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Posts posted by Saerel

  1. 2 forma to build it + 1-2 more forma to be able to use the utility mod ? Nope. Just nope.
    I feel extremely sorry for the 20 pl I spent on the exilus slot because it is useless,
    I'm not polarizing every freakin frame 1-2 times for that 1 mod that I can easily live without.

  2. We've been farming Caelus on Uranus for days, and instead of getting normal archwing rewards, we keep getting T4 Defense keys. We don't want silly void keys, we have heaps of keys thanks to Syndicates. We want weapon and elytron parts.
    If we can't bring our archwings to the Void, if Void has NOTHING to do with Archwing, then why the heck are they in the droplist?
    I don't want to do that boring interception for hours just to get silly void keys. It doesn't make any sense at all.

  3. Ok so after using 3 fomorian disrupters and completing the event mission 3 times, we got booted out again and when re logged back in we realized that we lost BOTH mission progress AND the disrupters we used. S#&$ty week to be honest. Nova instead of Trinity, backpack instead of syandana, still no fix for sugatra size bug, crashes, lags. I'm so grumpy.

  4. When are you going to fix the sugatras??? Especially the prime ones? We've spent real bucks on them! What the hell I don't understand why are you ignoring this problem? Why Pyra Prime syandana deserves a fix but Daman Prime and Vala Prime sugatras are totally ignored? Why?

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