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Posts posted by Rhaenxys

  1. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    I don't hate the idea, but I feel that change will make the radar part of Sonar as redundant with the Localization as Silence part would be with her passive. So it wouldn't fix it, but shift the same complaint over to a different power.

    Sonar would still have a use to help you locate enemies around you, at sides and behind you (and as a damage buff).

    Even with sonar marking enemies on the radar there are situations were is a bit difficult to know the exact location of an enemy, i.e an enemy can be behind a box/other objects, being able to see through walls also helps with weapons with heavy punchthrough like lanka allowing for more efficient spy runs.

  2. As it is i find silence a bit redundant on banshee`s kit and extremely situational, even in those situations her passive is just enough so there goes my suggestion:

    Change "silence" into "localization" allowing banshee to see enemies through terrain/walls for X amount of time, leave also the initial stun so the augment doesnt need to be changed.

    This fits her in both theme and gameplay and has great synergy with her other abilities, i know sonar makes enemies visible on the minimap but with both abilities active she will have even more control over enemies.

  3. I know there was a hotfix to remove heals from zenistar disk by using life strike but zenistar is not healing when doing direct hits (with the weapon and not with the disc) it only heals with procs, it seems to be a bug because i dont see a reason to be like this.

  4. I seriously dont get why it must be changed, even bodycount should work on exalted abilities, i can reach x2 combo multiplier with exalted abilities just spamming one guy, the damage is there and it isnt that impresive, still lower than certain melees with blood rush.

    3 second is nothing for this type of abilities, if they change this mod to not work with these abilities they should raise the combo duration for abilities because despite wasting more energy than regular melee, most of them are surpassed in terms of damage.


  5. 22 hours ago, ograzzt said:

    Sounds like DE choosed very interesting and radical way to turn off Acolyte mods from working on Razorwing. 

    Its not only acolyte mods, even fury/primed fury stops working, so is just a bug and not an intended nerf.

    Also, i dont know if it affects the dex pixia too, my damage seems to be a bit lower than before but im not sure.

  6. 1 hour ago, ----Dante---- said:

    eh sadly so far only female frames get cool concepts, male frames are just plain and boring

    "Cool concepts" are a very subjetive thing, while i agree most female frames get unique mechanics, things like limbo exist, there is also some female frames with very simple abilities, mostly the old ones, newer frames are in general more elaborated.

  7. Even if they decide to make the music frame a male what will happen if someone like you, who likes to play with male frames, likes the next warframe theme but that frame will be female?

    Also, it isnt right from my point of view to compare this frame with banshee, sound and music is not the same, music has a structure and from what i know, this frame is more support oriented, support in terms of trinity, i always see banshee as an offensive/CC option.

    Im not trying to be rude but this thread doesnt have any sense.

  8. 1- The disarm last for 2-3 seconds and deals no damage, bullet jump away till the effect expires and 25 energy wasted.

    2- Last time i used titania in conclave you cant hurt an enemy suspended by lantern but im not sure, however unlike equinox`s rest, lantern costs 75 energy and has a very long cast time, you are very vulnerable while casting the ability.

    3- Never seen a knockdown with tribute, for me it only deals a moderate amount of damage and thats it.

    4- Razorwing is only usefull as a escape/survivability tool, the butterflies are too slow to damage a target, the dex pixia have very low firerate even if the damage per hit is "high" i can deal way more damage with pretty much any automatic weapon and it is intended to have that hitbox, is part of the ability, it also last very few seconds (like 5?).

    She is very far from the conclave meta, as it is right now i only consider meta excalibur, nyx and rhino.

  9. 9 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:

    Doesn't need an upgrade.

    She's fine. her 2 makes her a great tank with a lot of armor and allows you to use your favorite melee.

    3 is great for finisher damage builds/daggers

    4 is usually a panic button for me personally. However she does have great finisher damage during this mode but requires alot of STR some efficiency and duration. (Also does alot of slash damage hits fast great with shattering impact + bosses)

    She actually need changes imo, why i would use paralysis when i have a finisher attack on hysteria`s charge attack? for most situations a slide attack is enough or even a slam attack + ground finisher combo.

    She still suffers the problem of dealing with flying units and ripline is pretty much useless in every aspect, for mobility, bullet jump is still superior and cost no power and the damage is pathetic even with the x4 combo mechanic, enemies suffer too much ragdoll to even be somewhat usefull for ground finishers.

    Paralysis should have the same mechanic as molecular prime/polarize, a wave affected by duration but in a cone infront of her and the stun duration extended to 5-10 seconds.


  10. My current build:

    Aura: steel charge.

    Primed flow

    Narrow minded



    Primal rage

    Transient fortitude


    Energy conversion

    Handspring in the exilus slot.

    Range is pretty much useless on most abilities and wukong has 3 channeled abilities, which are affected by duration for their energy consumption so thats why i prefer to use narrow minded.

  11. Im having framerate issues even on low settings, void fissure missions are a nightmare with all that enemy spawning, it was a problem before how warframe is so intensive with how enemy spawning affects the performance but now is even way worse.

  12. Didnt see this change on the patch notes but now Valkyr dont take damage from hysteria`s self damage mechanic when entering a nullifier bubble.

    I suppose it will be the same against scrambus and similar units, is a great change because in some situations the player has no option to avoid these type of units, making Valkyr the only frame who can get one shotted when an enemy dispells one of her abilities, she is now on par with wukong`s defy in terms of dealing with nullifiers.

    Thanks DE for the change, ripline and paralysis are still a bit subpar but i greatly enjoy this change.

  13. I dont seriously get why running away for health is a bad thing, it happens in nearly every PvP game, there are even mods who give you mobility when on low health to incentive this kind of tactics, maybe it isnt funny to you but it will for other players.

    And about mobility... it doesnt matter what kind of words you use, you are pretty much saying everyone who says mobility needs a limitation is a new/bad player who doesnt want to put effort, im not gonna start a discussion on mobility but that kind of prepotency isnt necessary.

    The current situation with energy regeneration and hp orbs is perfectly fine, at least to me,  conclave is less generic than before.

  14. Looking at the damage capabilities of some AoE weapons bows are a bit inferior considering how slow they are to fire, the damage may seem high but there are multiple weapons better than bows.

    Personally they need a niche other than spy missions, a damage multiplier depending on distance or a percentage of the damage ignoring armor.

    I use them mostly because of their looks but other than that there is not too much reasons to use them over the right weapon.

  15. I never played with nekros before the prime version but what is the point of soul punch? it deals very little damage and is only CC for one enemy, other than to temporary disable a big threat is a bit useless, it would be better if it was an AoE cone ability like banshee`s sonic boom.

    And agree with "NightmareT12" a decrease from 3% to 2% to the health drain and a raise of 0.5 to each multiplier for shadows of the dead would be enough to bring some balance.

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