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Posts posted by Ferali_Tantabus

  1. Just now, Gentlemoa said:

    T-teach me Senpai!

    No seriously, if someone helps me learn the raids, then i guess i would be willing to do that. 

    Thank you, i will join as soon as i log in.

    As the Vanguard's Raid Commander, I can help you with learning the raids. Maybe after that I can give you free reign to host raids whenever you want. I'm off my schedule right now as we are waiting for TWW to release so I can get back to my raid schedule. Hopefully I'll see you in game soon so I can better explain this.

  2. On 9/21/2016 at 11:05 AM, Spitfyr3 said:


    I'm in the same boat you are. This is really the only game besides maybe GTA 5 that I have tons of hours in. Got around 1400 hours. We usually have people on all the time but since it seems we are in a content drought, some have buggered off somewhere. But once The War (wait) Within comes out we will be back in full swing. Invite sent. Welcome to the Vanguard.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Sithis32 said:

    Id personally really love to see a dormitory setup where every clan-member has their own private room with the features of the orbiter. Maybe a radio like in the ship that you can either get syndicate missions from or a comm for ordis and lotus

    As much as I'd love to see something similar to that, I don't see it happening. Which sucks because equating the Dojo to be somewhat of an apartment complex for clan mates to share space in would be cool and be somewhat more immersive. Realistically, I could see clans of Tenno living together and reinforcing bonds with each other.

  4. Just now, Arktourus said:

    I mean the general concept. Obviously with Clans the use would be very different, and could actually work better depending on whether DE creates activities for clans to engage in (besides the typical alert/contest/event).

    I would even say that we could have some clan v clan events but after seeing Ice and their subsidiaries play with Dark Sectors like they were toys, I'm somewhat against that.

  5. 1 minute ago, Arktourus said:

    I like that idea. You know, I got into Metal Gear Solid V recently and they have a very interesting system. You've got a home base that you can build up over time and from which you can assign staff and deploy field operatives and craft new things, but you've also got a helicopter that acts as a sort of mobile base, from which you can select missions.

    It'd be neat if Warframe had a similar system. The Dojo is your home base, but the Liset/Orbiter is your mobile base.

    As someone who beat MGSV, I couldn't tell if you were serious or not :D Even in MGSV, mother base didn't have too big of a use. I was always in the field though so that might have been it.

    The mini faction idea would be cool too. I play Elite Dangerous and that game has player run factions as well.

  6. 1 minute ago, Arktourus said:

    I think Dojos, and Clans, need a major overhaul.


    Dojos need to be 1) much simpler to use; 2) much more like a home base; and 3) much more 'customizable.'

    Clans need to be more like mini-factions, especially in terms of some sort of clan-determined progression, clan-based missions (raids?), and other clan-based activities. The Relays can be the public social space, but clans need to feel like home.


    I think these two aims could encompass so many things that I won't try to give concrete examples.

    inb4 clan 2.0.

    Really though, the Dojo needs to be able to act like a clan hub. Spawning into it instead of the orbiter on login would be a start.

  7. Personally, Id love to have the Dojo act as a sort of "Clan Orbiter." At least a room that had all the functions of our orbiter. I just wish that the Dojo gave more to the clan experience. Being able to spawn in the Dojo instead of the orbiter would be a good start. Logging in and seeing your friends in game instead of just on a list would bring it to life a little more.

  8. 2 hours ago, Freddo42 said:


    I read "Australia" and preceded to read the rest of your app in an Australian accent. I see you're like me with previous leadership experience. I hope you don't follow my path and monologue for an hour about yourself to our leader (like I did).

    You'll need to leave your current clan for me to send you an invite but once you do that we can get that invite sorted.

  9. On 8/27/2016 at 6:41 AM, -CRY said:
    IGN: -CRY MR: 12
    Timezone: UTC +8:00
    About me: Haven't played Warframe since March and I'm confused by A LOT of stuff.
    What I bring: I dunno... maybe laziness? 

    Don't worry about confusion. We have plenty of that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Invite sent. Welcome to the Vanguard.

  10. 3 hours ago, -SenpaiBlahhh- said:

    MR: Im MR22

    TimeZone: EDT but I work nights im on from 5-6pm to until I go to work, then weekends from 8pm to 12pm the next day

    about me: I'm a security Guard who work nights, I also do Karate which Im black belt and I also volunteer to teach kids of the age of 5-9 karate which I love to do, Ive been playing Warframe for 3years now going on my 4th, as you can see im a founder Ive been playing the game for 6-8months then I take a break of 2months then I comeback,

    what I can bring to the Clan: well I know allot about Running a clan for warframe, and creating large and succesfull alliance I helped PacWest(dosent exist anymore RIP) create Solar Syndicate with LagWave 50 which is now V alliance, I also have experience running as a Minecraft server Owners and admin , TS3 and Discord... ohhh and I can bring lots lots lots of orkin Cell I have over 1000 of them

    Why I wana join: well from what ive seen in the discord I think its the people Im looking for a place that is fun and enjoyable to be around I just left a clan which had allot of toxic member and staff


    Toxicity isn't fun. We tend to stay away from that kind of stuff. Welcome to the Vanguard.

  11. 2 hours ago, Skyfiiire said:

    Keen to apply for both me and my friend.

    IGN: Skyfiiire & zekeg2
    Mastery Rank: 10 & 15

    Time zone: Some small island in the pacific called New Zealand. So uh, like NZT or GMT +12 (I think thats right but its too much effort to look up on google).

    About me: Er, I play way too much. Own most of the prime parts currently availible. Oh, for an indication of how much ill be active, I started this game like two weeks ago and have clocked up over 100 hours ingame and countless more on steam (I have no life, even though im at univ.). On the other hand, my mate is a slacker and just sits home and plays all day long. We will probably be active like 6-8 hours a day unless I have work or lectures that I need to be at.

    What I/we/it can bring to this clan: We are pre. chill. Know alot about this game (despite only my 100 hours. He has alot more plus I enjoy reading up on stuff). Happy to help people and host stuff whether its easy content like Bereh or Hieracon .etc. or sorties. Not so great at raids at this point in time, currently finishing grinding all the prime frames and weapons I dont have (4 to go!! Yay!!). So yeah. Should chuck me a message or invite or whatever you recruiting beasts do.



    Derp practically had a heart attack when he read "New Zealand." Zekeg needs to leave his clan before we can send him an invite, but besides that, we'll be happy to accommodate you both. Be sure to PM me or -FV-Derppening in game or catch us in clan chat so we can invite you guys to our Discord server. See you on the other side.

  12. 21 hours ago, craniumcracker said:

    IGN: craniumcracker

    Mastery Rank: 3

    Time Zone: MT

    About Me: Played alot on PS4, want to join because of friends playing on PC in this clan

    What can I bring to the clan 


    I was MR 11 on ps4

    4 hours ago, JagarmeisterTharn said:


    Mastery Rank:11(though im like 100 xp away from 12)

    Time zone:UTC-05:00

    About me:Uh i like the elder scrolls games and cookies

    What i can bring to this clan:Lods of resources and control modules lots and lots of control modules

    Two invites, hot and ready to ea... i mean, accept, sent out to you fine folks. I hope you'll enjoy your time in the Vanguard.

  13. 1 hour ago, mrwat said:

    IGN: mrwat

    Mastery Rank: 16

    Time Zone: CST

    About Me: Older warframe player. I'm a parent who plays in the evenings after the kids are asleep. I'm pretty active though its not uncommon for me to take a few weeks off here and there.

    What can I bring to the clan - I've experienced most of the games content. I have all the frames/mods used in endgame and want some folks to raid/sortie with. I also really like helping out newer players with unlocks and general game knowledge. 

    Another "I have everything" person, eh? I think we'll get along just fine. Take your invite.

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