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Posts posted by (PSN)Junguler

  1. i would like to see this guy bring some maxed ranked un-tradable primed mods which he would sell for alot of credits or ducats, that way there's actually an incentive for me to buy stuff i actually like and start using them the minute i got them. also un-tradable so you don't go and sell in the trade chat the minute the guy is gone. they can even sell it for plats for the people who don't mind supporting the developers and spending a few bucks on the mods too.


    well i'm just dreaming at this point, none of this is gonna happen anyway...

  2. if you have nekros make sure to use a good desecrate build, i only started using him for about a week or so but i've been getting alot more cores and mods since, it really helps.

    aslo you always can counter-act those unmaxed mods with other mods. for example i use heavy caliber with serration to make my soma more powerfull, also a vigor mod or rejuvanation aura can help with your health and shield problem and ect ect ...

  3. as a console player i have to say i like our soon to be old UI better than the one that there is in u14, but i won't cry about it, i adapt to the changes and move on, you better do that too because they are pushing this one and you can't do anything about it.

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