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Posts posted by -Noximilien-

  1. Alos regarding the Vault pack, i´m not gonna get forced into buying a whole set of equipment i allready own or do not need just to get one item (Misa Prime).

    I´d like to buy it but with the way it is set now, i´m gonna skip the Vault pack. Maybe some 12 year olds will shell out all their christmas money for a digital scarf and some useless junk, but i feel like DE is missing out on purchases from a lot of the more mature players for whom the value of this set is just not worth it to justify the price and that´s a damn shame.




    Also, the solar rail conflicts are better off dead and buried. We have a solid PvP game mode now.

  2. Improved Trading Sistem.

    Dojo downgrading and more Clan Optimizations.

    Clan Wars/ Proxi wars.


    And the dream is the cross platform gameplay. 

    Trade system's fine, just use your smarts and you won't get screwed.



    Other than that, I'd say add in more enemy diversity. Even if it's just the same model with like, a different style of armor on. Break up the monotony already.

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