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Posts posted by Draco_VW

  1. I don't believe the Warframes themselves will be changing, but we are working on some alternate cosmetic features which will enable you to customize the appearance and silhouettes of your Warframes further.

     so there will be changes involving the unpainted areas that cover very big areas em some warframes?? (ex excalibur, nyx etc) (sorry for my bad english)

  2. i have been playing this game since late late U9 and people have told me sooo many different places and ways to level my gear, but i dont know the specific best or maybe i do but dont realize it. plzzz help me!!!

    I use mobile defence like kappa-sedna, hellas-mars, cyath-eris etc to lvl my weapons and frames the only problem is getting "good" players that stay close because of the shared XP in this type of misson or u can try derelic defence get a 4 tenno squad and go kill infested

  3. *waiting for the dragon ball reference.....any second now*

    It's over 495 millions!!


    I was in that misson with jaycikon and i realy like that bug, he was killing everything and the rest of the squad was sitting eating some tenno popcorn and drinking some greedy milk watching the show massacre

  4. (LOL did you like how I named the title?)


    So by now im pretty sure you have all seen the 12.0 vid. Zephyr looks freaking awesome but her second ability worries me, from I understand she gets a damage increase the higher she goes right? so what happens if we play invasion or have a battle in a corpus/grinner ship? there just isn't enough space for her to fully reach her height cap and produce enough damage. None has played her yet so ill give it the benefit of doubt but it looks like a hotfix is probably going to come within  hours.


    Ps: Who keeps on nerfing my favourite frames? *looks at Scott* damn I liked snow globe being on a duration basis...

    I like the conpect, but some of her powers... her no.1 power is just a "buffed" super jump + slash dash combo (for wat i get u can use her "slash dash" with a normal jump so u can use it in corpus\grineer ships but i could be wrong), her no.2 is (again) super jump+Heavy Impact, but i like her no.3 and no.4 that ult+weapon proc combo looks nice now lets see if it work.

  5. de facto o nosso forum e dos mais parados, tirando o japones o nosso e mesmo o mais parado, vou ser honesto eu nao sou muito de comentar em forums mas o warframe e uma exceção, no geral a comunidade ate é unida (no forum "original") no que toca a comentarios e outras coisas, noto e que no português ja é um poko diferente (atençao nao estou a diser k nao somos unidos apenas sinto uma diferença), nao temos mt mais alem de alguns pedidos d ajuda ou d clan, nao temos fan art\concpets etc etc nao sei pk e k é assim mas a verdade e k nao é a primeira vez que vejo isto em jogos on.line

  6. Firstly, hope you're feeling better.


    Secondly, good attempt at the weapon. Art can be appreciated in all forms, and the same applies for ideas. I suck at digital drawing, so I prefer doing the old school way of pencils on any sort of paper. So you're work is just fine. Don't worry about it.


    Interesting lore; I like the dimensions of the blade. 


    Keep it up!

    Thx for your kind words stay tune there will be more weapons


    Ah, give me the cookie for recognizing a buster sword when I see one.

    Im a man of my word there's your cookie VB7YmTl.gif

  7. Hello, this is my first post. I'll post here some melee that I made while in hospital. These are ideas that I had for the melee concept weapon contest but due to some things I didn't had the chance to enter (WARNING: the drawing quality is faaaar away from professional, and I did it more as a spare time activity. Even though, my best frend will render them in Solidworks... someday). At the time I don't have all the images of the weapons, I'll post them later.


    This was the first one that I made (I was half asleep when I drew it and... yeah, some of you will recognize it from some place. Cookies for those who find it!). This weapon has some kind of history.

    This sword was recently found, no one really knows it´s name, only that this giant sword was maybe used by Hayden Tenno  some time after he got his powers. He used it when the glaive wasn't enough to cause destruction (MUAHAHAHAH Overpower!), chopping and slicing his enemies and even their vehicles! Besides its' size, it has an amazingly high attack speed and incredible destructive power.




    Now the explanation text:

    A-Cracks on the blade, due to its age and lack of use (but don't you, tormented souls, even dare to judge its capability by its cracks... It still has the same power!)

    B-Symbol of the lotus (it shines with the weapon's energy color)

    C-The handle is broken

    D- Almost 7ft long blade (or galantine's blade's size);

    E- "tribal" symbol that we find in some weapons (i.e.: long lost boar, lato, latron and so on).


    I'll add some other projects later. Farewell fellow tennos! ALL HEIL THE LOTUS!

  8. boas reparei que a parte portuguesa não tem fanart por isso resolvi por aqui (se não for o lugar certo pf mudem talvez também meta isto no forum "principal" quando melhorar o inglês) algumas melee que fiz enquanto estava no hospital, isto são ideias que tive de armas para o concurso de melee concept mas que devido a algumas coisas não tive hipótese de participar, (aviso a qualidade do desenho esta longe de profissional além que fiz isso apenas para passar o tempo) de momento não tenho imagens de todas as armas que fiz com o tempo irei por mais.



    Esta foi a primeira que fiz (estava meio a dormir quando a desenhei e sim alguns de vocês iram reconhece-la de algum lado, cookies para quem descobri), esta arma tem um pouco de historia:

     Esta espada foi recentemente descoberta, ninguém sabe o seu nome, apenas que esta gigantesca espada talvez tenha sido usada por Hayden Tenno algum tempo depois de ele ter conseguido os seus poderes, ele a usava quando a glaive não era suficiente para causar destruição, cortando os seus inimigos incluindo os seus veículos, apesar do seu tamanho ela tem uma velocidade de ataque anormalmente rápida e um poder destrutivo incrível.




    Agora a legenda:

    A- sao rachas na lamina devido a idade e falta de uso (mas nao pensem que a arma esta a beira de ser inútil ela continua com o mesmo poder)

    B- Símbolo da lotus o qual brilha com a cor escolhida para a energia.

    C- punho esta quebrado.
    D- lamina de 2 metros ou do tamanho da lamina da galatine.
    E- símbolo "tribal" que se encontra em algumas armas (ex. na desaparecida boar, na lato, latron etc etc).


    irei adicionar os outro projetos com o tempo fiquem bem meus companheiros tennos e "all heil the lotus"

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