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Posts posted by Jalal76

  1. That nyx image is now my wallpaper on my iphone5. It gets quite a lot of raised eyebrows and curious glances if you know what I mean :) 

    A few judging looks from my wife too!

    But lovely, just lovely

  2. After U8 he only showed up once for me when I was using my Nyx. I was in Xini, somewhere between wave 10-13-ish I think.

    He shows up when we were surrounded by Ancients, chargers and whatnots in the middle of the map near the busted lift

    I panic, scream curses at my oh so blind teammates (stalker? what is this stalker you are referring to, they said). So I used chaos on the crowd and got the hell out of the fight. He followed and chased me right back to the pod. I spent, what seemed like ages, running circles around the pod, keeping him at a distance, and unloading all the dual viper fury I had. With my oh-so-excellent aiming skills, it took about 3-4 clips (I really need to look into faster reloading mods) before he called it quits and not before he wore down my shields and had me at double digit health.

    And just as I ran forward to claim my reward (which he didnt drop after all, cheap) an ancient showed up and introduced his long extendable arm to my exposed behind...

    Lost that map at a very early level, no rewards from Stalker, and an ignoble death. I went hunting for his lame smokey butt after that looking for revenge, but I think he's hiding. I will find him. This time I'm bringing my three friends, Mr. Frost, Mr. Hek and Mr.Gram...

  3. Nice one! The atmosphere, the tension builds. And conversations like these reveal so much about the Tenno and their own history and traditions. I love reading stuff like this as much as the action, and you have both. Best fan fiction on this site bar none and every post you put up cements that view even further.


    What? The next one isn't out yet? Write O' Wolf of Frost, write for your life!

  4. Marriage, Children...Divorce!!!

    So when you do eventually split - does the 'wife' get half of everything? Plus all your mods except the wyrm sentinel mods, the Reaper, that Latron Prime, two out of three new blueprints you spent ages in the void farming, all your 'systems' blueprints, all your alloy plate...leaving you weeping drunkenly on the shoulder of any grineer who'd listen to you slur about that damned @#&*( who took the best years of your life, your dojo key, all your stuff, leaving you only with a pile of polymers and a mk1 braton. Then one day, beer goggled, desperately lonely and looking to end it all you look across the dark room and find yourself gazing into the limpid eyes of Phorid and thinking to yourself that mutated infested flesh isn't that bad looking after all...

  5. Greetings from Pakistan! 


    Question 1: Are you considering implementing build saves at any point? There was a very glitched loadout preset that vanished shortly after it came out. Any chance of it returning?


    Question 2: Any chance Nyx's ultimate gets an aggro attractor? She's my favorite frame and my guilty Warframe pleasure.


    Question 3: When can we expect expanded Lore? Do you need help and if so, how can we contribute to building the Lore with you?


    Question 4: What do you put in your drink that makes you guys so talented? This game is awesome, keep up the great work!

  6. When throwing a Glaive in a pipe,

    and you miss every Grineer in sight, 

    Don't worry or fret,

    it's not over just yet,

    It will get 'em on it's return flight.


    Pipe and sight is a stretch, I know.


    Lol! This has happened to me...ahem...I mean...I meant to do that!

  7. There's some very considered opinions up there in response to your post so I dont know how much more value I can add. At the same time, I can understand that you want to make the best of the plat that you have left. So, just to provide my own opinion...I'd say sit on the plat for now and resist the urge to spend spend spend! Explore the game and your current frames some more. Party up as much as possible with as wide range of frames as possible and see how each frame synergizes with the other. Also see how different players actually use their frames in different situations. Then, sit down and think about what sort of role you see yourself playing in defense maps (since that's your primary condition) or in other maps. You would have your own playstyle and your own preferences, so pick out what would be the most 'fun' for you in which situation, then go with that.


    I feel that Warframe isnt the sort of game that lends itself to a 'best frame for...' or 'best weapon for...' mindset. Its all on your mood and in what situation you find yourself in. To give you some examples, I have a Frost kitted with a maxed Latron/dual viper/gram loadout. I walk into Xini and at a level 20+ cash out, I might have maybe 40-60 kills. I'd be dead last if not last in the kills, but I wouldnt be out there killing. I would be camping the pod, picking off the one or two that slip by the rest of the team, I would keep that damn snow globe up and use my long distance freeze to thin out the number of ancients the rest of my team is busy killing at the pod. And at the most, I'd stand there and let every one wail on my shields while the team rhino figures out what that little button does...surprising how often that happens...


    If I walk into Xini with my Nyx - Its time for me to get some killing done! though I do tend to ignore that nyx is a little squishy - much to my...okay so i die a lot but I get a lot of kills too! And Nyx would be walking around with a gorgon or latron or hek/dual vipers [i just love those]/ dual ethers or a dark sword, tons of shields and energy and reach and chaos chaos chaos everywhere. With ancient disruptor flunkies!


    If someone in the clan wants a levelling run, and its a lowbie, I trot out my old faithful excaliber with whatever gun I feel like using and help the clanmate out.


    All on my mood, all depending upon the situation, all arranged so I can have some fun ingame. And I dont regret or want to take back any plat I've spent so far. Hope that helped.

  8. Ooooh man. Rookie mistake Uruz squad!

    In comics - you dont see the body, then the person aint dead!

    In sci-fi/horror - you dont vaporize, eviscerate, disintegrate, reduce molecular cohesion, toss past an event horizon etc. the body, the person AINT DEAD!


    Wow! Just...Wow! I wouldnt be surprised if we didnt see some of this stuff sneak into the Lore itself. The game, while great, is really short on Lore, but your fiction will now be the dominant fiction at least in my mind, for whenever I log on and play. A gripping, edge of your seat ride in the warframe universe. You MUST provide more, sir. You have a converted fan in me.


    Its hard to say what's my favorite bit, but I would say that I most enjoyed the initial parts, where the Tenno were a rumor, a myth, a sub current under the tumultuous flood of a pan system war. That and how you've managed to take the empty maps we see and somehow place them in a thriving populated universe, filled with real people. 


    Will be checking back for more. Regularly. If you need any kind of help, just ask for it. Its yours.

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