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Posts posted by PainTako

  1. Make cutscenes skippable, and stop making tilesets 1km long so the boss can speak for 4 minutes so we can actually farm the boss fast and we could speedrun it better. Looking at you Kela and Ambulas...


    Currently my best time is like 4 minutes, could be so much lower without 5 demanded cutscenes I can't skip, 1km tileset to run through, and a 5 second "mounting" animation that is tedious after 2 runs. Not to mention how they disable warframe abilities during extraction because the extraction pad needs to fall because, cinematic

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  2. "Itzal is better than all other archwings and it's too strong"

    Itzal isn't better than the other archwings, the others don't have a place. Itzal fixes the 2 major problems of archwing, movement and loot. With itzal you can stop on demand with it's 2, while all other archwings either have to slow down to a stop or smash itself into a wall to kill it's momentum. As for loot, the innate vacuum range is horrible while Itzal is able to pull in more loot at a much larger range with it's 3. When a game is all about loot, and there is only one way to get loot. People use it. Remember when Vacuum was only usable on Carrier?


    With that being said, most archwings have some use when it comes to archwing missions. Odonata is meh but is the best option for killing Jordas because it has a damage buff, and it is in the most need of a rework. Elytron is best for eviscerating enemies, and Amesha is best as a support role and for defense missions. The problem is that support roles in Warframe is mostly useless aside in from specific scenarios when it comes to farming. So Amesha won't be used much.


    "Itzal is the only used archwing in open world"
    As it should be in the current situation, DE has made both factions in the open world have instantaneous ways to disable the players archwing via anti-air rockets that upon damaging you, rips you out of archwing. This makes all archwings (aside from Amesha because it has invulnerability and can avoid the anti-air) for in-combat scenarios useless. Hell, the latest "tactical alert" we had I used Amesha, and how did I play. I ran up to the coolant, pressed 4 spammed my 2 about 2-3 times. Then flew off 50m behind a rock to avoid the missles.


    Let's imagine if you could use archwing in combat. Elytron's damage is only useful vs archwing enemies because of how severely nerfed they are. Archwing enemies are a joke, they do no damage and have no health or armor. If you ever played The Jordas Verdict you would have seen level 80 archwing enemies and laughed at them for being a joke. When you take the current enemies with scaling and armor, and then reduce Elytron's range to a insignificant range. Take into account that enemies in open world spread out a lot, and further more that Elytrons main source of damage, it's nuke, has damage fall off. There is no wonder why no one plays Elytron. It does no damage, has no range, and is overall useless in open world. Odonata is again too niche to be useful, and Amesha is fine if you want to sit in a bubble and snipe things. But most of the time you'd rather just swap to Warframe and have fun using abilities melee and guns.


    Because of these situations, it's no wonder people only use archwing for transportation. And guess what is by design, the fastest archwing? Itzal.


    "But Itzal is faster than K-Drive!!!"

    And? What is your point? Realistically when you take into account that K-Drive is on the ground having to deal with ever changing terrain. Where you have to turn, jump, and navigate around. Of course the thing that flies through the air would be faster. Just like in real life, airplanes are faster than a car. And yes, I know we're in a game. So why not make K-Drive faster? And be able to keep up with most archwings? It shouldn't compete with Itzal blink(Because as design it should be the fastest thing in the game), but it should compete with archwings sprinting. Nerfing Itzal to be more in-line with other archwings or K-Drives just further asks the question "But isn't that suppose to be Itzal's identity? The fastest, sneaky, and squishy archwing?" Why not make archwing's more usable in open world combat, and K-Drives faster (If this was really a real point and not a joke) than nerf the identity of an archwing that has had no problems for years until recently. That way you promote more use of other archwings, and people who love K-Drives get to go faster.

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  3. 1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

    No, I mean Garuda is supposedly close to being released and OP has changed every single ability and given them new animations and VFX. Plus an entirely new mechanic not used anywhere else in the game subbing for an existing system.

    Garuda isn't some concept TBD release. Changes can be made, but not literally throwing out all the existing work done on her.

    To be honest, not much has been changed. There is a spear used in her 2, which would be used in her 2nd activation of her 3. Her shield which is part of her one, is first 3. Her 1 uses her blades that are already there and used during her 1, just in a different way. Instead of ripping something apart you slash and then blood is sprayed while doing that.

    Not like the healing effect would be massive. And her 4, is just the original 3 animation being put into her 4 with blades piercing her, and then the normal animation begins just not locking her in an animation. The blades spins around, but she is free to move.


    A massive annoyance with some frames like Revenant to me is that he is in an animation lock and that ruins the flow of warframe and movement imo. I'm not calling for a rework, I'm stating my opinions on Garuda, who's concept is blood. The chances of DE changing the kit even a tiny bit based on my take on her theme is next to none if you ask me. I just wanted to have fun and try to "rework" a warframe that might not even need a rework.

    If you like it, awesome. If you hate it, awesome as well.

  4. I think she is an interesting frame, but a bit lack luster. I think her still using energy feels really off. I wanted to try a swing at how I think a warframe all about blood could work if they used health instead of energy, but instead of getting rid of the energy bar, what if it became something else? Like a blood bar. So I came up with this idea:



    All of Garuda's abilities cost health. Her energy bar is used to show how much stored blood she has. Garuda stores blood as she damages enemies at a low rate, and a fraction of enemies total health when they die within 30m of her. This empowers all of her abilities.

    First ability - Culling:

    Garuda swipes her hand forward with her blades spraying 15% of her stored blood at deadly speeds that will damage enemies. Enemies close enough to Garuda take double damage (from being hit with both blood and blades). Enemies give double the amount of blood to Garuda from being damaged or killed by this ability. Holding this ability down allows Garuda to rapidly increase the amount of blood she uses.

    Second ability - Eternal life:

    Garuda begins siphoning the blood from her blades into herself causing herself to heal, if she reaches maximum health she will begin to overheal herself. Every 7 health over her maximum gives her a 1% damage buff. Garuda is able to have up to 300% maximum health. (Dev stream shows 963 health, so 2,889 with just vitality). Overhealth has double the armor. However, it rapidly deplenishes. This ability costs nothing

    Third ability - Sacrifical protection & Piercing death:

    Garuda ravages herself to gain a shield. She loses 30% of her maximum health (This does not count overhealth, If she has 1500 health currently, her maximum is 963 so she only uses loses 289 health). This shield is directional and absords all damage. This ability can be reactivated to convert the shield into a spear. Dealing damage based on how much damage the shield has absorbed, and how much duration was left. Garuda will throw the spear in the direction she is looking piercing all enemies it hits. If enemies die to this the spear damage will increase. Bodies are dragged along if they die.

    Fourth ability - Engulfing blades:

    Garuda mutilates herself and drops to critical health (1 health) and goes invulnerable. All of her health goes into her stored blood. She rips all of her blades out of herself and begins spinning them around her dealing damage to all enemies for a duration based on how much health she has. Each enemy that dies gives 3x blood. At the end of the ability she absorbs all of the blood and heals herself and then becomes vulnerable. This overheal does not have a cap. You have full control during this but lose access to Eternal life and Sacrifical protection.

  5. Name: Momentum preservation
    What it does: It seems you have too much upwards momentum which forces you to continue going up, on Zephyr this will force you to stick to ceilings and for nova it forces you to bounce quickly and lose control
    Example: Zephyr gfycat
    Repo steps: For Zephyr take high duration and go to a low ceiling tileset for instance Corpus Ship and press 1 into the ceiling, nova is a bit more tricky and am still working on.

    Name: Status procs with T2 prism on kuva clouds breaks them (possibly more?)
    What it does: When you status proc a kuva cloud it breaks that cloud locking it in place and you are unable to capture it until it despawns and the siphon does a safety reset (Resulting in the braid not being destroyed and the cloud is not counted as captured)
    Example: Gfycat
    Repo steps: Use T2 prism, go into kuva siphon/flood, shoot clouds until you get a status proc on one of them

    Name: Volt FoV not re-adjusting
    What it does: When recasting speed as the FoV is resetting to the default value the FoV will not change due to having speed until the speed buff runs out and you then cast it.
    Repo steps: Cast speed, wait for it to begin ending and FoV begins resetting, recast speed

    Name: Sargus Ruk Lockdown Fun House
    What it does: When running Sargus Ruk it appears that sometimes/most of the time the mission will start off in alert state but not properly be displayed, during this time as you progress to Sargus Ruk an enemy will hack one of the alarms or the boss fight itself will increase the security level and cause the mission to lock-down. Many times this will result in an instant lock down during the boss fight.
    Repo steps: Run Tethys on Saturn to fight Ruk, get to boss fight ASAP, as you fight Ruk most of the time the mission will enter lock down without alarms being triggered or they will both trigger in rapid succession

    Name: Lephantis makes you wait 10+ seconds
    What it does: The Ancient Infested head in the first stage of the boss room will almost always wait too long if you kill the first heads when they first spawn, this causes you to just wait in the boss room for what seems like 20 seconds waiting for him to spawn. At times you can look around the room and see his name blinking between two points one where he will spawn, and one underground and a bit offset which I think is where he is.
    Example: Youtube video
    Repo steps: Begin Orokin Derelict Assassinate, initiate the boss fight, kill Ancient Corpus and Ancient Grineer when they first spawn, if Ancient Infested spawns before them restart. (From my testing the Ancient Infested spawning before one of the others is rare)

    Name: Grineer Galleon ramp room breaks waypoints for host
    What it does: In the Grineer Galleon tileset there seems to be a specific tile, the ramp tile (Refer to example) which often breaks the waypoint for hosts (This is a bug in the tileset but it seems to involve this tile a lot), the waypoint will simply point straight to the tile as if you could clip through walls and fly to it, normally after passing this tile the waypoints will fix themselves.
    Example: Image of exact tile
    Repo steps: Go into a Grineer Galleon capture mission a few times

    Name: Waypoints are sloths
    What it does: Waypoints take far too long to tell you where you need to go, this happens at times no matter what but are extremely noticeable when you enter a tile from another without ever touching the ground.
    Example: Gfycat
    Repo steps: Jump into new tile for the first time and don't touch the ground for a few seconds, normally if the waypoint stays behind you it'll take a few seconds once you land on the ground for it to correct itself

    Name: Uranus assassinate waypoints, where art thou?
    What it does: During Tyl Regor boss fight there are no waypoints at all.
    Example: Image of spawning into the mission
    Repo steps: Start Titania on Uranus


    If you want to contribute please use the following copy paste, and please use manual linking. Auto-embedding may mess up your message.



    What it does:
    Repo steps:


  6. The timer isn't as good as it can be, but for being implemented it is fine imo. It would be nice if they could make the time more accurate. It seems to currently be starting a second too early or ending a second too late, and always round up. I think there is valid arguments to round up and something I'm for. Although I would like to see the extra second be eliminated. This is just making the already in-game mission timer just public, and if they were to remove the extra second which is most likely the timer starting earlier than before the very first instance of your hud appearing (which is first moment you can move).


    Although yes I would like to see MS I think the people who are going to be competing for 1st/2nd/3rd will be willing to put in extra work, this is a great option for people wanting to get into speedrunning since they no longer have to install a program such as LiveSplit and learn how to use it, and then afterwards some even go into a editing program to correctly time it.


    If the timer is consistent in adding extra time (+1 second and rounding up) then it works as a good estimate and you might not even need to run LiveSplit while recording if you want to be lazy.


    Overall, IMO the feature is good, not ideal and I welcome fixes and updates to the timer for speedrunners I understand the issues of potentially adding milliseconds on DE's part depending on how they record your time so I can understand them not wanting to.


    Although, I will say that people who don't see the point in adding it and are not providing any argument other than "The players don't need it"... that isn't an argument. There has been plenty of features added to this game that many people even vast majority of the community doesn't need. Development is about helping all players, and adding a feature that helps some and not all is completely fine as long as it doesn't impact the others in a negative way. Please do be considerate of how others play the game, just because you don't see the point doesn't mean there isn't any. If DE does add in a ms counter they could lock it behind a toggle if people are against seeing it for whatever reason other than some people not needing it.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Badgriuel said:

    Sorry but puzzles aren't a way to make things hard, because well once you look up a video or look at the wiki you know how to do it and its easy as cake. If you want to make things hard then add actual mechanics to the raids that would be hard. 

    1. Bosses that are gear checks along the way to see if you and your squad meet the dps needed and/or health/tanking ability. 

    2.Enrage timers on bosses that after a certain amount of time the boss will 1 shot you regardless of any damage reduction or invulnerable ability you can use. The invulnerable ability can buy you a few seconds of more dps before it wears off but that's it.

    3. Boss mechanics where you have to avoid specific abilities cast by the boss or avoid line of sight with the boss. 

    It's simple things like these that can add to an encounter and make it harder and more intensive to do with a group of people. Why do you suppose successful MMO's that have raids in them have been around for so long and continue to grow? I mean look at how long World of Warcraft has been around, look at how Final Fantasy is doing as well.   

    I enjoy how you said destiny raids are good and they involve solving puzzles before the boss fight. I was talking about the raid in general not any specific part, but instead you are focusing on just the final fight which is basically all DE is doing for Eidolons, and they're doing it poorly by making it a visual cluster F*** and just throw in as much AoE damage as you can. Eidolons requires you to have a specific team comp but there is no way to speed it up other than having the best gear. Meanwhile, in both warframe raids and in Destiny raids a group that knows what they're doing can speed up the process by making no mistakes and doing everything as fast as they can.


    You cannot speed up an eidolon capture other than maximizing your DPS which is not what is challenging. That's just grinding before you face them. The concept that a puzzle adds is that it slows down groups that are not experienced, and more experienced groups can do it relatively easily. However, what it allows is the competitive groups to vastly speedup the raid itself and complete it faster. Considering how DE has a website dedicated to showing off current raid times e.g http://content.warframe.com/dynamic/trialStats.php and we can then use that data to have leaderboards e.g https://trials.wf/top/monthly/lor/.


    The boss fights in Warframe are lame, they're not well done and DE hasn't correctly made them. The bosses of the raids are very dull and boring, and DE focused too much on bad puzzle design rather than the final fight. What I'm saying is they need to make the puzzles better and also focus more on the boss. LoR has so much potential of being such a good raid with tweaks here and there. But DE is wanting to focus purely on a boss fight that isn't fun, but instead is a full gear check with nothing else. No skill or teamwork is required other than shooting at it. No interesting in-depth mechanics but instead just a bullet sponge with attacks that you normally just the damage because there is no punishment to die as operator and no way to properly heal the operator. The only mechanic is lures and they just surround the person they follow so it's not even properly done.


    DE is removing content with no compensation for the players who enjoy that content other than a poorly designed boss fight that offers nothing of value. And if they do add raids back what are they going to give as rewards? More arcanes? There isn't much for the route of a good arcane if they're already on the drop tables of eidolons just look at energize grace or guardian. Then the question is how many years are we going to be waiting until the next set of rushed raids come out? And then are they again going to leave it to rot and never advertise it and re-create all the problems that they had before?

  8. 13 minutes ago, Badgriuel said:

    I don't need to have experience in a Warframe "raid" to pass judgment on it, the videos and time it takes to complete one speaks for itself. It's missions with just extra things thrown in to add an extra element of "hard" to it. This is simple stuff to do, heroic and mythic dungeons in World of Warcraft are more complex and take the same time or more time and are more rewarding than the Warframe version of it. 

    I never argued that the raids in Warframe are too long, but the exact opposite. Too short and little to no challenge in them. Sorry to say this but Destiny does a better job at making raids then Warframe and that's saying a lot since I don't like Destiny because of other problems with the game. 

    I've done every single raid in WoW that has came out since the start of the game and have logged thousands of hours in that game a large bulk of that time being dedicated to raiding. I speak from a place of experience when it comes to what it means to be a raider and what raid content is and how it should be crafted and handled. 

    Your's and other peoples argument for keeping raids or disliking moving the arcanes to PoE isn't coming from a logical point of view. Your arguments are more rooted in emotional responses and feelings. 

    Is removing content from a game a good thing? Not generally, but when said content is only used by a small fraction of the player base then the company has to look at that content and see what changes they can do to it or if its worth the time to keep around and change it compared to the amount of players that use it. DE looked at the data and concluded that its not worth the time to keep it around and constantly try to apply fixes to it. 

    Would you be fine with if they removed the current raids but came back with a more fleshed out raid system that didn't require silly keys, or have puzzles but actual things you have to do in the raid. Like clearing out wings of a ship to kill off the commander of that area so you could access another part of the ship and continue on. Where each boss that you killed during the raid could drop loot that was specific to the raid and was actually worth the time and investment to do. Something that required an actual set of skill and game mechanics to pull off? Those are things that I'm sure lots of people would welcome. An actual raid where you have bosses to kill in each one and they ramp up in difficulty as you progress towards the final boss of the raid.  

    75% of the fixes to raids are to fix a minor bug that everyone already knows how to work around, and in turn they also mess up the raids even more. They then don't even attempt to fix the major problems and instead focus on the minor issues.

    In 3 years DE has taken the route to band-aid the problems rather than fixing them. If you install a rusty damaged pipe that constantly leaks for 3 years you probably wouldn't just keep patching it up, instead the smart move would be to replace the pipe itself. Now imagine that pipe is going to a bathroom in your house, instead of fixing it right away DE is going to just turn off the water to that bathroom for as long as they please.

    Considering how they revealed kingpin about 2 years ago and have had no updates since, it took them 3 years to bring updates to dark sector which is now completely different than to how it use to be, and after 3 years is just a "capture as many points in 20 minutes" that requires no actual skill other than running around tiles, and how they revealed "The Sacrifice" that was suppose to come out last year but they just apparently got the outline of the quest done recently. I don't think DE is going to rework/improve raids anytime soon or even in the next few years. And much like PoE or any new content what is going to happen is that they will work on it for a few months and rush it out and it will be as buggy as ever. Look at the release of PoE as our most recent example.

    The problem is that DE is not communicating with us anything other than that they want to remove it, and have no replacement for the content that they are removing. They also give BS reasoning as to why raids = eidolons. Raids are a knowledge check, I can take an mr 5 account into raids and easily do it. I cannot do that for Eidolons. Eidolons are a gear check, it requires grinding just to get to the point of doing them. Raids can be done very easily with a group that knows what they're doing with barely any gear as shown here. They are no where near the same content, and DE is leaving the community in the dark other than "We will listen to your feedback and here is some reasoning as to why we don't want to keep it".

    We have no timeline, we have no assurance that raids are going to be similar to how they are now, DE has stated issues with raids are their own fault and never attempted to fix it. "Not enough people play it" they never advertise it, "it was left to rot" they never updated it or attempted to add on to it, "it doesn't fit with the core game loop" it never was suppose to, it was suppose to be something completely different a puzzle based gamemode that is challenging not just a go here and kill everything since they're level 100. It's suppose to be like a lua spy puzzle that involves thinking and knowledge of it to complete. Time and time again DE shows that they add content and if people enjoy it they continue to update it, but if not enough people play it then it will slowly die. Just look at conclave.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Askell91 said:

    Only farming while others do the Bounty for you is not playing. Im not forcing anything. You could still farm in Free roam. (btw with that senctence you tell me how should I play the game so ye..)

    I never told you how to play, I'm giving you a solution to a problem that you are complaining about. Also when you play in public you can sometimes randomly be put into bounties or so I've seen in this thread. So again, if you find this as such a problem, don't play public?

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