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Posts posted by Gen.KiTeer

  1.     As I write this I 'am pretty &!$$ed off.  I have played Warframe for roughly a year and one month.  Although, playing for over five hundred and fifty hours on pc alone.  I have never played Waframe cooperatively online only solo.  Do not forget that this game is one of the greatest games I've played in a while because this game has so much potential.  DE or the Dev's are very creative individuals.  However, the most recent operation (Operation: Fleet Footed) is extremely difficult or almost impossible to complete solo I experienced this after completing the first three for my fleet footed emblem and attempting the next 500 conclave.  I died way too many times "I did not count" plus failed four missions.  This is not the only operation either, previously I could not reach the top tier rewards.  This issue with insane difficulty is a problem when soloing operations, and sometimes high level in game missions.  When the devs create operations or new content to the game please keep in mind the soloing although this is a cooperative online game.


    I just did the < C500 solo with Oberon + Scindo Prime and with Mesa + Acrid.


    I actually did that to prove you wrong >_>  ...in the end it turned into a lot of fun though

  2. I dont believe I was being disrespectful at all. I simply stated, that in my opinion (I believe) he is massively misinformed about what hes describing. If I called somebody a name, or made a jab at their intelligence, then yes, that would be disrespectful. However, I have not done that, nor would I ever do that period, let alone somebody describing their opinion from their gathered perception of information.


    I just think hes so far out in left field, he needs to slow down and turn around and head back in a little. Which brings us to the idea proposed in comment #33, where the difference between casual players and "hardcore" players are being described. There is no difference between casual players and hardcore players. There is, however, a huge difference in discipline.


    That doesnt mean im suggesting that people sit in front of a computer and play this game until they are "MLG pros". Im suggesting that people practice a little discipline in everything they do in life. We dont stop putting the round peg in the round hole. We dont stop one day and say screw it, im gonna shove it in the square hole today,  then ask for a handout cause we cant do it.


    There is a huge issue with this warframe community being very selfish in nature, and constantly asking for hand outs. Gimmygimmygimmy. Thats all you see around here. Viver is a huge example of that. Maybe its because of its F2P design. But there are plenty of clans out there with people to help with improving your gameplay. If your clan doesnt have somebody able to help you, find another one, or find somebody willing to help you. My community is focused on self improvement in every aspect, and there is always somebody willing to help another player at the very least understand the mechanics of the game better.


    But people here are too proud to accept help from others. The mentality is that if they cant do it, then there must only be a handful of super hardcore that can. They think that because they have a 5 forma boltor prime, rhino prime build they pulled off some website that they instantly should be able to roflstomp through any mission spamming 2 and 4. Then you see them here complaining and calling for nerfs when they find out it doesnt work like that.


    Which brings me to my final point. If the "hardcore" are complaining a mission is too easy, and the "casuals" are complaining that its too hard, what can truly be done about it? I understand this game is designed in a particular way, but dont forget this is a business model focused on micro-transactions to make money. There has to be a level of difficulty high enough to nudge people in the direction of ultimately spending platinum instead of time, to accomplish the same goal.


    With that being said, a simple example of showing a little discipline would be instead of making posts on these forums about why its too hard and for DE to make it easier, make a post asking for help. Make a post asking for somebody to show you how to do something in a video maybe, or to help you directly in the game. Any mission in the solar map can be cheesed to victory. Take a step above that, and find somebody willing to show you how to do it legit.


    If people are too proud to ask for help, then DE shouldnt be responsible for their ignorance.


    ^So much this 

  3. Health and Armor need a huge buff !

    Same for energy btw i had like 500 or so... now it is way too little.


    I was just starting to play Archwing again and get some new weapons... ._.  All the changes to Archwing were a good thing except not linking the frame stats anymore.

    I can see why but to be very honest i think it was better the way it was, because you have more customization by choosing your frame.

    I'm not someone who hates changes just because it's something new, but this change really was a bad one.

  4. Yeah, the void tileset has gotten very boring.  I guess I've just been there too often, but I would love to see a change.

    i second this. I would like to see new tiles IN ADDITION to the current void tileset. Best with a bit of varying colors aswell since the void can indeed get quite boring after a while.

  5. I think we need more tilesets before expanding with new planets.


    Stuff is already repetitive as hell.

    DE is already working on making the different planets and moons more unique and have their own tilesets. Europa is a good example for that... next is the underwater tileset.


    Cant wait *-*

  6. I can confirm this and even worse, it's not just the guiding laser, it happens also when firing the opticor zoomed in or occasionally when hipfiring so the Doppelganger's shots will go in random directions completely missing their target wich is kinda annoying.

  7. I 'just' killed the stalker with an average team in an alert and got despair... so i dont see how this is a problem. Stalker is tough sometimes but honestly i cant remember the last time he actually killed me.




    For newer people without proper mods stalker can really be a challenge but i mean thats kind of his purpose.. he wants to kill you^^


    but well.. just die then and stalker will disappear^^ thats it.


    Also not standing still and keep moving helps not getting hit^^


    EDIT 2:

    Tbh after killing cpt. Vor in t4 stalker kinda became a joke >.>

  8. No I don't mean DE have secretly made a sp game.

    What I mean is, how about if all the Events and Alerts leading up to this point could be played as a game?

    It can even be co-op, the point is it would give everyone a sense of scale and history and understanding of this crazy world.


    Well there are plans in reintroducing all the events from the past (possibly without the original rewards) as quests.

  9. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, or what section to put it in. but from what I understand Limbo's skills put you into void where only things that are in that void can hurt you, yet there are random attacks that can still hurt you regardless. a few to note would be death orbs, Phorid's spine strike, toxin clouds, electric floors, and Vey Hek's disrupts.


    May I add Bombards to your list..

  10. It's broken now.  The gas does damage to everything - killing your sentinel, enemies and even the mobile defense terminal you're supposed to be defending...from the gas, apparently.  At 50 damage per tick, the terminal is destroyed long before the timer is up.



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