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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Suggestion to everyone having crashes:

    Even though after recent updates launcher got updated and performed one of those cache checks, do another one by going into the launcher options. That seemed to fixed my driver crashes so far, played for like 3 hours with no crashes. (did not try to turn on PhysX though). Or maybe it was just luck

    After 2 days of gaming with no crashes it crashed again in a same way... Drivers stopped working, warframe is not responding and I can hear some leftover looping sound from it too.

  2. This isn't really a priority, but I was wondering what sort of VFX might be getting worked on...


    PhysX related effects like cloth dynamics for Frost and Trinity, Fluids for the Void and other maps, procedural destruction, and maybe some added persistent turbulence effects for certain abilities (since most of them use the PhysX Apex for the initial move, but tend to fade after it's spent)? Kinda hoping for World on Fire creating generated turbulence pouring off Ember during it's duration, or Vauban's Vortex sucking up the water from the pools in the Tower, etc...


    Also, maybe some pimping of the DX11 features, like Bokeh DoF (for a cinematic effect), object-based motion blur, and tessellation?


    Been playing a lot of Hawken and Metro:LL...kinda got spoiled :)


    Yes please YES. I've been thinking about Cloth especially and I think it should be high in the priority list. Cloth effects are every necessary for various abilities (to make the feel of vibration or force) and for environments such as those outdoor sandstorms they were talking about in the livestream.

  3. Suggestion to everyone having crashes:

    Even though after recent updates launcher got updated and performed one of those cache checks, do another one by going into the launcher options. That seemed to fixed my driver crashes so far, played for like 3 hours with no crashes. (did not try to turn on PhysX though). Or maybe it was just luck

  4. What are your system specs?

    Windows 7 64bit

    Intel Core i5 3570 (stays at low temp, 55C-60C max I think)

    GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1Gb (stays cool too, framerate is very clean and high at maxed settings and temp never goes above 50C)

    8 Gb RAM

    600 W power supply http://www.chieftec.eu/en/psus/smart-series/gps-600a8.html

    EDIT: still having crashes. I see no crash report window probably because the game has crashed but still open in the not responding state, maybe I'll get the crash ID sometime but I don't feel like playing again just because I know i'll lose my mission rewards and such...

    Your help is much appreciated!

  5. We will be doing some comparisons between driver versions across both GPUs. If this is in fact the appropriate workaround then I suggest others try to do the same. I have noticed some issues with performance when running games using the 320.18 drivers on my home PC so there is a chance that this could be the culprit.


    Please let me know if anyone else has the same results.

    GTX 650 Ti, 320.18 drivers, WAR-58239 crash ID. I don't know what kind of ID had my older crashes, but for some reason today after one of those crashes occured, I couldn't play for 5 minutes after restart without the very same crash, so in other words it somehow got Insanely frequent even though I did not change anything today.

    (sorry I don't know the code to fix the coloring of the text)

  6. Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


    Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.

    This and many other whiny posts: this is NOT wow or any other usual mmo, this game is not meant to be that hardcore. You're supposed to have fun with all the different frames while playing with your friends for example. Stop crying about such things or just go somewhere else. Why can't you just stop trying to achieve the VERY PERFECT BEST FLAWLESS dps or survivability in any situation when you can still be good enough in a pve game with any frame as long as you feel good while using it. 

  7. the CTD bug is being fixed. So you mean they already know what's the problem and we'll see a hotfix in like 15 mins or we should expect it on Friday or something? Just wanna know if I have to stay up for a little more or just go to sleep already.

  8. the same as the last one. several lockers were removed from some rooms. on grineer ships, the other hidden vent room with the hole in the ceiling has 2 lockers instead of 4, and some of the small closet siderooms also had their number of lockers reduced


    ...not my fault you guys don't have a memory track

    why don't you just explain things in the OP itself rather than doing this so late.

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