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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. 1 hour ago, [DE]Aidan said:

    poe key art BANNER.png

    Hey Tenno!

    Now that Warframe’s largest update ever, “The Plains of Eidolon,” has been released to both PC and console Tenno, we wanted to give the community a concise method of giving feedback so that we know how to best develop future Open Zones!

    You can find more information and the survey itself by clicking the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/nRO3PjI98CMiYuvj1

    Thank you for taking the time to help make Warframe the best game it can be!

    EDIT: The ranking system for the NPC question has been changed, you can not attribute the same ranking to multiple NPCs, and people that have previously submitted their results are now able to revise.

    Is there someplace we can add additional feedback? I was expecting a "Add anything else you want to comment on" section near the end of the survey.

  2. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)CompactKiller- said:

    I have a two step verification on my ps4 I also share account but there is no proof the account was touched by a fellow warframe player by the psn name of “unlawfulace” 
    Wich to me could be the only other possibility as he will not respond to text msgs, phone calls or anything else.

    This... Concerns me... Deeply. :c

  3. 1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

    Not just any dork.

    A gentleman dork.

    @Nakak Do the ''find someone who makes you laugh through the pain'' thing Noa suggested, I may have the relationship experience of a praying mantis (shocking I know for someone as amazing as me, there should be women queuing outside my house for a shot at this hot bod) but it does help. Someone to share the pain with, who supports you and makes you smile even when you don't think you can. That's something to cherish.

    Or, like I said narcissism. You get all of the above without needing other people. I make myself smile all the time. That praying mantis joke reminded me of just how damn witty I am.


      Reveal hidden contents

    I'm sure someone out there will think I'm being serious. Sucks to be you mystery person, I'm not going to clarify whether I am or not.

    Image result for evil laugh gif


    I appreciate the words but I'm a very 'Special' person, I used to have someone who I was going to marry but things went south near the end and since then I've just given up on trying to find that significant other. I have far to many things going on upstairs for someone to actually approach me in real life.

  4. Ha ha, it's 1am and most likely going to make some mac and cheese and re-watch the incredibles movie. Honestly didn't think this post would survive this long so far, thanks everyone for your input and will be keeping a lot of these words in mind. 


    1 hour ago, TheErebus. said:

    I can't tell you what I do, because it's unhealthy.

    What I can do is tell you what not to do:
    Bottle it up - A lot of people here said that they bottle it up, while I'm not gonna antagonize them for what they do this isn't a good idea because eventually all those emotions just crush your mind. Let it out to someone who you think cares about. 

    Self harm: Don't do it. Period. I'm still guilty of this. 

    Think of suicidal thoughts: Now of course, just saying "don't think about it" is impossible and highly irresponsible, but bear with me. It's a mix of both of the previous ones. I know quite a few people who thought about suicide. One of them is a dear friend to me, and it kills me when they say this. So what you should do is talk to someone if you're feeling suicidal. Your family, your closest friend hell even the prevention center. 


    Yeah... Having done all three already but there isn't much of a band-aid I can just slap on myself and smile. Well, besides warframe that is. This game means a lot to me and is probably one of the biggest things keeping me alive. xD As stupid as that sounds.

  5. Well, crafting OD keys is a good way to gain nano spores. You can purchase the key blueprints from the market last time I checked.

    Also as for just joining warframe. :D Welcome to the club! I hope you enjoy your stay so far. If you ever need a buddy to play with or get stuck trying to do a certain mission, shoot me a message and I'll tag along.

    Also out of all the bows in game, have you decided which one you'd like to craft first?


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