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Posts posted by Grittle

  1. Well, in-game lore says they see corruption all around them, not that they want to kill everyone. So, untill Devs will add something else, what I wrote is correct. 

    Yes, But what do the Red Veil believe is Corrupted? 


    It could be you, It could me, It could be poor old miss Granny down the street


    Nobody is Safe.....

  2. Probably because the peace New Loka wants doesn't include freaks like Grineer (Steel Meridian boss is a Grineer), and Perrin Sequence, as I wrote, is nothing more then peacefull Corpus, so a part of the problem itself.

    Then again, the New loka wants to cleanse Earth of Grineer before repopulation. so that wouldn't fit too welll with steel meridian, even if those Grineer are renegades....

  3. "RED VEIL

    Red Veil, putting it blatantly, believes that a giant, sweeping revolution of bloodshed and genocide will save the solar system.


    ......overall Communism"


    what is wrong with you OP ?

    Well, every communist takeover in the 20th century was usually a single, giant purge of all who was deemed "corrupted" (I.E: Politicians, CEOs, Bankers, People who had it better than you, ect.) and to start a new government that was "Supposed" to be corrupted-free and equal to all.


    Fact that they were under Red Flags was just a cherry on top.

  4. They are two different kind of 'masters'. An Arbiter is a magister, Sargas Ruk is a dominus. It's not my fault if English is so simple and have one word for different meanings. 

    What I was saying that just because someone said a species in a third-person form doesn't necessarily mean that they are not the said species. Sargus Ruk being an example of him saying "Grineer are your master" when he could have just said "We are your Master" or "I am your Master" 

  5. Im going to cut right into the chase and tell you, in my opinion, the supposed philosophies of these syndicates.



    This Syndicates shows a small band of renegade Grineer fighting a large foe for the small, defenseless colonies in the solar system.


    Ideology Wise, People would choose this syndicate if they believe that a small band of super-powered "heroes" like the Avengers will benefit the solar system, basically Vigilantism.



    This Syndicate is all about how the Tenno should form their own government and be a shining example t the rest of the solar system of what Tenno is really is. Backed by the fact that the Arbiters are Tenno themselves, saying that "we can overcome our former masters" or something by that. I cannot think of any Ideology that this philosophy matches except for the Isolationism of Ancient Japan and Industrial Revolution America, being seemingly great empires from other countries' perspectives.


    ​Ideology Wise, People would choose this syndicate if they believe the Tenno forming their own empire and Isolationism would help the Solar System the Most.



    This Syndicate is the belief that Information is power, which I personally believe is true, based on how Suda has a seemingly permanent hunger of Knowledge.


    ​Ideology Wise, People would choose this syndicate if they believe that an Oligarchy, or a Government that only a select few very intelligent beings control the country, will benefit the solar system.



    Simply put, this syndicate is like the Corpus, except not as greedy and violent and full of philanthropists.


    Ideology Wise, People would choose this syndicate if they believe Capitalism and a Free Market will benefit the solar system,



    Red Veil, putting it blatantly, believes that a giant, sweeping revolution of bloodshed and genocide will save the solar system. Historically, the mass revolutions of the 20th century world is by under 3 flags: Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Mao's China. All of them having red as their main color. and all 3 ended up leaving millions dead. Sorry if I was being harsh about this, but it is the truth.


    Ideology Wise, People would choose this syndicate if they believe a mass, armed revolution and overall Communism will save the solar system.



    This is the most religious syndicate and I will prove it. In the Bible, specifically Exodus, the Jews, under the leadership of Moses, traveled through the desert to find the Holy land that they abandoned so many years ago because of Invaders and Famine: Canaan, or Israel. Now, the New Loka are Pure Humans, Searching through space and stars to find their original home of Earth, where they were forced to abandon because of Grineer.


    Ideology Wise, People would choose this syndicate if they believe that helping a group of people reach their long abandoned home would help the solar system somehow.


    Now, These are all from my perspective, and yours could be different. But think of this as a foundation of choosing your syndicate if you choose because of your Ideology.

  6. GD didn't win because it happened almost 1 entire year ago. A lot of people didn't play back than. Of course the latest halfway good event was going to win.




    Gradivus, Gradivus Dilemma all the way.

    The quarreling between Sargas and Alad V never got boring somehow.

    And omfg, that event had some lore at least! The most of it so far.


    And as I said dozens of times before: I am still waiting for something similar.




    Cryotic front introduced a nice new mode... a really nice new mode. But that's it.

    Cryotic front had exactly 0 lore.

    It was a joke. a frikkin. joke.


    Jarate was a joke for TF2


    and Pandoria for WoW....

  7. Aren't indoctrination temples the fancy politically correct Corpus term for the slammer?

    Most likely


    even then, why would the Corpus be forcing their hard-earned paying customers to become even more competition?


    Just keep the Corpus to the normal human reproduction. I really want for that to stay.


    no need for some other gimmicky way of reproducing in this galaxy...

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