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Posts posted by Glasglow

  1. Wait, did you seriously read through four pages and still wind up skeptical of the Dread's offensive potential? I was about to make a post all like "Okay, guys, I think he gets it. The Dread is a beast".



    The Dread is a beast. Give it Point Strike and Vital Sense on top of the other usual mods and you'll be one-shotting everything (yes, bodyshots) past level 40 with ease. Headshots are never needed except on Heavy units that are too tanky to be reliably one-shotted (which, even with a level 6/10 Serration, shouldn't be happening until around the level 40 mark).

    Quick question, even tho i have 100% crit rate with dread, pretty often i end up seeing white damage, some enemies have crit resistance?

  2. I assume that when people say things like "BUT I CRIT FOR 20K!?"

    They talk about the headshot damage, which is oneshot either way, no matter what you have in that weapon?

    I'm talking about dread shooting into the body of enemies and needing several shots to kill them.

  3. Understandable that you're upset and angry about this, but to say that the hot fixes and updates send the game straight to hell is going a tad bit too far. The amount of time they are putting into the game to make sure its fixed and correct takes time, plus wrong section.

    I'm just angry at losing lots of orokin cells.

  4. This is getting really irritating, after all the hot-fixes and updated, this game went straight to hell, today i've started experiencing a new joyful error that keeps crashing warframe every hour or so..

    So, can you please be so respectful as to make the game reward you the mats and mods that you collected in a mission if you DC or the game crashes? Doing 40 waves of something, only to crash and end up wasting a hour of our time,cause of client errors and bugs, is not really cool.

  5. Some may hang me of this but I will say it any way. This is my suggested list of things to do.

    1: do every thing in your power to make mastery rank 2. It will allow you to trade and thus get items you can not farm quickly.

    2: find a frame you truly want, I know this can be hard, but do some research and get some good info.

    3: look for the so called "required" mods. And begin to upgrade them as often as you can.

    4: find a weapon you can use and like, this is. Crucial to your long term enjoyment.

    5: if you choose to not buy more platinum use your beginning platinum for potatoes. ( reactors and catalysts )

    Some suggestions on frames and weapons and mods are to follow. (Disclaimer, I do not remember if the following items are XP locked) this is also just my suggestions every one has different opinions and that's cool too.

    Primary weapons. Boltor prime, Paris prime, Dread, Boar prime, Phague.

    Secondary weapons. Brakk, Despair, Akmaginus.

    Melee weapons. Nikana, Dual Ichors, Dual Zoren, Bo, Orthos.

    War frames, Mag, Valkyr, Rhino, Nova.

    Required mods, Redirection, Vitality, Serratation, Split chamber, Barrell diffusion, Horrnet strike.

    That's all I can think of I am at work and on my tablet. Hope it helps a little.

    That was actually great advice, thanks.

    Not so sure about half the weapons, but the mods for sure.

  6. How do elemental mods work?

    I see that Corrosion is strong against Ferrite mobs (Grennier) and it allows reduced armor, does that mean that it reduces armor on the initial HIT then all the subhits after that benefit from it, or does it benefit from armor penetration on the first hit as-well, nulifying enemy armor?

  7. you don't need damage table if you have tons of damage, and you can have tons of damage with Dread.

    Who needs damage tables, when you have tumblr_m0sx9q4h6R1rp8ehlo1_400.jpg ?

    Aight thanks guys, i was getting a bit discouraged and yes i DO have the dread bow that i made today and i'm proud of it ._.

    Except for the part where i shoot heavy armor greniers for punny damage T.T

  8. I'm kind of dissapointed to find out that the dread stalker drop bow is the worst of them all, why is the hardest to get bow, the worst one? ._.

    It has slash damage, judging from this table: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

    Slash is the worst possible damage type, half the enemies have resistance against it and it only gives minor bonus to flesh enemies, while Puncture damage is the best type.

  9. Anyone had any luck crafting it? It says that parts drop from Vor, but i've done vor like 30 times past few days and i have literally never seen any part drop except for the blueprint.

    Maybe they changed the place where the parts drop?

  10. I've started playing Warframe 2 days ago, and currently i am level 26 or something, with maxed out Bow and almost maxed out Kunai's but what interests me is, what are the goals that you should aim for as a new player in warframe?

    For example, what would be a good thing to spend your money on at first, the pet, a sentinel or something, maybe new weapons?

    If weapons, what would be a few good weapons to replace the starting bow/kunai with as you progress further into the game? Currently my bow and kunai seem a bit weak, even tho they have pretty okayish mods and are capped out, for a lv26 , any tips?

    Basically what i am asking is, What are the most sensible investments a new player should make?

  11. I was wondering, how do you exactly get Ciphers and would anyone be kind enough to help me get a to start off the Mirage frame quest? Since my Crystals seem to be running out of time, only noticed when i had few hours left ._.

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