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Posts posted by Gen.KiTeer

  1. you know what is peculiar about humans? it's that they use social interactions to get benefit. they go all nice to their social circle and once they are best in that circle they go to the higher circle shouting "see ya sukcers" to the circle they've been to. and try to be nice kind and righteous but all of this is to get benefits that will take one's ego even higher. humans are a truly worst race of all races human ever created in fiction. because they cant be one of them.

    It's sad.

  2. Who gives a damn about shield polarize? We can kill mobs anyway, we dont need mag's damage. We need mag's pull tho, because running round like headless chickens to pick up 100 nano spores and a Slip Magazine is $&*&*#(%&.

    I don't even need the energy drops, I have hundreds of Large ER, Ammo R, etc. But you are slapping the newer players right in the face.

    Mag will still be used the same in void for picking up air drops, Mesa will still own Draco, nothing will change,  just things will be more tedious. 

    It's funny how ppl seem to have forgotten what mag was all about.

    Mag is Crowd Control! If you didn't notice, mag's pull has another use aswell, it renders enemies unable to fight. same for her 4 ability.


    Every Frame has it's use.

    But with Greedy Pull mag was just Abused.



    Also one important thing, the whole concept of energy, health, ammo and ressources dropping from enemies and having to pick them up is to make players move around and keep the game fast paced.

    Greedy pull was making ppl do exactly the opposite. it made ppl stand in one place while they could watch tv in the mean time.. thats not how you play a game honestly.

  3. are you born yesterday? it's what this whole world about- twisting words into own benefit


    want example? watch "Babylon 5"

    i know it is.. but it still doesn't make it right, nor should we just accept it. People need to change their mind set.

    We are able to explore space but we are still too dumb to interact on a fair basis with eachother.

    Look at youtube comments. it's the very bottom of human social interaction.

  4. Fine, I forgot that it makes a lot of sense to run around in a defense or survival mission. It's much more fun to get killed while running out of the cryopod area to get some ammo. Yeah, you're right. I'm always really excited of that kind of fun.

    Thanks for reminding me of the annoying behavior of people who run around, killing selfish for their own xp instead of hold the line with the team and share xp or at least be near if somebody of the squad dies.

    are you @(*()$ serious? you are twisting my words.

    That is not what i meant!

    What is wrong with all game's communities?!


    To be more clear:

    Even in defensive style missions you don't need to stand frozen in one place pressing one button.

    Moving around and using the environment is the way to go. If you die when you move away from the pod to get ammo you are playing wrong lol.


    I'm so tired of these kids trying to tell me how to play warframe. i've done everything.



    Reading that ridiculous reply again, i'm starting to think that all the ppl who complain about greedy pull change are actually too dumb to play normal. because they would die.

  5. Now it's "Hosting Draco, need Mesa and Trinity or Limbo"

    trinity and mesa dont work very well together, and thats good, endless mesa spam is a bad thing.


    Whatever.. ppl won't get it anyways, DE is not trying hard to remove fun, they are actually trying to fix these no-brain-no-moving-farm to IMPROVE the fun for us.


    I did the greedy pull thing with mesa and stuff myself.. and it really is just a boring way to accomplish anything.

    Yes it was efficient, but i am glad it's gone.


    Warframe is so much more than just standing in one place, pressing one button.

  6. I like the update and the Greedy Pull nerf was needed so much.

    Complainers gonna complain though, but it was the right thing to do.

    Mag has a lot of other uses.

    If you dont believe me, watch mogamu's video about the trial where he was playing mag. Mag is a nice CC-Frame and for all you

    "DE-removed-Coop"-whiners, it works even better in combination with MPrime.

    Greedy pull is just one ability and it was abused af!

    Mag can be used for many other things. stop the whining and move on.

  7. Yep kubrows are much more expensive than they should be. The degeneration process is totally out of any point here.

    At least they should recover in stasis

    While I don't really agree with you about it being too expensive, i really like the idea of them recovering in stasis. 

  8. I have started a Boycott in the Oculous relay due to the fact of how expensive the new skana is. It has twice the crit chance up to 20%, but it has less overall damage, making it still a terrible weapon. LOWER THE PRICE DE! that is one overpriced glammy piece of junk. I will be the first in line to get it if the price is lowered, It looks cool, but the stats are just too low to waste that much on. even if I am desperate for mastery. PLEASE SUPPORT BY LIKING M8 AND PARTICIPATE IN THE BOYCOTT!

    Are you really serious?

    If you don't like it then don't buy it, it is that easy!

  9. You don´t need to use a stabilizer every single day.


    "Assuming players only use stabilizers when their Kubrow's health has degraded by 40%, a pack of six stabilizers should last 24 days"


    That's only 75k credits every 24 days, it's really not that bad.

  10. -snip-


    This "mute" function we have now is a joke, it only silences audio. It needs a proper toggle (that also affects comms popup) between:


    -all lines

    -only notifications (mail, foundry etc)




    First two options should also make sure his quest lines are enabled.


    I think this is a very good idea, except quest lines should always be on, bc otherwise darvo and lotus would talk with themselves wich would be a little weird.

  11. TWO GRAKATA!!!


    AKBoar Prime D:


    But yes, i could imagine them designing a complete new weapon similar to dual decurion.


    (for clarification.. i wouldn't want dual versions of already existing primaries but rather dual primaries that are specifically designed for that purpose)


    Oh and shoulder mounted Primaries ^-^

    + Weapons that you would hold more like a chainsaw

  12. What kind of changes to the mechanisms would you suggest?


    I think for me it is the feel when you kill enemies in archwing. In Warframe that always feels somewhat rewarding, and that feel is missing in Archwing.

    One reason i think, especially in the open maps like intercept, you only see the enemies as the little red triangles most of the time rather than actual "things".


    A solution would be, no more crowds of tiny little enemies and instead less enemies overall but bigger ones, (ofc it would have to be different enemies than just scaled up crewmen). and killing needs to feel more rewarding somehow, sound should be improved and maybe better explosions/gore.


    Another thing is the pace, i must admid the missions where you fly through the ships are pretty nice, like sabotage missions. But Intercept is extremely slow paced and becomes boring very qickly.

  13. Scamming is bad but to be honest, if you stick to Warframe's trade rules you cannot be scammed.

    And someone who falls for your particular scam example would actually be exploiting the game with full knowledge that this is not allowed.

    So i wouldn't even feel bad for those.

  14. The void trader will be here will soon.


    What should we do?

    - Wait for it to come and start our usual whining-complains-rants treads.

    - Bet platinum whit each other on the amount and quality of the trash he will bring.

    - Bet platinum with each other on that returning item no one wants.

    - prematurely start complaining of the expected trash items we predict he will have.





    Dont take this tread too seriously, but we know tomorrow everyone will be hotheaded about this anyway.



    My best guess: 4 more weeks of winter.

    I find it disturbing that people complain about void trader items at all! Even well known veterans with official Youtube channels feel the need to *complain* about the Void Trader.


    And in my humble opinion that is bs. The Void Trader is a nice thing that comes now and then and sometimes we get nice things and well sometimes not.

    I'm actually glad there are not super overpowered mods every time, wich would cause even more power creep than we already have.


    The Void Trader is just there for an actual "ressource"-sink and we can get some mods and cosmetics in exchange for those unwanted prime parts.


    For a long time there was no Void Trader, no Primed Continuity etc.. and now that we get it, ppl complain bc they can't have even more?

    Think about it.


    It is just a nice little extra. Period.




    I also remember when Void Trader was just new, people started complaining about all the Cores and Credits they will need to upgrade the Primed mods.

    Now they just complain that there are no 'good' mods to put their cores and credits in? Really?!

    I guess those people will never learn.

  15. I'll wait to see if one side is clearly winning, then make my choice.  If there's no obvious front runner or if the game doesn't provide a way to tell then I suppose I'll side with Alad V.  I don't really want to help Alad V, but I don't think a possible cure for infestation should be destroyed.


    What does the Winning Side have to do with your choice?! You get the winner's weapon anyways no matter which side you chose.

  16. *snip*


    Thank you for "steve's notes", that at least shows a little more insight on what is the actual goal of it all.



    Just a few thoughts:

    You choose planet.

    You choose difficulty.

    You choose mission type.




    I don't want the starchart transformed into a level/map selector of a random shooter, where you just set everything up for a multiplayer match

    (set map, set game mode, set rules etc..) that doesnt fit into warframe pve at all.

    That completely removes immersion.


    But i dont see that in Steve's notes so thats fine.

  17. +1


    Spy missions loot was the right step forward... 


    Endless missions loot still need fixing and tweak but is getting there...


    This idea of Starchart 3.0 is 3 steps backwards and a faceplant.


    I forsee much more rage force than any other mistake DE has brewed in the past....


    All I'm hoping is actual preview on this new starchart for clarity

    Yes this toppic definitely needs clarity. Everyone is confused and making own assuptions what it's gonna be, thats not really helpful.

  18. Honestly, I like the idea of mission crafting.


    Imagine instead of random nodes named solely after astronomical locations, we have nodes that represent represent bases on planets or moons and ships that travel through the solar system in regular orbits.


    By doing missions, you divert these ships in their courses, either by affecting the ship itself or affecting its destination, so that resources are redistributed until certain special missions are opened up.  The current bosses can either be a final goal or be "mini-bosses," that provide a challenge along the way.


    Now imagine that you, as a player, can build a, "map," that plots a course to a particular destination mission.  The maps of other players do not interfere with yours, and can only be interrupted by special events like invasions that directly intersect the course to your destination.  The invasions themselves can be considered maps that lead to one or many destinations with special rewards, you may even be able to choose a map that can branch into more than one destination.


    As for the player maps, imagine being able to, "share," them with your friends.   You can set the course for a particular destination with a particular reward, and all the people who participate get a, "key," to play the final destination themselves once the map is finished and completed.


    I like this.  The entry points on the map can still be used to create the current crop of standard missions, but players can still work toward more consistent goals.  You can also have a queue for people to help random others complete their maps, but do not get the final reward because the player hasn't shared the map.


    Clans themselves can be vehicles for larger, more complicated maps, and Alliances could just expand on that.  Solar Rails could be positioned at strategic points in the solar system, cutting the total work needed for a map.


    I support this.


    This sounds interesting and also sounds a lot better than what i got from the stream.

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