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Posts posted by HitPointPredator

  1. 20 ammo? Seriously? At least make it 50 or something. Also, why is torid decreased to 20 ammo as well?? That's very little considering what kind of weapon it is. It doesn't deal a lot of damage compared to ogris or penta so it requires stacking multiple shots. It should definitely have more ammo than 20... Those are some extreme changes.


    Torid was obviously OP. Everyone was using it and it was the most used weapons for long-run T4 survivals. /sarcasm


    Torid definitely deserve to get more buffs to counter that insane ammo nerf and adding critical strikes to the cloud isn't my solution to buffs.

    I would further increase the size of the cloud, buff Torid's firerate, buff reload speed and perhaps buff the cloud's dps further. Low crit chances aren't a buff. 

  2. My problem with RNG isn't the RNG itself, it is the fact that you can play days worth of hours and still not get rewarded.

    I don't mind the RNG and grind, but if I don't get rewarded at the end of trying my best at getting something, then something is wrong.

  3. Torid needs ammo to be useful. That ammo nerf is going to make it even less "useful" than before.

    If you are going to hit its ammo pool that hard, then at least buff it to "useful" first.

  4. -Unwanted Kubrow Removal-

    I wouldn't mind a button that set your Kubrow free. Of course, it being an unstable clone would mean that it will face its demise soon enough when free, but at least it can live out the rest of its days in nature, rather than in a small glass sphere in your ship.


    -Friendship Doors-

    These doors are the only thing stopping pro-elite-cool players from rushing ahead and completing the mission without the other players having so much of a hint of what just happened. I want them to stay. Heck, I wouldn't mind MORE ways to stop rushers. 

    The doors themselves could, on the other hand, be turned into those defense doors from Suspicious Shipments. 


    -Kick-vote Option-

    I want this and I also don't want this. It would be a nice addition to have since the amount of afk players have increased massively and there is still the occasional griefer.

    On the other hands, the vote kick would be abused by players who deem the player "useless" or whatever. Or friends playing together and just kick the living S#&$ outta everyone that join. Not cool at all.


    -Auction House-

    Yes. Trading as it is now is really frustrating. 

    Need to spam chat in order to get someone's attention. Decide on price. Either try to join other player dojo or your own. Doing all this while fighting server crashes, player disconnections and things like Strict NAT.. absolutely mental.


    -Hallowed Ground-

    It should be focusing on Utility. The best case would be if enemies get debuffs while allies get buffs while inside its area of effect.



    Its both slow and underwhelming. It takes a while for the heal to reach a player in need and when it finally reach the player, the heal is awkwardly slow and won't matter much in the end. 

  5. The damage got changed in Damage 2,0 to blast. Blast only deal increased damage to machines and Infested Ancients.


    EDIT: Have you checked if you got an Extinguished Dragon key equipped?

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