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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Sad but true, the way the Kubrow were added makes them too much of a nuisance to want to use. Whenever I'm playing with friends I find myself being far too reserved in my play style when I have my Kubrow out because I'm terrified anything is going to kill it and I won't know where he died. The entire system is too unforgiving. If he dies you lose 40% of his Loyalty, and you can only recover a max of 60% a day, this is S#&$ when he dies so easily and there is no marker that shows where he died at. Stabilizers costs way too damn much, and don't let all the elitist jerks who claim farming 100k is easy, because for the majority of the player base we either don't have time to sit around and farm credits all day, or we simply aren't far enough in the game to do it yet. You unlock the Kubrow after beating like the second or third boss in the game which means it is not meant for people running endgame only.


    I've put mine into stasis and he will probably stay there forever unless DE fixes this system, Kubrows don't add anything to the game that the Sentinels didn't already do, so they shouldn't use a more punishing system to use them. Remove loyalty and dna integrity as they are, instead make them a bonus (as they are displayed as anyways). If you interact with your kubrow regularly he gains a bonus to damage, but does not lose that on dying instead he loses it over time (like DNA integrity works now) if you don't interact with him, and make stabilizers option for bonus HP, not something that continually degrades.


    Kubrows are powerful as hell, interacting and healing them is definitely worth it.

  2. Cold:

    Primary: Freeze Ray (confirmed)

    Secondary: Shard Gun - Fires small ice shards that explode into smaller shrapnels when hitting hard surfaces (Lancer Shield, Heavy Enemies, Walls), these shrapnels deal damage to surrounding targets. Small chance to puncture soft Tartgets (like infested or corpus)

    Melee: Crystal Sword - just a sword made of an extremely cold material


    I want all of those, because I have some strange obsession with ice weapons!


    There are not only too many elemental melee weapons, there are too many melee weapons in this game in general. 90% of them are crap anyway and server no other purpose than getting the mastery rank XP.

  3. Just logged in to notice I can't see a single one with a similar design to that skin.


    Point out which one you can see that looks similar. All I can see is designs made to represent the lotus/tenno design.


    The only Warframe with Lotus design in Ash.


    Mag and Nyx have stripes in their skins. Saryn's skin has shapes (squares) in her skin. Banshee has stripes and couple spots on her skin. Frost's skin has some kind of camouflage in it?


    Ember's current skin has flames in it, all the other skins have abstract shapes in them.

  4. Probably because it doesn't fit the immortal design and is probably going to be reused for a different skin set.


    How does it not fit the design? The other skins are also filled with stripes and shapes very similar to the unreleased skin.

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