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Posts posted by Emprenos

  1. Just yesterday after the new 12.4.6 update, I ran Elara survival with some friends. 25 minutes through, my internet got disconnected. Had to restart my laptop for it to reconnect. Then later I could play fine, then when I wanted to trade with someone, again the same thing happened. This time I restarted my modem and reconnect. But now, I kept getting the UDP 3960 & 3962 port error and I've checked those ports on my network and both of them are open. I've been playing solo for the past few hours now with no luck of the problem fixing by itself.


    To my understanding, this problem existed a while ago and people seemed to have lesser problems with it now. So is this my problem? Or is it on Warframe's end? Are there any working solutions out there that I've missed? I don't have any firewalls running, just in case you need to know. When I invite other players, they don't see the invite and vice versa. Bad luck for me since this problem never happened to be before, just today started. And it HAS to be right when luck of the lotus is on.


    Any working solution would be much appreciated!

  2. Like I said, would your rather there'd b downtimes during the weekly updates or have chances of getting laggy/troll hosts?


    From what I've played, There were only twice where the host left the game and that's mostly due to disconnections. IF the host mentioned that he would abort after XX minutes if the item he's looking for doesnt drop, then it's unfortunate that you didn't see that. Or you were just unlucky. Labelling people as troll hosts isn't very nice unless you know for a fact that they left intentionally just to troll you, which I don't think so.

  3. Well, I was actually crafting my Rhino when the Tethra's Doom event was released like less than a day later and what do you know? Rhino Prime. Of course my first reaction was excitement since I was wondering how he would look like. And thus I spent hours and hours during the event period farming his parts. I managed to complete him at around day 4 of the event and started crafting him. I only got him like yesterday? And I'm totally in love with him. He's bigger, bulkier and all-around badass. Give him the Thrak helmet and he looks bloody menacing! That and he looks awesome with my color choice.

  4. Was that a T3 Survival? If it was, then it's possibly because the host wanted to abort the mission if no Rhino Prime chasis at a certain time lapse.


    Also to those complaining that this is a player hosted game, have you guys realised that Warframe does not have ANY sort of maintenance downtime BECAUSE it's player hosted and not their own server? If the game takes place in their own server, every time a new update comes, the servers would be down for several hours. Imagine the complaints DE would get if their maintenance takes "too long" or extend their maintenance.

  5. I believe what you're suggesting is structured PvP much like what Guild Wars 2 had. If your suggestion were to be done, that'd require a TREMENDOUS amount of balancing and many people would not be pleased with that, fellow Tenno, because that'd mean there would be nerfs and nerfs are pretty much frowned upon. Also, lore-wise it wouldn't make much sense for Tennos to be fighting one another. I mean I never played Conclave before but the training rooms in Dojos are just that, training. I'm MR 9 right now and ya, never really PvP-ed except a for-fun session with clan mates.

  6. @Aussie You said you helped your friends to buy stuffs to start them up early. But i'm thinking, that's more towards spoon feeding your friends. I mean, sure having some platinums to get some weapons/frames is good but that would make them dependent on it, no? Unless you're giving like 50-100 plats to start them off, then that's ok I guess What I think you should really do is just help them to farm for parts and materials rather than outright feeding them platinums. That way, you save a lot more on platinums. Personally I started Warframe with just the free given platinums earlier on and had to learn my ropes around. Warframe's a farming game in the end.

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