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Posts posted by Erukyo

  1. So I have been trying to catch some Bolarolas (which is painfully difficult especially when the Corpus have a habit of just magically appearing right after I do my echo-call) and recently encountered a problem where the Echo-Lure point was....just outside of the map.




    Trying to get to it I would be rapidly slowed and pushed back by the map boundries. After a few times I *DID* manage to finally get the call to go through, but then the THORNY (THE FREAKING RAREST ONE) Bolarola spanwed right next to me and got spooked and started to roll away, on the border of the map. This was an issue since I was still slowed by the map boundary while trying to track it down and knock it out of it's rolling animation (spoiler alert, I wasn't able to catch it).


    So DE if nothing else can you make sure the lure points can't spawn outside of the map boundaries or are always at least a set distance away from them?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Moysa said:

    allow me to play devils advocate here. i can see a few reasons to have it as well. it stops the endless farming of hard to get items. for example, i sat in the inaros quest till that timer showed up farming kavat scans. i got 8 genetic codes b4 the game said gtfo of the mission

    But to counter your point they can do what they did with the most recent mission. You could fight an endless number of Sentients in Octavia's anthem, so they made it so that the Sentients you fight there don't drop any loot.


    Is this the right way to go about things? No


    But it can be weird to just randomly put things into the game or take them out specifically to stop people from getting items in a quest that you can't normally easily get.

  3. I don't feel like the grind to this is even all that bad.

    It's a brand new mission type (even if it plays kind of like old mission types in some ways) so it's fun to play the mission a few times to try and find the best strategies and to see how many people you can save. (I like listening to the surprise of the survivors as you get them out)

    After all this mission type will go away after the Operation is over in a couple days and we won't get to play it again unless it becomes an official mission type (and it probably eventually will be).


    Plus, as someone who has almost every weapon and warframe in the game, a new mission type is refreshing. Plus it's a bit competitive with the leaderboards if you happen to have a good active clan which is kind of fun.

  4. It's almost impossible to progress without being able to heal the survivors past a certain point since they are so weak that a Toxic Ancient's breath kills them pretty quick once the enemies are a high enough level.

    So I'm glad that at least *some* heals work, if not all of them

  5. " Remember: When the Operation starts, your rosters are LOCKED. No new members can join to compete, and new clans formed won’t count for competition! "


    Rosters are locked currently. Only people in the clan when the operation started will have their scores counted towards the clan's score.

  6. Lately while playing with my friends I have been noticing that every now and then when using an exceptional/flawless/radiant relic in a fissure run, sometimes the Host's relic won't crack open, even if they have one equipped and 10 reactants collected.

    This is a bit annoying as it means the host can't select a relic from the group since their relic didn't open, and the group has less chances of getting good drops if this happens.

  7. After updating my nvidia GeForce Drivers last night (to version 378.66) Warframe crashes upon opening.

    The launcher opens and seems to run fine, I played yesterday even after the hotfix with no problems. This has only started to occur today after downloading the most recent driver for geforce.

    I run with two GTX 970's in SLI. When I hit 'Play' from the launcher, the launcher closes, and before the game actually opens, the crash report pops up.

    I have disabled both Direct X 10 and 11, and neither helps.


    I am now going to reset my computer to see if that helps. And will provide any additional information as needed.



    Resetting my computer did the trick. Not sure exactly why since my computer was reset after installing the driver update, but it works with Direct X 10 and 11 enabled.

  8. Personally I prefer the Vaykor Marelok, which is much easier to obtain and is, in my opinion, a much better compliment to any arsenal. Why?


    - It's not a shotgun, so no damage falloff and much better range

    - Great damage and fire rate

    - Fast Reload

    - Somewhat high crit chance for a pistol (though downside is x1.5 crit damage)

    - One of the best pistols for status chance


    - And of course, the Syndicate Boom that deals blast damage, staggers enemies, heals you for 25% HP, AND buffs armor by 25% for 30 secs.



    Sure, Brakk is great for close range, but personally the Marelok is still great at close range too.

  9. the bonuses are in the polarities, not just the stats.  To me, all this is is another thread of "I want more buffs".... everything just keeps getting buffed and buffed, so there's no variety.  You can't just go buffing stats and expect it to be a good patch.


    It's not much of a bonus if I Forma a regular Frost two or three times to have polarities I want, and then want to upgrade to a frost prime that has less polarized slots that were determined by DE.

  10. You should have seen the Phoenix Escalation mission if you wanna see how bad the level scaling can get. Level 100-150 Grineer and you had to survive I think 5 waves of interception. Oh, and you could only use melee weapons......and your conclave could not exceed 400.


    If you didn't have a limbo, loki, or vauban, then your squad probably hated you.

  11. Hello there everyone,


    Storm of the Voids is looking for active tenno to enlist in our clan, whether you are new, or a veteran player.


    Currently myself and my Viceroy OrokittyMir are the only active members of the clan after some of our other friends stopped playing, so while we do not have many members now, we already have all necessary labs built and almost every single research funded and completed save perhaps two or three, which means you would only have to pay the 15k blueprint fee to get your hands on research weapons.



    Mir and I are both rank 14 or higher and have just about every warframe, so we can run just about any mission type, and aren't afraid of playing with and helping newer players, though our schedules are a bit short since we both work full time.




    So if you are looking for an active clan to run higher level missions with, or need some help getting your feet off the ground, why not join up with us?

  12.      Yeah, but enjoying it at your own pace is really for solo. :/ This applies to literally EVERYTHING you might be doing with other people. I think the point was that people shouldn't get mad over not being able to do it at their own pace, but rather make the most of it. It's annoying when one person expects everyone else to go at their pace. The only problem I see here is people complaining about the pace others play at XD just don't play with them.


    But you forget that not every warframe is able to move at the same pace. If someone is using Loki and another is using Frost, there is no way that the Frost will be able to keep up under any circumstances if the Loki is deciding to book it. Plus it also depends on what weapons are being carried, because not all of them can effectively copter.


    I like playing as a Frost in some high level group missions when a good defense is needed, but almost every other warframe can outpace him and when we aren't doing objectives I can get left behind pretty easily even moving as fast as possible.


    But that all requires a team willing to work together and who understand each other. If you play with randoms, then the bad ones will usually just either run off on their own, or expect you to play how they want to be able to play.

  13. I don't know if I heard it capping, but I know in around U16 or so (can't remember when) they patched out antimatter drops being able to absorb other antimatter drops, which really limits the damage potential (not that needing THAT much damage is normally necessary...)

  14. Soo... "Don't complain about not getting to play the game because you're getting free stuff?"



    Sure, I understand there are people that prefer doing missions and things quickly in order to get the goodies at the end, but some people like to be able to enjoy the game at their own pace. Doesn't mean they are in the wrong, nor do they need to be jerks about it, but not everyone appreciates just getting dropped. *shrugs*


    Its one of those unending arguments because one side complains about the other side complaining about the other side complaining and so on so forth. Just let people play their own way, if you don't like the way they play, then you don't have to team with them or they don't have to team with you. Plenty of other Tenno in space.

  15. I am not sure if this has been posted before, but I noticed something really odd that was too weird to be just a coincidence while doing a solo run against the new 'Juggernaut' infested just do see how some things run on it.



    Now, I was fighting a Juggernaut that was exactly level 50, so that might have been why I got such exact numbers...but I was using a build I like to call 'Dreaded Volt', which is basically a Volt Prime using a Dread Spec'ed for max damage through crits.


    I figured since the Juggs had super high armor and health, and the only way to effectively damage it was to shoot the weak points, it would be better to do massive single-shot points of damage instead of raining bullets down on it.



    Note that with the mods I was using, I could easily get a little over 100k red crits on the regular infested enemies on the map, so I know everything was working fine. But when I got to Mr. Big Juggs....



    The maximum damage I could do was 2,000. Whether it was a regular yellow crit, or red, it would always be exactly 2k damage on a weak spot if I fired through the shield. If I wasn't firing through the shield, I think it did around 1,360 damage or so for a regular crit.


    In addition, if I hit the armor plating, whether I was hitting with a regular crit or a red crit, I would only ever do exactly 100 damage.






    Now, I would understand having massive armor ratings and damage reduction for the armor, but there is no way that all of my shots (red crit or regular) would cap out at 2k damage on anything from a 4 forma dread through an electric shield, so does that mean that the Juggernaut actually has a health gate, in which a single shot can't deal more than 'X' amount of damage? If so, that really sucks DE, especially against an enemy that you are specifically told you can only really kill it by hitting the weakpoints. I might understand a health gate on the armor, but on the weakspots thats a low blow

  16. It's better than most regular weapons....but a bit low-tier compared to some of the other prime weapons.



    Note, if you get it, you should try and get the 'Guilded Truth' weapon mod for it. The fire rate boost does a little bit to help clean up the burst fire, but the syndicate boom, heal, and armor is pretty nice.

  17. Hello Everyone,


    Thank you for stopping by. I am Erukyo, the Grandmaster of the Storm of the Voids clan. This small ghost clan has been around for some time, though most of the old members have stopped playing for some time now, and have been removed.


    With just me and my general, OrokittyMir left, I have come here to the forums in search of new tenno to add to our ranks.


    Currently our dojo is equipped with every type of lab as well as a trading post and treasury. You may even be pleased to find that we have almost every single research option unlocked (save perhaps two or three that are in progress).


    Mir and I are rather active, though our schedules are a bit tight since we both work full time. My off days are Wednesday and Thursday, on which I can be seen on at random times, whereas Mir is off on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I work during the day so I usually get home and can start playing around maybe 8 pm EST on any given night, whereas Mir works nights, so the best times to find him tend to be in the wee early morning hours if it isn't the weekend.


    We both have microphones and can chat, though we have not set a 'team speak' type program just yet.


    We look forward to seeing new recruits, both newbies and veterans alike to help fill out our ranks and aid us in our fight against those who would corrupt our solar system.



    Good Tidings Fellow Tenno, and Safe Travels

  18. While I agree that Valkyr being associated with cats is weird, most of her abilities do kind of match up with what a Valkyrie is.


    A Valkyrie is essentially a female who fell in battle and was brought into Vahalla to serve as a kind of warrior/royalty/servant.


    As 'spirit warriors' it would make sense that Valkyr has War Cry and perhaps Paralysis given that they are distinct powers to control the battlefield, and Hysteria could be seen as them being unkillable spirit warriors.


    Ripline is kind of a just for fun move that they seemed to throw in.

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