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Posts posted by Looopeh

  1. I hope they never show us how the Tenno look like, that would ruin all the mistery.


    Just look at other characters like Master Thief from Halo series and Pyro from TeamFortress 2 for instance, no one knows (i think) how they look like and that's one of the reasons of why they are popular. Not knowing how a character looks like opens a lot of possibilities and theories, and i hope it stays that way.

  2. I want to fight enemies that have AT LEAST a good AI(Artificial Intelligence). It's soooooo boring having to fight dumb enemies walking in circles, going foward then backwards then fowards because they are not smart enough to decide, enemies casually walking towards you like your neighbor in the morning. 


    - Morning Mr. Excalibur

    - Morning Mr. Lancer


    It's neither fun or interesting to fight anything at all in this game, it's all the same thing, an enemy sees you, he shoots you, you kill him, he dies, other enemies sees you and don't give a crap about his dead buddy.


    - Oh look, an ancient golden warrior returning from the past(Tenno) just killed my buddy with 1 arrow........welp.......these bullets ain't gonna shoot themselves....


    I'm sick of this AI, and i bet the Sentients won't be different.

  3. QUESTION: When will we get an Update for enemy AI and Kubrow AI?


    Enemy AI: The enemy Ai is horrible at the moment, sometimes they just keep circling around themselves, but the most important of all is how they react to situations, i ALWAYS see the enemies walking in straight line(looks so robotic) but when they see a Tenno from kilometers alway they start to go back and forth, they go back, then foward, then back, then foward again, they just can't decide where to go and what to do. Another thing, the enemies come shooting you down running in stairs, hallways and everything but when they get close or in "engage range" they slowdown or stop to shoot. Why? they can run and shoot at the same time from across the room so why they need to get close to stop and theeeeen shoot? Please give the enemies new ways to react, give them more dialogs in their language when patrolling, not just go to a room, stare at the wall they repeat the same process in another room. Last thing, why they need to do an entire 360 front flip animation to jump from a box to the ground? they can jump from bridge to bridge on Phobos like they are super-man.



    Kubrow AI: Not much to say, Kubrows get stuck everywhere, half of the time they don't attack someone right in from of you, as i said, not much to talk about Kubrows. But the enemy AI, oh boy, that one need to be looked at.

  4. So yesterday i bought 1000 plat using my 75% disccount and today i got my R$24,75 on Steam instead of Warframe, and i did this kind of purchase before and my money went to Warframe, but yesterday it went to my Steam wallet. I already sent a ticket to both Steam support and Warframe support but no answer so far. Is there any way i can get my plat back to Warframe or i'll have to keep that 24,75 on my Steam wallet?

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