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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 3 hours ago, SpencerPriest said:

    I just showed you a picture that states it comes with plat... idk why you're arguing something you can see with your own eyes.

    Regional pricing may be different, i don't get that, but if its a common practice fine, I'll assume its because different currencies, idk much about that as I only use USD, so I'm ignorant in that regard...

    The xbox pack DOES come with plat... i have bought it before... that's typically the time I buy plat... I wait for packs and buy them to get plat... so imagine seeing that on xbox, and then shifting to PC and not knowing the PC version doesn't come with plat... if this is a regular thing for PC, fine... but it needs to change now in some way. Either a. they need to label that its exclusive to a console, but even then there could be some issues, but at least they've covered their bases by naming it in a way that tells people its different in some way... or b. they need to make the packs have the exact same items between each console... the prime packs should all have the exact same items, period... there is absolutely no reason not to. The only reason I could see someone doing this intentionally is to try and get more money out of people like me who don't realize this and then try to buy it again on another console, which i don't think is the case because as far as I know its one prime pack per account, or someone wants people to buy from them exclusively so they try to entice you with platinum, which would mean xbox blundered not DE, but then DE would still have to burden some blame for not noticing it sooner and working things out with xbox so something liek this doesn't happen... thats why i think it was just an oversight from before cross save and am not really blaming them... I'm disappointed, but everyone makes mistakes... But I'm bringing it to their attention so they can fix it, and more importantly so others know that is a thing to be weary of until it DOES get fixed...

    Consoles come with plat as they only have 2 options for Prime access....Frame guns and Accessories and plat, or just accessories and plat. PC has NEVER had plat on Accessories only and is thus cheaper than console because of that...at least it was when i bought mesa prime on switch years ago. Dont have the switch now so cant comment on any changes since then, if any.

    The reason that consoles are different is due to Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo being how they operate. Same reason for Console bound Tennogen and PC bound Tennogen.

  2. 1 hour ago, Zahnny said:

    Though...given the existance of Incarnons that's also a downside if it adds an Alt Fire mode.

    then they can change how incarnons are activated....its not like we are limited to JUST alt fire only...zoom + alt fire or aim glide + alt fire or double jump + aim glide + alt fire (oh NOOOO ...something we already do with exodia contagion, except no alt fire lol)

    • Like 4
  3. On 2024-03-27 at 10:01 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    Melee Finisher Improvements

    Melee Finishers have been updated to standardize Finisher eligibility across enemies and weapons. Previously, if an enemy did not have a finisher animation prepared for a certain weapon type, then players would not be able to perform that specific Finisher on them. We have added default animations for all weapon types to prevent this restriction, meaning all enemies* should now be eligible for every type of finisher.

    • Also added a new VFX to showcase when an enemy is open to Finishers. You will still need to get into proper position to execute the finisher with this VFX active!
      • This includes finisher openings created by Warframe abilities (ex: Inaros Desiccation) and Ground Finishers. 
    • *Flying enemies (Corpus Ospreys, The Anatomizer, etc.) are still ineligible for Melee Finishers with this change.
    • Added new unique Mercy Finishers to the Hollow Vein, Severed Warden, The Anatomizer, Lumbering Fragment, and Shuffling Fragment enemies! Each with their own custom animations to really stick it to the Murmur in style. 
      • The context action to perform a Finisher on the airborn Murmur enemies (The Anatomizer and The Severed Warden) are not anchored to their bodies and will instead appear on the HUD when you are within radius of them. This is an experimental approach into finding ways to include Finishers on other airborne enemies in the future. 

    Can we PLEASE!!!!! get an option to change the mercy button? I want to go on mercy sprees and having the option bound to USE is just nuts with all the other stuff we USE in missions (like specter Hold and Follow....or activating life support on accident....)

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Aerikx said:

    A Calavero store is essentially selling a fully upgraded and ready to go Incarnon Weapon. 

    then make it JUST the adapter then....we still need the weapon itself after all. If we need to get the reosurces, then fine. But im tired of not having the time, energy, or Will to WANT to do the incarnon grind twice a week (in the event i decide to ever go the pub route) for 35-40 incarnons over the course of who knows how many months.

    its a PVE game...i could care less about other players whining about "pay to skip" when that is literally what the game is about for those who have other means of "playing" the game without having the time to play the game. If that was the case...Foundry wouldnt have plat to rush builds, or Helminth for subsumes.

    • Like 2
  5. 41 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    The shop was just to test the waters of selling adapters for platinum and only on that one week rotation (which was added post-duviri). I'm not sure why they left it as-is. Obviously people will want to spend platinum to bypass the time-gating. We've really gotten no word if that will be expanded or if any future adapters will have this acquisition method.

    ah ok. Well hopefully they will look back into it. Id much rather spend the plat then grind for hours for a single incarnon. My job can easily get me all the incarnons in plat in 2 or 3 hours of work vs 20-30 hours of grinding....or more

  6. Did DE ever give a reason on WHY his shop doesnt rotate like every other shop does?

    I do not have the time to grind to rank 5 (and forget about rank 10.) EVERY week for just ONE of the 5 choices each week. (I dont do pugs and my clan is more or less dead, thus stuck with Solo, which works well for the most part for me due to time constraints *work lol*)

    and THEN having to grind the resources needed (I took a break from warframe right before duviri dropped...came back with Whispers) for hours at a time is just as rough. (not too bad as ive been spending much more time in duviri...but still)

    grinding for decrees is fun, even if pointless past the story and getting maxed outside of SP. Would love to be able to go into SC with maxed decrees solo after doing the story part.

  7. 4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Tenno will gain access to KAHL’S GARRISON, a new Syndicate located in the Drifter’s Camp on Earth

    i get wanting to make use of new areas....but have you thought of also including Him in Iron Wake...you know, the GRINEER camp? i really dont want any grineer near my Camp haahah. This also helps people who dont want to use Drifters Camp and want to stay in the Orbiter full time.

    • Like 5
  8. 55 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Mesa’s Ballistic Battery Changes: 

    • Increased maximum stored damage from 1.6k to 5k.  
    • Changed the casting animation to be only upper body and use one hand. 
      • This allows casting to be done without interrupting shooting. 
    • Changed damage accumulation to be shown as a buff indicator instead of % on ability. 
      • The refresh buff indication now calls out ‘Ballistic Battery’ outright and uses its ability icon while accumulating. 
    • Mesa now has the ability to use Ballistic Battery during Peacemaker. 
    • Buff indicator refreshes when the shot is fully charged. 

    meh...still will always be helminthed out....until its changed to a DURATION ability like the rest of her kit, its stil la waste of a slot.

    • Like 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Primary/Secondary Merciless Arcane: Removed its +100% Ammo Maximum bonus. 

    im sorry but THIS is messed up.

    I use it with the Ambassador BECAUSE of its rather low ammo cap when using the Alt Fire....so now that i HAVE to run some kind of ammo mutation is ridiculous.

    • Like 22
  10. ok cool...so can we get a hold to melee option now? so tired of HAVING to resort to using a Logitech (G605 and G600 mice) macro to melee and not hurt my fingers.....same for semi auto weapons....there are a few that ARE a pain to use that are semi auto only that automatic or burst fie helps a ton with.

    accessibility and all that jazz yeah?

    • Like 5
  11. I just want to know WHEN, NOT IF, we will ever get the ability to do Eidolons WHENEVER we want. its insane we can do 99% of everything else whenever we want, except for scanning plants for the Earth specter fights and Eidolons.....I cant wait until night for these due to real life.

    New War would have been a perfect means of giving a lore reason, like all the Sentient Activity made it so we dont have to wait for night on system time and can run the bounty whenever.

  12. 53 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


    A version of the Mutalist Cernos Bow, each arrow spawns a swarm of sticky appendages on impact. These tongue-like probes latch onto nearby unfortunates and drag them close before bursting into a mess of diseased goo.

    *Acquire the Blueprint for the Proboscis Cernos from the Market.

    FOR THE LOVE OF AMMO....if your going to have such low ammo counts MAKE ARROW MUTATION INNATE!!!! 9 shots and that is it...really.......

    could you also increase the grab range of the arrow? its rather small.

    I also want to say THANK YOU for adding acolytes (bosses) to SP...especially Survival :D makes it SOOOO much more enjoyable....now to update the NORMAL survival PLEASE.

    • Like 5
  13. nope, your over a year and a half to late sadly. though there are rumors of cross saving eventually being looked in to. ( as it well should be as there is no excuse to NOT have it as so many games out there already do that are multiplayer. but i understand that this can take time)

  14. 26 minutes ago, Drasiel said:

    This is what makes elemental mods grossly supperior to IPS mods. IPS mods only add a percentage of whichever damage type they are. So a 60% slash mod only calculates off the listed slash damage, if the weapon had no slash it adds zero damage. 

    make me wish IPS mods acted like elemental mods then. then i could add slash/impact/puncture to weapons that DONT have them.

  15. Ivara with a high range build, concentrated arrow (artemis bow augment that has aoe explosive arrows on headshot hit) and prowl....rewards precision AND has an aoe. though she isnt too tanky

    with hunter munitions for slash procs and viral build on artemis can be good (viral increases the damage done to health up to 10 stacks)

  16. it was a change as many people were using limbo to "trivialize" the ground event. DE decided to add a NERF to limbo (yes it is a nerf) so that sentients adapt to the void rift and make it immune in later waves (i think that part is a bug tbh), as i thought that it was meant to at least make it so that stasis only lasted a couple seconds at later waves. I want to say it was about 3 weeks ago give or take a week.

  17. there is a toggle to flip the effect....BUT DE REALLY needs to make it so that ALL frames that have the cycle either tap to cast or hold to cast...not a mix (Ivara for example make sense to have hold to cast (bow abilities after all) but vauban is tap to cast due to his mines...personally it should be on the frame options themselves, not under global options.

    • Like 7
  18. well, when an event is active it DOUBLES the current range...so if you have a booster already going, then you are getting x4 the affinity. or credits if you also have a cred booster going and a cred event is active.

    and IIRC if you get the smeeta affinity buff, that is 2x2x2 (thus 8x affinity if my stacking is right)

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