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Posts posted by Luka-Song

  1. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    We do not feel it would be fair to those who purchased an Heirloom Collection already with the understanding that they were time-limited to now remove that element.

    Ah yes, it was bad for them so it must remain bad for everyone else too. Very logical.

    Of all the possible ways you could've addressed this, this isn't exactly high up the list.

    • Like 8
  2. They have always been incredibly overpriced and not at all a sound purchase if you consider only the included items themselves. In fact, if you disregard the accessories, it's incredibly cheaper to just buy platinum, especially if you got a good value log-in discount coupon, then just trade for the prime pieces on the market.


    For this reason, it's been widely accepted in the community that Prime Access is the de facto "donate some money to support us" button, with shiny freebies attached to them. Which I believe is fine; the offerings rotate so nothing is gone forever (no FOMO), the important stuff can be obtained in-game, the exclusive accessories usually aren't that impressive, so there really is no reason anyone would be hard-tempted to buy them unless they're doing it to support DE and/or they have a good amount of disposable income.


    Personally, I've never bought a Prime Access, cuz I don't have that kind of money lying around, but I also never really felt like I was missing out on anything, or being gouged or any such. And most importantly for me, if I ever am willing to buy them, I know they'll come around again, so I don't feel any pressure from this.

    • Like 2
  3. It always boggled me a bit that they prioritized giving voidshell skins to the oldest frames that already had a bunch of other skins. It's no wonder it didn't sell well, why would anyone buy a voidshell skin of base Excal, Saryn or Mesa, when those frames already got a bunch of skins, including deluxe and the prime variants?

    They really should've gone front to back, giving newer and incoming frames voidshells, and working their way back from there.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Lakais said:

    These packs serve the dual purpose of also being a direct "throw money at DE to support" thing rolled into a skin pack.

    As someone who didn't see the announcement at Tennocon and found out about this pack on their front page, my whiplash reaction was almost comical.

    I entered the promotional page, saw the skins and thought "oh man, these look really nice!"

    Saw that they come with this new kind of cosmetic and went "quite neat!"

    I then looked at the price, and was momentarily taken aback, but I thought to myself "prime access packs are also quite overpriced, but have always been the de facto "donation" button. Maybe I'll finally buy one of these and show support to a studio that even if I haven't always agreed with, I have respected!"

    But then I saw it. "These items are only available for a limited time, and will never come back." Immediately, my heart sank, my interest dissapeared, my mouth frowned, and the aforementioned respect evaporated.

    • Like 8
  5. 10 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Well, you can.

    Just not without there being another skin for that item in the first place. Braton, Paris, lots of weapons have skins from both the regular game and from Tennogen, and those convert the Primes back to regular appearances.

    So not hard.

    Just not on the radar compared to... say... whole new updates.

    Not what he's asking for.

    We're asking for weapons to get the same treatment that warframes already do, which is to be able to use the default, non-prime skin.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2023-07-10 at 5:55 PM, Valfaun said:

    Rather, just like... a selectable player count scaling, if that makes sense, from 1 up to 4 players

    I definitely would love that. As someone who plays almost exclusively solo, some mission types (cough cough excavation cough) are awful and sometimes even impossible in solo.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, quxier said:

    Are you killing Eximus fast enough?

    Depends on my build, but as long as the enemy count in the room is above 0, the proportion of Eximi to normal enemies doesn't change much. At any point it seems like for every 2 or 3 common enemies, there is 1 Eximus, regardless if I'm clearing the room every 10 seconds or not.

    1 hour ago, quxier said:

    IMHO they should check how many special units are in rooms or near you (around room wide size). If there is such unit(s) don't spawn them.

    See I thought we already had that. We already know there are enemy caps, and as far as I'm aware they also mentioned there being Eximus caps, so even if I'm killing them slowly, there shouldn't be more spawning. I strongly feel there is some bug happening, but it's hard to tell if this is intended design or not.

  8. Recently, I have noticed the spawn rate of Eximus units seems bigger than it used to be, or at least much bigger than they *should* be.


    It is not unusual to be fighting against, 6, 7, sometimes up to 10 Eximus units at the same time, particularly on the Circuit, and on game modes like Survival and Defense. I had heard that DE explicitly stated the spawn cap for them is around 4 or 5, so I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended design, but either way, I think the following suggestion is still valid.


    Back when the Eximus rework was first announced in Devstreams, it was mentioned that the idea behind Eximi was for them to feel like mini-bosses appearing mid-mission, and they reworked them accordingly, giving them more noticeable effects both visually and mechanically. However if that is still the intention behind them, the current design doesn't quite live up to it.

    The current spawn rate of Eximi makes them as commonplace as regular units, and what's more is they're not even that troublesome. As mentioned, it's not unusual to be going up against several Eximi at once, and despite that they pose very little threat, at most an annoyance since you can't CC them. This post isn't born from a feeling of frustration fighting against them, just dissapointment, honestly. They don't feel like mini-bosses, just like normal enemies deluxe.


    Personally, I'd love for them to feel more impactful, and present a change in priority and gameplay once they appear. Reduce their spawn rate to 1 or 2, at the very most 3 at the same time, and never more than that, but make them more powerful, particularly their abilities. For instance, increase the radius and frequency of the energy draining pulses from Leech Eximus, or the radius and damage of the blast from Blitz/Volatile. Lower their mercy kill threshhold if you need them to be tankier, as it stands it's all too common to have their mercy threshhold be 90-100% of their HP, being mercy-killable as soon as overguard is down. If need be, go ahead and increase their HP.

    Basically, it'd make them feel much more like the mini-bosses they were meant to be if they didn't show up in hordes like they do right now, but when they *do* show up you could feel their presence and be forced to deal with them immediately, particularly from their abilities. They're not really that interesting if every mission feels like an Eximus Stronghold.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, LadyAnime said:

    other adapters are all very generic "amp adapter" "warframe adapter" ...so why did these get specific to the point of "this weapon or nothing"

    Because unlike amp/warframe adapters which have the same function for everything they get applied to, each weapon has its own unique incarnon form, so you can't incarnon a weapon they haven't coded an incarnon form for yet. That being said, a generic token that you get from circuit, which you can then exchange for the weapon's unique incarnon adapter with cavallero or some such would be totally feasible and not at all a bad idea.

    • Like 1
  10. Armour scaling rework was a great change, but it was a symptom of the lack of real difficulty in the game, forcing in artificial difficulty measures such as bullet sponge levels of armour or one-shot aimbot enemies. Now that armour has been addressed, do you have any plans on creating more natural difficulty? Probably AI changes to make enemies act smarter and more tactically instead of standing still or moving slowly side to side out in the open, aswell as more interesting and/or varied enemies like we see in orb vallis would be the way to go. Would that be feasible and if so, is it in your immediate plans?

    • Like 2
  11. 10 minutes ago, LittleKittyBlue said:

    They've told us a lot. I guess what you want is for them to give us an ETA on when we'll get it. They won't and really shouldn't. If they did and missed it, they would be racked over the coals for false promises. 

    a simple "not today" or "this week", would be enough, if anything to remove that "it's not coming this week" from last week that might confuse people.

    • Like 2
  12. 46 minutes ago, LunaSymphony27 said:


    What happened to the concept of patience??


    I'm sure DE is working hard on getting this update to work, so I rather have them delayed than rushed. Bugs after the update is released will be another story - that's why we have feedback threads.


    >inb4 no content


    Rushing through something in one day doesn't equate to having no content. You just need to tone down a notch.



    No one is asking to rush the update dude, people are asking for them to start pushing their predictions forward instead of always making deadlines that they can't meet.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Dark__Thoughts said:

    What's your effect intensity setting at?

    The picture was taken with effect intensity at 100.
    This is a new picture with effect intensity at 200:

    I suppose it makes it a little bit better, but it's still way too transparent for something at max effect intensity setting, it's barely visible against a background darker than the simulacrum skybox.

  14. 10 hours ago, Zyga21 said:

    dumb question; are you sure it's not your energy colour?

    The picture was taken with default energy colour, I also tried many different energy colours but the transparency of the chains remain the same. This also also been in place for months so I doubt the new dual energy colour thing has anything to do with it.

  15. People calling others "overly-sensitive" while at the same time throwing a hissy fit at a suggestion of a feature that wouldn't affect them in the slightest.


    Personally, it doesn't disturb me in the slightest, but some of the voices (like legs or biz) sound better with the robo filter. Also I always appreciated how beautiful the metal textures in the game are whenever I talked to them and saw those shimmering shutters, it just looks better to me.

    So ya, I'm +1ing this suggestion.

    • Like 7
  16. 16 minutes ago, Zuhan said:

    I don't think they are skipping it. I think they took some of the personnel from the development and moved them to Fortuna for its release in the coming weeks. They will go back to it after Fortuna has released. I suspect Melee 3.0 will release in December.

    I'm hoping the both of them will come together, I'm more hyped for melee 3.0 than for fortuna tbh

    • Like 3
  17. 2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    What are you talking about? No game developer can release content the moment it's released in time every time. The reason why some may SEEM like that is because the content is finished WELL before dead line. We get Warframe content fresh out of the oven. There's a different. Fortunately most of us are mature enough to deal with tentative release dates and don't need weeks of buffer just so we feel like things are being released "on time"

    You do realise you just said the same thing I said right?

    "The reason why some may seem like that is because the content is finished well before the deadline" - what you said


    "It is possible to guarantee a ship day. How? You have the update ready beforehand" - what I said.

    Literally the same thing, so thanks for agreeing.

    • Like 1
  18. 33 minutes ago, Reiyd said:

    I just feel like clinging to the official release date from four years ago is a bit ridiculous. They live update to update. They want to release content as soon as it is ready for the players. That is why you have moments like Steve going live on Periscope just before the PoE launch so everyone could be hyped and tense together. That is why you don't see them saying "This update will go live this day at this time" weeks ahead of time. They say "Oh, this content is almost ready to ship, so let's let them know we will be shipping it SOME DAY NEXT WEEK" and they say next week, not Wednesday. I just feel like there is much more important things to be up in arms about rather than the things people are in this community. If an update not releasing on a Wednesday screams "no professionalism" to you, then I guess you never watch the devstreams? These are real people pouring their passion into a game and they are only as professional as they want to be. If you want professionalism, go play the latest boring crap from EA or some other clone of a game from last year.

    What the hell do you think I think? You think I see them as a bunch of robots coding nonstop? Or rather, do you think people at other game companies that DO deliver their content in the date set don't have any passion for their work? Either assumption is incredibly pretentious and presumptious of you.

    As I already mentioned, There's a reason wednesday updates were a thing, and more than that there's a reason why hype management is an incredibly important thing to take into account. Remember how they had to split the second dream into several parts because they couldn't contain the hype they created, or when they shipped the Rail update filled to the brim with bugs cuz people were hyped and they weren't ready?

    If you want DE to not improve and keep making the same mistakes then by all means continue brushing away real issues and attacking people who point those issues out. I for one want them to improve and become a better, more successful company.

    Also, if you think DE is santa claus just doling out gifts out of the goodness of their hearts you are beyond naive. They are a business, they make money, this money comes from customers. When McDonalds sells you a burger they're not donating it to you, they're selling it. They do it cuz they need money. The difference in the free to play model is that someone else pays more so that a free player doesn't have to. It'd be akin to the guy behind the line in mcdonalds paying for your burger aswell as his. So stop thinking you should just take whatever they hand over to you while keeping your mouth shut. This horse isn't free, you can look at its teeth.

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