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Posts posted by Hansin

  1. I started constructing a Volt helmet last night.
    When I went into the foundry to retrieve the helmet, after interacting with it, the built helmet item disappeared.
    I've been trying to get Chroma for ages, I even rushed some of the parts cause it was taking too long.
    I spent my last neurodes on that Volt helmet, this situation has made me livid.
    I want to rip my computer in half right now.

  2. hi,


    i had the same problem ....


    i probably have a solution ..


    lower field of view in graphic settings .....to default


    ever since i did that i have no more crashes 

    That's actually a really interesting idea, i'll try that.

  3. alright, some of those are CPU intensive, and some of those are GPU intensive.

    so it isn't an easy answer of one component being stressed much harder than it normally experiences.

    the specs of the CPU in that Notebook is acceptable.

    temperature issues are still possible, but chances are it's peculiar interfacing with Drivers. which, as always, make sure they're all up to date. including Motherboard Drivers (I/O, Networking, RAID, South Bridge, any that are relevant to it) as well as the usual Video Drivers and Et Cetera.

    ofcourse, if it persists, then talking to Support for more specific assistance and attempted resolutions in future Hotfixes would be recommended.


    Thanks for the advice.

  4. what other games are not experiencing this?

    it may not seem like it, but this could completely explain the (likely) issue depending on your answer.

    To list a few:

    Dark Souls

    Batman Arkham City

    Darksiders II


    Saints Row The Third

    GTA IV

    Mark Of The Ninja

    RF online


    Champions Online

    Perfect World Online

    Star Trek Online

    Star Wars The Old Republic

    The Amazing Spiderman

    Sleeping Dogs

    Kingdoms of Amaleur: Reckoning


    I can't think of anymore, i'm exhausted.

  5. Sounds like your card is overheating, try adding an aftermarket fan shelf to your laptop (I'm assuming laptop due to integrated card) this might help out. Otherwise I'd recommend either upgrading or even downgrading your drivers for your card and see if that helps.

    Your not over clocking right? I've had friends that had issues when they did that.

    Nope, not overclocking.

    Overheating may be the case, this computer has reached the end of it's life cycle. 

    The only weird thing is, Warframe is the only game that I have that this happens to.

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