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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Gas is indeed effective against infested, the thing is though, within a faction there are different units each with their own resistances/weaknesses. Sure the ancients can nullify GAS damage/procs but that doesn't change the fact that while their auras do so, without the auras the infested are for sure weak to gas, u just have to focus fire on the ancient and take down the aura, srsly... I don't see the big deal.


    Light infested are also weak to Fire. Fire damage will only get reduced by the Ancient healers. Now tell me a one good reason why should I use Gas over Fire?

  2. Im still rockin gas elec on infested


    No issues


    It's the electricity doing majority of the damage, its damage is only reduced a bit by the Ancient Healers. They way how electricity arcs when it procs, it's also not affected by the AoE damage reduction of the Ancient Disrupters.

  3. Because ODD, a high-level area, is totally the standard for the entire faction.


    Every defense missions has the same number of spawns, just lower or higher level enemies. I could had said Dark Sector defense of Venus but that wouldn't had made any difference.

  4. Reposting once more


    RIP Gas Damage




    It's funny because Toxic Ancient aura not resist, but nullify the proc damage at all.


    Somebody with common sense. Here we see the ''awesome'' Gas element against the Infested!

  5. ^

    While their spawnrate is a bit high, ancients are far from representing the entirety of the infested faction(all but the ancients, lephantis, more? are consired light infested and take a delicious amount of damage from gas)


    Do 10 waves of ODD and you already have more Ancient spawns than light infested spawns.

  6. 450392f65e867ed7f120c2642d0ee35e.png


    ''Very effective against infested''

    Gas is THE WORST possible elemental type against the Infested, thanks to the different auras of Ancient units.


    Toxic Ancients grant 90% damage resistance to Toxin and Gas damage for all nearby Infested. Ancient Disrupters grant 90% damage resistance to AoE attacks, in this case, Gas element's AoE Toxin Proc (which's damage is already reduced by the aura of the Toxic Ancients). Ultimately, Ancient Healers grant a general damage reduction.


    Suggestion: Buff the Gas damage to make it actually useful against SOMETHING!


    Make Ancients weak to Gas and light infested weak to Corrosive. Also, Toxic Ancients SHOULD NOT reduce Gas damage. This would encourage many more people to use Gas damage in infestation missions.



    Reposting once more


    RIP Gas Damage




    It's funny because Toxic Ancient aura not resist, but nullify the proc damage at all.



    There's a prime example how ''great'' Gas is against Infested.

  7. Hardcore players would be mad that a new player could be ran through vay hek or lephantis without having to farm anything.


    There is nothing stopping people from inviting new players to Vay Hek or Lephantis whether or not the Triangulator is consumed. There are mastery rank 2 people leeching off void missions to get themselves a shiny Boltor Prime...

  8. Let's go straight into the point:


    What is the point of closing such an amazing boss fight behind a time wall AND an RNG wall? Let's not also forget that Hydroid isn't that great of a Warframe, so that really does not encourage people to farm for the Beacons and Vay Hek.


    Vay Hek Frequency Trangulators should not be consumed each missions. Let's think about this realistically: the boss fight is on Earth and the map is always the same. Do two completely identical places exist on Earth? Nope. It makes no sense that we have to find Hek again every time after beating him. Lotus can do all kinds of cool things, but saving coordinates of Hek is beyond her skills? DE please...

  9. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/300032-new-contest-mirroring-reality/


    That was probably one of the most fun contest DE has ever organized! Why not continue posting more screenshot? This is not a contest or anything, and you can post as many screenshots as you want!


    The rules are simple: post screenshots of an in-game objects that look like things in real life, just like in the competition.


    Alad V's ''collar'' looks like a toilet seat



    Zephyr wearing a top hat


  10. Radiation, while similar to Chaos, is less reliable. Chaos'd enemies are more much likely to attack one another from experience, whereas Radiation afflicted enemies tend to turn on you if you get too close.


    Who knows, maybe Nyx will see a small rework or something with... upcoming updates that favor Nyx.


    Physic Bolts is arguably one of the worst abilities in this game. I think that should be reworked as soon as possible.

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