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Posts posted by Murderrrr

  1. Hey guys, my dog is already an adult and out of stasis and everything, but i cant see the earth mission where i can get the collar. Is it just a bug and do i need to get a new pet, or have i made a mistake somewhere? Pls help.


    You should have 'Howl of the Kubrow" quest. Though, if you have already bred once before then you don't need to re-do that mission to get the collar. 

  2. So the event nerf had some affect on my Nyx's absorb.......Still laughing about it.







     - - - UPDATE - - - 


    Tried it on Frost and was not disappointed.....








    And for the people who are wondering about Vauban's Bas, enjoy.... Lmao


  3. Do they? Do they really? Because I spent three months trying to get hold of a single Fang Prime blade from T3 defense, back when it was fifteen waves fixed, and didn't get a single one. I spent an equal amount of time trying to get a Dakra blade, which finally happened on christmas day last year.


    Do you think I felt a sense of accomplishment when I got them? Because the only thing I felt was relief that I didn't have to do that again. There is no privilege in wasting months failing to get a single part which is the only thing stopping you from building the weapon you want. There is only regret, frustration and a burning hatred for the system. I do not often tell people this, but your opinion is wrong. If you don't think I earned the right to be able to use both those weapons through three months of grinding and two mastery ranks, which did not GET me the items, then may you come to the attention of those in high places and may you live in interesting times.


    No opinion is wrong. Its what he thinks that would improve the game, and i actually agree with him on some parts. I do think that Prime parts should be somewhat 'harder' to get. Probably im just lucky but about 5/10 T4 Survivals i do, i usually get the Loki Prime Helmet and that includes when it was freshly released. Prime frames/weapons are probably a bit too easy to obtain, and of course if you arent able to or tired of farming for the same part, theres always the trading tab.


    Especially when specific prime frames and weapons are older in the game, they are so easy to get and dirt cheap in the market because of their frequency in rewards. An example is the Mag Prime, the whole entire set usually goes for 10-20p. I mean, for a prime frame that costs quite a lot of money when it was first released to now dirt cheap. And because the fact that you can actually see where the parts drop makes it much easier. I just think that Prime Weapons or Frames should remain in higher value even after some time it has been released.


    I farmed most of my Prime Frames/Weapons as well as many others but lots of them arent even valuable or rare anymore. I'd like to actually feel like i have a rare frame that not most of the population has.


    But anyways, that was just an idea. I'm fine with the current system as of now. 

  4. Well I was counting on the event starting (if there was one) last night.  Many of us have to work during the day leaving only the evening to play.


    In my particular case I will be travelling Friday night, gone Saturday, Sunday and returning Monday evening.


    While I don't think I'll have any problem achieving 3000 points, I just think that there are folks in similar situations as myself who'd prefer not to grind everything out in one evening.


    Of course, for those of you who don't work during the day, or have the whole weekend dedicated to gaming this isn't a problem, but for folks like me it's all compressed to tonight and Tuesday night.


    It's really more of an issue of the patch actually being released Thursday morning and having the event end exactly 1 week after.  I feel it would be more fitting.


    Well thats what makes rewards in events more exclusive. You miss it, you lose it. 

  5. careful maybe but so annoying- youre totally shut down if you cant invite and you may miss offers in chat that you want if your offline or something. A new trading system would be much more accommodating. i dont see how you can prefer the current system 


    Its hard to satisfy everyone but like the other guy said, i'm also happy with the current trading system as of now. Please correct me if im wrong, so you want people to put listings of their things and make it similar to the market? I really don't get the point of doing that, that would either make the prices of items raise much higher or decrease dirt low because people would want to sell it cheaper than the person above them....And it would decrease the value of many rare items. The trading chat section is there because some items are in high demand and not always laying around, if theres an auction house, basically any mod/prime part would be obtainable without spending some time looking for it. It kills the hype of a new rare part/mod and the value. 


    Also, its really not 'awkward' at all to trade and you can calculate your credits before you even trade. If you have like 5k creds, you should already know you can buy a rare mod because you'd need 3k more creds. Although i'd like to see some improvement on the trading chat section, I'd rather have it stay the way it is now than to have some sort of auction house/market.

  6. I consider my prime laser to be quite useful but the frustrating part is that it automatically un-equips away my mod without even telling me when the same mod is equipped in my primary. The mod is still there, but the conclave points of those specific mods are gone. I'm not sure is the damage is affected by it yet. 


    First off let me by saying i do have two of the same mods, maxed and ready to use for both my sentinel and primary. I just find it hard to organize when I try to use a different loadout but the same mod still affects my prime laser. Its hard for me to explain, but ill try to put it as clear as possible. When I have two of the same exact mods, i can have either of them equipped on my primary and laser rifle. I know there is a Message saying that you cannot same the same mod equipped on both weapons, but i have different loadouts and i sometimes don't even use my sentinel.


    When i try out new primary's i tend to not bring a sentinel with me just so it wont inflict any damage when i'm trying out a new gun. So therefore, when i equip mods on that primary, one of the two mods will get distributed in the primary that may or may not be equipped in the prime laser...So what I want to suggest is to make another mod category for sentinel weapons since they share the same mods with primaries. Or just another category to put separate mods in, so i know which one goes into my sentinel weapon and my primaries. 


    I know someone will say "Well why don't you just equip your sentinel while you put on mods?", the bottom line is that it would make it so much easier to organize mods if there was another category/space to manually put mods into. That way people can store the mods they want on their sentinel weapon without having different loadouts being mixed up. Don't know if this even made sense, but its worth a try! :)



  7. Yep and I'm also in the school of players that have no problem with them. You know, because I do my best to avoid them and succeed most of the time. if I get hit its my fault.

    My point still stands.

    OPs only argument is "now I can't get to waves in defence that are past what the game is balanced for". Its not valid in any sense.

    The solution: stop playing, make sure everyone knows about it and QQ till my eyes bleed.

    I'm done here. I don't wish to be drawn into the vortex or be around when things start getting hostile.

    Everyone is repeating each other anyway. Evidently we wont come to an agreement.

    Your energy drains no matter if you get hit or not.

  8. Irrelevent. Aniceints are easy to avoid and slow, we are fast.

    Also, ever heard of CC abilities?


    Not when they leech you and poison you. 

    Also, ever heard of energy drainers? 

  9. I believe the hate that I mentioned proves that wrong.


    Well since you guys are referring to ODD so much, lets take that on a scenario. During high waves, theres isnt just a few ancients, they are among hundreds of other infested units. A simple 3 hits might sound easy to ONE target, but try that on every one, not to mention that ammo doesn't guarantee to drop and also the fact that they can defend themselves. By the time you even get half of them down, the pod is already gone.

  10. Again, you ruined the joke...


    That's why you got melee weapons. 


    Whatever godly arrangement you have with your melee, your primary is still your best bet to do the most damage especially is high difficulty enemy levels. 

  11. Oh! I didnt realize you were one of those people who stand on ledges on ODD alone....... That explains why you keep running out of ammo.. Maybe you should pick your targets, jump in for melee and and use your secondary..  But hey, whatever floats your boat!


    Why does everyone refer to ODD? Running out of ammo can be elsewhere, not just ODD. Maybe you should think outside the box. But hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

  12. *sighs so much that I end up breathing fire*

    The fact is that the weapons are insanely powerful. 

    Your reasoning behind bringing it up is that "i don't want to go down there and get some ammo". That is lazy talk.

    Oh you're going to die?


    Well that's what your team mates are for.


    Sorry but not everyone brings a Launcher to ODD where there is a central place for ammo. Launchers can be used in Survivals and regular missions as well and enemies don't guarantee a sniper ammo drop especially for a capacity of 20.

  13. I can't believe all the braindead complaining about this...


    GRENADE LAUNCHERS CAN'T HAVE 500+ AMMO, ITS JUST RIDICULOUS accept it! accept a freaking challenge!


    What the hell do you all want?! a weapon that shoots flaming weapons with swords attactched to those weapons that at the same time shoot lasers from their tips?! face it! it was ridiculous, this kind of changes make the game smarter and better, complaining about this is just dumb not even in Saints row the third and iv (the most ridiculous games ever) launchers had so much ammo, they even had VERY LOW ammo, can you imagine that? not even in a mindless satirical game launchers have a lot of ammo, thats how ridiculous it was that in this game, which pretends to be a little, at least a little more serious grenade launchers had 500+ ammo, it was nonsense, and GAMEBREAKING.


    For effing sakes. YES, everyone knows the 540 pool was too huge and expected a nerf some time, but now its down to a TWENTY pool. You should probably take the time to read the OP before replying. 


    I really enjoyed playing this game back in U7.5, but since then my fun went down the hill...

    I recognize that having 500+ ammo in my penta, even having 200+ of ogris is way too much, but reducing it to below 100 simply defeats the whole idea of having it, or even of reaching the higher mastery ranks.


  14. I forgot how hard it is for launcher users to press W.


    Not about pressing W, the fact is that Sniper ammo's don't drop as often as you think. Also, missions aren't like ODD where you can just gather ammo in one central place. 20 is just too low of a number, I don't want to make a hundred of ammo restores if I'm planning to stay a while in Survivals/Defenses. 

  15. I expected the nerf to be somewhat half the ammo, around 100-300. But from 520 to 20?...That is way too drastic of a change to even begin with.


    Yes, I am aware that these launchers are quite powerful within each shot but there is an extent to where you nerf weapons and 20 is way past the breaking point. I do agree that the 520 ammo was very excessive because i never had to worry about my ammo but yet ammo becomes a big deal in regular missions when enemies don't travel in groups like they do in survivals/defenses. Not to mention that sniper ammo don't drop very often either.


    My suggestion is to at least bump the ammo up towards 50-100? This 96% ammo reduction is definitely too extreme.

  16. This happens so commonly that it irritates me. Going to high levels on an ODD or a survival hoping for that big bonus exp at the end when suddenly the host disconnects and we lose all that bonus. Shouldn't we be able to at least get the bonus exp we deserve when the host unknowingly disconnects? 

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