinion, the current trading system we have now is fine and effective. Auction houses would only benefit the buyer, and most likely neglecting the seller. Prices for mods and pieces would decrease greatly in value due to the higher competition selling those items would be. Not to mention that everything will be easy access when all of it is on display. I'd love to see improvements on the current system as to a new one.  


    People that are in favor for this idea mention reasons like: 


                                           - Newer players won't get ripped off if there was an auction house


                                           - Easy to buy items


                                           - Fast trading


                                           - No communication


                                           - "Because I just don't like our current system"


    Firstly, new players can get price checks in the trading section if they don't know how much the item is worth. They got ripped off? Oh, how sad. Better luck next time! This isn't meant to offend anyone but the point is, that is how the Warframe economy works. Its not perfect, and neither is the one in real life. You learn from your mistakes and that is how new players gain more knowledge to continue with the game. I remember when i first started out Warframe, I was not familiar with the prices whatsoever and i bought a AMMO DRUM for 25p. Those things are worth nothing, I wouldn't even take one for free now because i have a hundreds of them sitting in my inventory. But should I be upset and go cry about it? Maybe a little upset, but we move on. Though, the trading community does have some plat sucking leeches. On the other hand, new players shouldn't really be buying things through the trading tab and are probably better off farming for a couple weapons and frames and/or also join a clan before they really start to trade. 


    Auction houses are good for some games, but that doesn't mean this one. Yes, I'd love to buy cheap rare mods/items but to think of it on a sellers point of view, then no. It would either cause inflation(which i highly doubt), or most likely deflation. Though, I'm just predicting the best scenario viable to this situation. Mods that sell for 10p, would probably deflate to 5p because of the amount of people selling it.


    Bottom line is, an auction house would cause deflation to many and almost every item in the game. Therefore, it is a bad idea. It would only benefit the buyers and not the sellers. And before anyone tries to label me as a filthy plat-sucker because i don't agree with auction houses, I'd beg to differ. I tend to buy instead of selling. I know my prices or i set a range on the item i want and buy it if its in range. Though, the 5-15p on the rarity of the item is selling is pretty nice. In addition, some people don't have much cash to afford on plat and sell items instead, but if auction houses became available, it would tarnish the thought. Rare items and mods won't actually be rare anymore because it is only a few clicks away from it being in your inventory, instead of spending some time looking for it or an alternative. 


    Again, everything above is MY opinion. I'd love to hear what other people have to say about it, and please put some actual information in, instead of posting "i hate the currently trading system, so change it". Because it doesn't help anyone understand why you like the current system or want a change. 


  13. why are you guys getting into this crazy marketing bussiness, there really should only be two possible answers 

    Yes and No


    Love warframe and want to support them?, give them some money, make sure this game never goes bankrupted, these are Accessories packs for crying out loud, they don't give any buff, but if you want to show the community your love for this game, show them how cool this armour is. (free advertising for those not sure if they want the armour or not).


    Player A: "But look at that stupid credit and exp booster, there is no point in that being there"


    well let me tell you a way to use this booster, the credit booster, I've personally got about 4 million Credits with this booster in about 9 days.

    use the super extra credits to max out mods like surration, redirection, Vitality and other hard to upgrade mods( cost about 500k Credits ) , sell them in the market for like 150-300p. BOOM!!! instant proffit, in 9 days. i could have already made 400$ worth of plat already.


    Exp booster?, don't you hate it when you are enjoying the game when suddenly, a NEW weapon comes out, but you already enjoy ur loadout of

    16 forma Boltor Prime, 16 Froma Brakk and 16 forma Dragon Ninkana while using that shiny 32 Forma Loki/ Rhino prime?, then quickly get that new weapon out of the way, with this exp booster, turn that 1 day ODD exp farming into a 30 min EXP farming at ODD, then be on ur way back to enjoying ur 48 hour t4 Survival Void run


    Argh...can't agree more! Though the profit part varies, because not many people have over thousands of R5 cores to max mods and resell them for plat. :P

  14. No, logically more people buy when something has options/cheaper.


    I know enough people with more common sense than money who just think this $50 a pop for a pack is getting silly - this is a game accessory right? You know I can buy a full released title for that same money?


    I just equate commonly seen values and question why something is so expensive, all you have to look at is the boosters and see how much more expensive they are making the packs - mostly cos it suits them. (DE)


    And don't even get me started on comparing the market available armour costs....


    Why start to compare in-game prices to others? That isn't a good idea considering every game is different, so the products offer different varieties. 

  15. Okay exclusivity I get it, but the price is over inflated due to extra boosters etc just slapped into the deal.


    Bare in mind that Armour took time to design etc, but the boosters/plat etc? That's just something DE can charge for nothing.


    When you buy a promo/pack/bundle etc, the idea is that when you purchase the whole lot there is some kind of discount occurring.


    Instead DE just pad out the pricing with plat/boosters which cost them nothing to ship out but cost us something to buy.


    Why would I want an armour set and a 90 day booster? Sell me the armour on it's own, no other tag ons for $$$ and i'll cough up my credit card right now...


    I really don't get where you're going with "thats just something DE can charge for nothing". Remember that this is just a game. Therefore, anything and im guessing everything doesnt cost DE a penny to make(correct me if im wrong). The frames/items are all designed by DE behind a computer. Maybe consider the fact that you might be the only one that don't need the boosters? Because I'm sure me and as well as other people would like more time to play, instead of buying a 7 day booster to grind as much exp in the time period as possible. 


    Also, if you don't like it....simply don't buy it. You make it sound like DE forces us to spit out money for overpriced items when its just optional. 

  16. $50 for an armour set, a pair of 90 days boosters (most of us never need need something that long) and a sugatra.


    Massively overpriced and shame on DE for not introducing this stuff into the drop table.


    Also the prime access deals lack logic, by buying the accessory pack along side the main Prime access costs more? Why is that?


    Oh yeah because they just bumped up the amount of plat you get instead of offering a cost saving....


    The point of it is to have exclusives to be only obtainable through prime access. If everything in prime access packs are farm-able, then DE would barely make any money. Reasons people buy these are either for the exclusives or instant access. 

  17. Noticed this today where my anti-matter drop wouldn't do as much damage as intended. Prior to the Nyx Prime update, Paris prime and the drop would go very well together but after the update it only does max 150 damage overall. Hope this is just a bug.

  18. We felt sorry for Nyx and shot at her bubble anyway ;-;


    Grineer looked at Nyx like WTF


    Hmmm. The size of the bubble seems like it doesn't affect the size of the bullet attractor because that stays the same. Just like the freezing snow from the snow globe. 

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