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Posts posted by Exceed

  1. So far she seems fun but I have to agree with the other people in some major points:


    • Balefire feels weak past a certain point. It is clunky to use with the charge up and even then the charge doesnt deal much damage. Modding for speed improves this somewhat and the dps is alright but it still feels a little undertuned.
    • Something needs to be done about Pillage and its interaction with Grineer and Infested. It is somewhat useable but only in large crowds, even then it just doesnt do enough.
    • Haven needs more testing but the damage is negligible. Supporting your allies is fine but once enemies enter the picture your shields dwindle too fast. If Pillage did more regen, it would be manageable to keep the balance.
    • Aegis Storm... nuff said. Too clunky, too slow, too expensive. In a game full of one-shot frames, this one feels lacklustre. It doesn't know if it wants to be CC or damage. It certainly isnt mobility. Even the CC bugs out occasionally, as enemies get released upon taking damage.

    Overall I get the idea that a frame with "infinite" energy needs to be balanced and restrained but there's simply so much powercreep by other tanks that Hildryn feels undertuned in almost every regard. I feel like some tweaking and some mild reworks (mostly for Pillage and the way it interacts with armor/health) can fix that.

    • Like 1
  2. You can't handle grindception? Then leave. The grindception you beleive to exist... DOESN'T! Make some friends, farm so keys, and you will get to end game content in no time. I personally think there are too many people that are playing this game that literally want everything readily available to them the moment they log in. IF you find yourself not wanting to spend time farming/playing this game with friends, then this IS NOT the game for you. It is a co-op game!


    Let me just tell you this. What TheSphynx said is by far the most correct statement in this entire thread. Keys in my opinion are easy to farm solo, and INCREDIBLY easy to farm if you attempt farming them with a group of friends. Sharing your keys, and the effort that YOU put into the game goes a long way. Now once again, if you want to complain, cry, or whine about the most simplistic farm. This game isn't for you. Nor is any F2P game currently on the market. If you enjoy playing with friends, enjoy being social, and part of a community. Then you will enjoy update 10. So far there is only one thing about U10 that bugs me, and that is the Team Heal/Ammo diluding the void missions. Other than that. DE's progress towards expanding the game with U10 has been great.


    TL:DR: To anyone complaining about such an easy grind.... Stop whining. This might not be the game for you. I imagined the grind would be harder than it is TBH... U10 Rocks!

    I am raging so hard I had to log in and just post this. You, Sir, picture everything I despise.

    "Ich habe fertig."

  3. I am conflicted regarding Nova...


    She has interesting abilities, looks okay-ish (personal taste-stuff) and fits into the warframe theme (not like Vauban).


    I have problems with her abilites and her setup, though.


    Ability 1:

    Feels a little underwhelming once you get to levels >20. It would be a great ability to just keep active and "spam" but it costs too much energy for that. Mods could sort that out but still, it is too much. Lower the cost and it could be fine.


    Ability 2:

    Totally useless in my eyes. it is too slow to hit anything you're aiming it at and if it would be faster, there would be no time to shoot it. This needs a complete rework. Either make it totally independent from absorbed damage or extreme increase it's AoE.


    Ability 3:

    Very useful (though totally not anitmatter) but the animation needs to be changes. Looks too plain.


    Ability 4:

    It's okay-ish. Needs more damage. Because:


    All of her abilities have sorta a "windup"-time. 1,2 and 3 don't deal instant-damage and fall of very quickly because of that. They don't really scale well. Yes, they eradicate a lot but it is difficult. Null fires only 1 nuke every seconds after a second. So that's time investment for damage. The flying mote needs to fly AND be charged. Time AND damage investment. Needless to say NO ally will every shoot it on a regular basis. Lag even worsens this. Her ult also has a "windup"-time. You actually need to kill the stuff manually to MAYBE start a chain-reaction. Needless to say that higher level enemies won't die that easily and the explosion is not that big. So you have to kill an enemy for an explosion that doesn't affect him because he already is dead. It is great for mopping up "trashmobs" but every frame has cheaper abilites that are also faster. Also, the ult is way too flashy.


    TL;DR Nova needs too much time to get her damage out so this must be compensated with more damage and larger AoE.

  4. Hai guise,


    I just fusioned my Shield mod of 160% with a lower 40% one, thinking that it would slightly improve but it instead ranked down to 80%. Is that intended?



  5. This. . . this is quite possibly the sexiest metaphor for the Grineer and Corpus perspective on Tenno yet. 

    It lends a really awesome atmosphere to the game. Imagine you're a Grineer Lancer, busily patrolling a mining station. Maybe the Corpus have been sniffing around, maybe there's a hint of the Infestation in a nearby system, so you're keeping your eyes open. All of a sudden, your radio flares with shouts, and then silences. Your squadmates look about, checking corners and snapping weapons up. All is quiet. Then suddenly, one of your men is flung back, impaled to a wall with shocking force, an arrow between the links of his armour. But when you look to the arrow's source, there is nothing but a flicker of pale gold, then darkness. Where did that come from?


    Then comes the sound of automatic fire from the Lancers above you on a railing, with the sounds of explosives, fire and the crunch of metal against flesh and bone. A squadmate's body is flung into view, landing with a sickening splat before sliding into the nearby incinerator. You bark a retreat, and your men turn towards the door. All too soon, it opens and from the smoke strides a vision from ancient legend. Hulking, yet terribly smooth of motion, the . . . thing in front of you pulls a sword from its back and breaks into a run. Your squad's Bombard fires and hits dead on, engulfing the charging terror in fire. Yet the flame parts, and sheathed in a strange white-grey skin, the Tenno hurtles forward and buries his blade in the closest of your men, flinging him to one side as a child's toy, carelessly discarded. It turns to you, and all you see in its blank metal facade is the promise of death. Brutal, yet blessedly quick.

    I so want to chop some Grineer with Ash or Banshee now...

  6. In my opinion it doesn't matter whether the Tenno are frightening or not.

    They are ancient warriors with super-advanced technology revived into a world they do not fully understand. There is just that "Lotus" who offers them guidance and orders them to operate at specific key points. What are the real motives? WHO is the Lotus? Who are the Tenno really?

    We do not know yet. All we know is that we, the Tenno, are enemies of the Grineer and Corpus and that the Infested have to be obliterated.

    They steal our brethren, we strike back. They plot against us, we strike pre-emptively. They attack us, we retaliate. We fight them, because we must.

    The real reasons are obscured. We simply react. And the Lotus offers guidance, so we accept her, for the time being.

  7. Ced23Ric, on 20 Apr 2013 - 8:39 PM, said:

    Geschmackssache ist ein Aspekt, der nicht diskutabel ist. Keine Frage, jedem seins. Jedoch, unterm Strich ist Ash der Frame mit den mittelmäßigsten Fähigkeiten als Gesamtbild und kann mit anderen schwerer konkurrieren. Das ist ein reines Zahlenspiel, weniger persönliche Meinung. Im Vakuum zwischen Loki und Ash ist Loki besser im Stealth und im Gesamtfeld landet Ash einfach weit hinten. Sein Ulti ist am ehesten dem Radial Javelin gleichzusetzen - nur das dieser weniger Zeit verbraucht und auch weniger Probleme hat.

    Ich sehe mir Ash eben im Vergleich zu meinen anderen 12 Frames an, und die sind alle 30 mit Kartoffel. Seine Polaritätsslots (Doppel V) sind auch nicht das Wahre (Continuity für Smoke Screen, das war's, Focus für Shuriken [bladestorm nutzniesst nicht viel von Focus], das war's.) sodass auch im Modding kein großer Anreiz besteht. Ash hat Caster-Slots und nichts Spannendes zum Casten. Saryn, im Vergleich, hat solide Startwerte, zwei gute Modslots (Scratch & D), ein Killer-Ulti ohne Begrenzung, und kann auch 'n Decoy setzen (Molt). Ist schlichtweg besser.

    Am Ende des Tages wird es immer Leute geben, die Ash mögen, egal ob er im Vergeich hinkt. Und das ist okay. Ändert aber nichts daran, das andere Frames einfach mehr können. :)

    Ja, da hast du natürlich Recht. Ich meinte auch nicht, dass Ash in irgendeiner Form einer der besten Warframes ist. Was ich damit zum Ausdruck bringen wollte ist, dass Ash nicht sofort als "schlecht" abgestempelt werden sollte, sobald jemand nach nützlichen Frames oder allgemein nach Ash's Performance fragt. Sehe ich regelmäßig hier im Forum und es regt mich auf.
  8. Naja, ich finde Loki und Ash tun sich relativ wenig. Der eine ist da ein wenig stärker, der andere da, am Ende kommen sie in etwa gleich raus in ihrer Rolle. Mir persönlich gefällt Loki garnicht, ist halt Geschmackssache.

  9. Ash schlecht? Plebs.


    Teleport into Smoke ist göttlich, in einem Smokescreen bekommt man mit der richtigen Meleewaffe alles kaputt. (natürlich keine bosse)

    Seine Ultimate ist etwas verbuggt, ja, aber das wird sicher gefixed. Und dass Shuriken sehr situationsabhängig ist, ist gleichzusetzen mit Embers Bällchen, Volts Blitz (wobei der wesentlich einfacher zu aimen ist) und anderen Projektil-Skills.


    Ash ist gut, man muss seinen Spielstil halt mögen.

  10. I don't need this. I can justify my existence in the real world, I don't need a game to feel better.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand your point. I like to get competitive, too. I just wouldn't go as far as to put it in a game that is not really designed for it.


    If you want to compete with others, expand your friendlist and start doing tournaments. Who does the mission faster? Who can deal the highest damage? Successive melee-kills? And so forth.

    It's not a big deal to just do it yourself.

  11. Then start using it right? :)


    SnD is glorious! Lots of mobility with decent damage (the bugs need to be sorted out, of course). Don't use it to engage, use it to position yourself, get behind enemy lines and stuff like that. It's not a nuke anymore.

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