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Posts posted by plexus_brachialis

  1. 2 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    This is offtopic through, we arent talking about Hema anymore.


    one thing we can agree on. to get back on topic. explain to me. since i don't understand.

    when syndicates were introduced, the standing gains were pitiful compared to cost of stuff they offered. players sought to maximize the profit and formed meta squads and cheese tactics. there were LOS nerfs to frames involved, changes to interception missions, changes to how many drops there could be on screen at the same time ('because graphic issues' and not as indirect nekros nerf), all that before DE said 'all right, we didn't think this through. let's do better now'

    over time there were changes to nuke frames to prevent the nuking because players were only playing draco.

    meta + one node = BIG NO NO from DE, time and time again.

    but now? 

    'take nekros and farm derelict'. explain to me why is that suddenly legit gameplay in DE's eyes. for ONE weapon. when before it wasn't allowed for all other loot and affinity. (yes yes, i know players gonna cheese all the time. but DE disliked it very much.)

  2. 1 minute ago, ViS4GE said:

    Actually they probably also based new units on hard data, for example Ember Killing everything with WoF, your solution wouldn't fix that problem. In other words you are talking about things you don't understand, neither you nor me have hard data. But they do.

    but they have enough hard data to state that players hate the invulnerability mechanis and since they base their choices on hard data...they are gonna go ahead and just make the same designs. 

  3. 1 minute ago, ViS4GE said:

    They based Hema decision on hard data, new eximus units are design choice and once we get them we will see how they impact gameplay exactly. You didn't offer anything, exept throwing sarcasm at me twice in a row.


    35 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    They make design choices that they feel are right and base them on hard data that is in front of them

    dunno, these two statements look contradictory to me. 

  4. 1 minute ago, ViS4GE said:

    There you go, yet another thing you can complain about in future !

    so de says themselves the players don't like the invuln design (so they have data on that), proceed to do it anyway (and by your logic shouldn't because they have data, at least enough to state so), i offer an alternative and you don't have better reply than that?


  5. 5 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    Or in that case they wanted to add new gameplay elements to keep game fresh and interesting. 

    or they could've went 'see this weakspot? if you hit it it's OHK! we will reward your accuracy and skill but not punish you if you don't hit that little squigly bunch of pixels! in horde where everything is trying to claw your face! and in game where we introduced nullifiers because we don't like how you use your powers! and because there is so many weapons and not all of them are pinpoint accurate! and we know reliable melee hits on that spot are not gonna happen! so we will not punish you for your frame and weapon choice, but reward you for things you manage to do with your prefered combo!'

    invulnerability in this game is neither fresh nor interesting anymore. 

  6. Just now, ViS4GE said:

    Maybe Hema isn't for you then, someone else might enjoy a goal he can work towards together with his friends and clan. Setting up a good farming party, just to see how efficiently you can farm is a game in itself. I'm sure warframe offers plently of different content that you might enjoy through. I don't enjoy conclave so I don't play much of pvp in this game, even through they encourage me to do it.

    except de never went 'you're not playing the pvp as it was intended, we will now nerf frames, make changes to this mission type to prevent afk farming, introduce afk-timer and do everything we can to hinder you instead of balancing content' and so on.  

  7. 1 minute ago, ViS4GE said:


    It's meant to be played in many ways and have something for everyone, pleasing everyone with every update will never happen because players are different and expect different things.


    I'm sure once new updates drops, there will be yet another thing that some players will be extremely displeased about. All that while popularity of this game continues to rise.

    if it's meant to have something for everyone, why is DE encouraging meta squad for sample farming AFTER being AGAINST them for the longest time. that's major thing im pissed about. 

  8. 1 hour ago, KIREEK said:

    player efficiency resumes to a power str decoy loki with a slow fire rate bow, plays solo because he want's to, he picks something besides derelicts because he hates derelicts

    so a game with huge number of weapons, frames and customization options is not meant to be played as individual prefers? if tileset/rewards are unappealing, we should grind it anyway for ?? i thought we were supposed to have some fun once in a while here. 

    if i want to play sniper mesa with shooting gallery optimised build, i shouldn't be so severely punished that one or any game content is unreachable goal for me. besides, DE has time and time again tried to break meta frames, squads and tactics. they don't get to tell me 'nevermind all that now, we're totally okay with it, pinky promise!' after that. 

    i might play solo because it's relaxing, because my friends are offline, because i don't like to PUG or because my connection is bad. 

    also. players complained forever that they hate playing void/same tileset.  we got fissures. 

    and now we're punished for not playing one tileset that didn't have worthwhile rewards after void keys rework. (inb4 'corrupted mods and kavats!' - both are efficiently farmed in short missions, and isn't that what we're all about)

    and if they are so hell bent on slowing us down by basing craft requirements on things in our inventory, i can't wait til new mastery fodder automatic secondary demands 1k argon and 200 nitain for crafting because we are not playing the game enough.  


  9. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

    all this focus on the mutagen samples (5000-500,000) and yet no complaints about

    50-5000 neurodes (depending on clan tier)

    10,000-1,000,000 plastids

    45,000-4,500,000 nano spores

    just for the research alone plus 5 mutagen mass (needed to build the weapon) which is an extra 50 mutagen samples and a forma.  This is assuming that the clan has researched the mutagen mass pre-requisite

    well you can get all your neurodes and spores while farming samples you know. 3 birds with one hardcore setup. and just go farm some more plastids elsewhere, you little casual (or do they also drop in derelict? im not sure) FARM. just FARM. don't even think about being casual, ever, because if you've been casual all these years you've been doing it all wrong. 

    jokes aside, i think no one is complaining about neurodes because we have 1)plenty places to get them 2)plenty incentives to get them (used for weapons, frames, potatoes, forma crafting) 

    by the time you start hema research, you've probably played game long enough to fund at least half the neurode cost yourself. 

    and spores? where DON'T they drop. even casualest of casual should have plenty. 

  10. this proposed mechanic would probably work on large maps with smaller spawns and good lightning. but.

    this game is horde shooter. and even with all effects toned down the visual clutter gets ridiculous. spotting a tiny weakspot thing (in devstream they showcased single charger with grassy red thing on his arm) - in horde and dark - good luck with that.

    rely on CC? they brought nullifiers on us to prevent power spam. how do they wants us to play the game?!

    'here, all the tools to powercreep all over the place - but we don't want you to use that because it makes game easy and boring.' enter nullifier. 

    'we don't want you to grind and farm and afk in one node because it's not playing the game - but have hema and we suggest you go farm with ideal setup in one place. it's legit gameplay now'

    'we told you not to spam CC with nullies, but new eximi will be vulnerable to CC'

    they should've stopped after corrupted mods. but no, 'have restores, have focus, have primed mods, have exilus, have rivens, have unbalanced top 10 weapons - and also cheese enemies because WE gave you tools to cheese and you took them, you fool'

  11. 6 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    So if they only spawn with somewhat invunerability over lvl 50, the only missions that this affects is endless relics (if you stay that long), Akkad, Bere (trash xp, idk why people play Bere), and Sorties (the biggest issue). Even so, the only missions where massive issues can happen is Eximus Stronghold Defenses and exterminates where the sheer number of the guys show up invunerable. As long as they implement this correctly and not make it as stupidly fvcking broken as the ancients used to be when they could make each other near invunerable, we should be fine.

    i am willing to bet my foot it will not be implemented correctly

    (example: 'lets infect players with space herpes and no solid plan how to remove it and lets take a vaccation in the meantime and when we are back lets give them lazy charger pet as solution i guess. but lets not work on permanent solution yet')

  12. 1 minute ago, Zokdul said:

    tbh. they ARE dealing with space mecha ninjas with near cosmic abilities who melt everything in one hit. people are just annoyed that this is an actual obsticle for once when your grinding up loot. we should see how it plays out before freaking out.

    tbh they are the ones who gave us all the tools to powercreep through the roof and instead of cutting that in the root and balancing the game they want to fight cheese with cheese

  13. 14 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    requires gameplay

    'sit in 1 out of 2 nodes, 2 farm frames + speed nova + whatever setup, preferably with boosters'. by that logic, draco was also just normal gameplay and not a cancer and it shouldn't have been removed. 

    ODS is bit more forgiving in the 'don't move from one spot', but you also want to keep your team together for max loot and reliable spawns, so once again, just afk while necros desecrates, hydroid pilfers, nova explodes. 

    DE is encouraging same behavior they tried to curb in the past. how is that gameplay.

  14. Just now, ViS4GE said:

    You don't seem to like this game very much, or should I say at all. 

    To me answer to all of my questions was yes, and I don't know why they keep working on conclave if almost nobody is playing it. I've heard that completely different team is hadling conclave, so if they are on payroll they have to put in the work.

    that's the thing, i used to like it a lot. i used to freaking neglect studies so i could play more. (hell i'm pretty much doing it now to complain and feedback) and i wish some of the shine would return. i'm not demanding things be handed to me. except maybe more cosmetics, which i don't mind paying for. i like pretty things, sue me.

    it's been ages since i seen event that rewards you for playing it. it's like they gave up on them when they made event weapons sortie rewards. it's like they look at player feedback and go 'lets not! not like that! make it convulted and all wrong!'

    they should look up to conclave team a bit. learn few tricks of the trade. 

  15. 33 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    Did you max all focus trees or are you still farming for them 1 year later ? What about kuva, almost 2 months later are you still grinding for it ? What about credits, do you grind for them 4 years later ? Endo ? So warframe is mainly about grinding after all huh ?

    me chiming in again cause you touch some of my main beefs with game :D (disclaimer: just MY personal, filthy casual opinion on these things) (veering off topic)(forgive me)

    1. no. focus is unbaked half thought out abomination that was as usual, shoveled into game and untouched since, apart from 1-2 fixes in first month. majority of bonuses aren't worth investing into. slap some lens on your gear, forget about it, after a month or two see if you have enough to invest into something worthwile. move on. 

    2. nope. tried at beginning, didn't like clunkiness, had couple issues with clouds stuck in ground and mission being halted for ages til i manage to locate tiny bit of red mist protruding from somewhere. only rivens i was interested in and with stats i liked i aquired through trading, but i lived before them and i can live without them. 

    3. and 4. nope. i get enough of that through casual play, i choose not to spend them on things i don't like, i choose not to max primed mods because i'm already cheesing enough. i don't need everything. therefore i have plenty. 

    for me wf is mainly about looking pretty and making sweet love to my vulkar wraith. (give me sweet vulkar skins de)

    33 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    They can't add new enemies, tilesets, events, epic 1 year apart quests in every update. Yes that would be way better, but it's not going to happen without long waiting times in between. Warframe requires new content and it also requires things to grind for, this is pve game after all. Comparing it to pvp games where you simply join a game and compete with other people is pointless. What exactly is so robust, balanced and inter-connected about overwatch, counter-strike, Dota2, LoL and insert any other game where main goal is to COMPETE  with other team/guy. I think you are getting little carried away there, it's pvp aspect that is most important there and we basically don't have that here.

    1. even that they don't do well, lately. new enemies - invulnerability periods, otherwise one-shot. 'challenge'. new tileset - pretty but no reason to play. (lua was well done, i'll give them that, but kuva? pf.) events? let's make things repetetive and rewards are rng dependant! where are things like cryotic front? increasing difficulty and win condition but not stretching forever and having set rewards? TWW was not worth the delay. i don't even know who is warring within whom, that's how invested i felt.

    2. if pve, why was most of last year spent churning lunaro, which nobody asked for? ss de. in every update and hotfix i can count on conclave fixes, additions and balances. for game mode only like 1% players are invested in? i mean, good for them, but iirc on their graphs it was something like 1%? why so much work for 1% audience, and not even half of effort for the other 99%? 

    (i'm not attacking you btw. im just expressing frustrations at this game that run deeper than hema/grind issue)

    (bottom line, i'd enjoy game more if grind was less in my face and more background to actual fun)

  16. 14 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

    I rest my case. Have fun with the next ''stretch goal''. Maybe when they'll make you farm 1000 nitain you'll get my point. Or maybe not. We'll see.

    'there has been exactly x number of nitain alerts since introduction, it's your fault you didn't rearrange your entire life around those 4 alerts/day, if you did you'd have all, you are clearly a casual who doesn't play the game ever and wants everything handed to him; it's completely your fault and not a bad game design.'

  17. Just now, ViS4GE said:

    Having mutagen samples on grineer map kinda wouldn't fit the theme.

    Warframe is grind.

    i was just saying, plenty empty spaces. is de gonna force us to play each one for one specific thing in the future to make us 'play the game'? they tried to cut on the empty nodes with SotR rework and it didn't really work because there is nothing worthwhile to do/get in most places. shouldn't rebalancing that be enough content and reason to play more? if i must grind, at least give me options. i don't care if drop chance for thing is 0,1% if there is 10 different places i can grind from. 

  18. Just now, ViS4GE said:

    Why derelict ? because it happend to be empty. As said previously, there are other things that only drop in certain places that you might not like. They won't make everyone happy.

    It's as excessive as you make it to be. But hey, i'd like something different like that announced Shadow Of Mordor thingie aswell.

    so is kuva fortress. since it's introduction it's been there just for cleaning the nodes and nothing. 'working on it' is still no content.

    excessive or not, are you saying grind for one weapon is content?

  19. 2 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    Well idk, maybe they could add it to one more planet. But then again, nobody previously played Derelict missions and I base that statement on what I saw on recurit channel. Now we have reason to go there and get some relics at same time.

    the least they could've done was to slap it on all infested missions and keep it rare and it would at least give us choice which missions to run. i like DS saturn survival and jupiter defense. ocassionaly i play invasions. that's already giving me varied choices how to accomplish the grind. 

    why do we need to be shoehorned into playing derelict? 

    why is excessive grind for one weapon regarded as content and 'giving vets something to do'?

  20. 1 minute ago, John89brensen said:

    Exactly, the irony of encouraging meta squads when they did so much to disband them in the past.


    You hit the nail on that one. Dont pay him too much atention though, he will defend Hema to the very end.

    eh, he is entitled to his opinion just as everyone else, i don't have any personal beef with him. was just curious about his opinion on DE's behavior, if we ignore all other hema issues. 

    (if anything we should be thanking him for bringing the topic right back up)

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