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Posts posted by plexus_brachialis

  1. 24 minutes ago, ashrah said:

    ppl wish fast acess to stuff...many ppl works..i dont playing farframe like before all day long..... now is most  good stuff behind...grind walls..ppl get burnout...

    outside clan tech (if you're lucky to have clan with all research finished) and outright buying you don't get faster access than titania, theoretically. i already explained why. i'd argue that with mirage, chroma, inaros and titania quests DE is taking good steps in easing the grind in getting non-prime warframes - you still have to put some effort in getting them, but you are guaranteed rewards! you don't have to pray to rngesus after every mission. 

    1 hour ago, ashrah said:

    why not make quest u do it u get frame and move on...u feel rewarded....


    25 minutes ago, ashrah said:

    but at least we can farm her  ..without time walls

    i really don't follow your logic. titania farm is insane but grinding spy missions for ivara is fine because you have no time walls? 

    i'd rather have time walls while being guaranteed parts than diluted trash droptables with 1% chance of getting part i want. 

    anyways, we're getting off topic and i have nothing more to say on this matter

  2. 1 minute ago, ashrah said:

    ivara is annoying to farm but u can farm it all day long for titania... u must wait day nigh....every 4h...equinox is also huge grind wall.. each part in dally and night form is really to much...why not make quest u do it u get frame and move on...u feel rewarded....

    that is exactly how titania quest works. you might not be happy with method (scanning plants), but honestly. honestly. within one hour of her release forum was full of topics like 'locations of all plants you need'. 4 hours wait is nothing in this game. most of plants can be scanned in one mission. two if you're unlucky. apothics take 1 MINUTE to build. each quest mission takes like 5. after which you get part. 

    4 hours day/night cycle is little annoying. but there are sites like deathsnacks which tell you which cycle is going on atm and you can plan to run them close to switching time. so you could in theory be done with quest in an hour. 

    or would you rather it was like mesa quest? where you have to grind for components for keys which make mission accessible? like mirage quest? which was pretty straightforward as well, but you had to wait for parts to build before proceeding. with titania you had no wait between building parts. 

    explain to me again how 4 hours (at max) wait is insane farm. 

  3. I'll be honest, I don't really like Archwing. Still I try to soldier through my dislike to be able to eventually give some relevant feedback. I won't comment on movement, enough has been said. 

    What really bothers me is that we just don't have that many options when it comes to playing. One mission node per planet (and not even on all planets) is not enough. We have ~decent~ mission variety, but not variety in levels. 

    Recently i built Amesha and Elytron and couple weapons, and want to level them but...best bet would be interception, but I don't feel sufficiently tanky/DPS capable to brave it alone (nor do I play co-op game to play alone) and I almost never see anyone playing it. Friends are not interested in it, and I don't blame them. 

    Forget about putting forma in anything when just leveling it from scratch is chore enough. 

    I like mobile defense. It's fast, has decent spawns, decent xp yield...but there is only 2 MD missions. One of them on horrible Corpus tileset. 

    I've seen someone suggest incorporating destroyed relays in Archwing missions. Maybe Corpus/Grineer are trying to scavange them for parts and we need to stop them? Maybe we need to scavange them for parts and Corpus/Grineer are trying to stop us (maybe like survival? distract enemy while operatives scavange)

    Put AW missions along junction lines - not as another requirement for accessing another planet, more in a sense of 'enemy is trying to take control of travel routes, exterminate/sabotage them.' Maybe even mobile defense along the route, like 'this civilian ship is under attack, defend them for couple minutes while they get their engines working'

    I don't even care about rewards that much, I'd just like to have more level varieties so I don't have to run same 5 missions if I ever want to play AW. 

    Anyone else feel that way?

  4. would be really nice to have better idea what we're dealing with, yeah. event might say 'special enemies' but if their stated level is 15-25, i bet plenty newer players think 'oh i can handle this, i've handled enemies up to level 30 already, i want the shiny rewards' only to be unpleasantly surprised. not everyone is a vet, and events are free for all - doesn't mean they should be dumbed down so every mr0 that started yesterday can cheese them, but more accurate info wouldn't hurt


  5. there is zero rng involved in choosing which syndicates you want. you can earn rep by running whichever mission you want provided you wear syndicate sigil. you can get all your daily standing in one mission ffs. the daily rep is capped coresponding to your mr. ABOVE that you can do your syndicate dailies for more rep and tokens. so no, it's not really that much effort. sorry to burst your bubble.

    syndicate weapon prices are pretty fine as they are (barring new melees, whose prices are gonna get lower the longer they are out and when novelty wears off) since there is constant demand and steady supply. 

    prime sets, on other hand, heavily relly on rng - first getting relics you want, then running the fissures, then hopefully getting part you want. even with refining it's not guaranteed. let's not even mention vaulting. rare parts are in high demand and low supply, hence the pricing. 

    paris, lex, vasto are good weapons, but their stats have no bearing on the price. they are pretty common drops. good luck trying to sell them for 60 when pretty much everyone who sticks around has multiple sets in no time, and is trying to get rid of them by selling at 25p at most.




  6. On 29.09.2016. at 6:43 PM, Pouncer said:


    I know i can run Exterminate for stealth kills but that means running those missions a few times over whereas I can usually level up quite a bit on Capture even without stealth kills, on just one run.  I just think if I had both on a stealth toon that the XP gain would be amazing.

    i suspect that is the main reason the enemies are on perma alert after capturing because DE are alergic to players efficiently getting xp/affinity

  7. animal instincts shows them as regular loot, i assume loot radar and all such mods do. aoe weapons + carrier are easy way to open all the crates and vacuum all the loot, so whatever remains is either syndicate medallion or sculpture/star, since they can't be vacuumed, only picked up manually.

    i only found two sculptures so far (to be fair i wasn't looking for them), and they were pretty in the open - in regular rooms, behind some crates, not hidden in some hard to reach secret room, so just pay more attention to your map and surroundings.

  8. 1 hour ago, Keiiken said:


    I do believe you don't have to hit the weakspot to have resonance trigger and transfer weakspots to other enemies, you just have to kill them while they have a weakspot on them. So good aim is only needed for enemies you couldn't kill or just couldn't kill easily like in sorties or trials.

    Regardless of your aim, if you kill quick enough is becomes progressively easier and easier. Plus theres nothing stopping you from re-casing sonar.

    To quote Capulet
    "Give me my long sword, ho!"

      Image result for galatine prime

    i am aware, i just mostly use sonar while leveling weapons, so aiming at the glowy bits gives them extra damage they otherwise might not have :p

    plus i like duration so one cast is pretty much all i need per round

    also, yes banshee and big swords. she has always been my favorite melee frame, even before savage silence rolled around

  9. with one cast and good aim you soon have glowing weak enemies all over the place. even the ones that didn't get targeted during original cast. it's a gift that keeps on giving, it's far from useless or trolling, unless you use brightest energy color you have and keep spamming it to give your teammates a headache. 

    here, quoting wiki

    • Additional pulses have a duration equal to a percentage of the remaining sonar duration on the killed enemy.
    • Duration of pulses are affected by Power Duration.
      • This allows for them to last beyond duration of the original pulse. If Resonance is triggered at such time, it can even spread further, up to an additional duration of approximately 50% of the original cast.
    • Range of pulses are affected by Power Range.
    • Each additional pulse originates from the location of the target killed, effectively increasing the normal range of the ability if enemies are killed beyond the original casting point.
    • Pulses do not override each other, but instead stack on top of targets. Multiple pulses highlighting a single target can cover multiple body parts simultaneously.


    so, even more duration, range and glowy spots than vanilla sonar. which part sounds bad to you?

  10. 6 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:

    Because mission starts in alarm mode. The one previous to today did as well.

    You noticed enemies running at you since start? Well bursas are appearing more often cause of that as well.

    I simply noticed, out of all Corpus tilesets, Europa seems most populated by bursa, no matter the mission type. I know they start in alarmed state. Dualstar pointed why I might not encounter them in low level planets, I'm just wondering if there is something about Europa that attracts them more than any other tileset.


  11. This is not a 'bursas are hard to kill' thread, I'm simply curious, because for a while, whenever Corpus sortie missions take place on Europa, there is more bursa spam than on any other tilesets. Maybe it is just me, but few days ago, for example, there were two sortie exterminates, one taking place in non-Europa tileset. That one did not spawn any bursa, despite the fact that enemies in sorties supposedly start the mission alerted already. Second exterminate, which was on Europa, started spawning them right off the bat. 

    Today as well. 

    Corpus interceptions on Europa have become big no-no for me, simply for the visual clutter and blinding and general headache constant bursas spawns induce, while on other tilesets I never had that problem?

    Is it tight clunky corridors and all the trash that attracts them? Am i delusional?

    I admit I don't play sorties every day, but I play mostly Corpus ones when I do, and this just bugs me. 

    (Apologies if this is in wrong thread, wasn't sure if this or General would be more appropriate)

  12. honestly though, any frame that you want to seriously play and mod accordingly can handle starchart, so i'd argue they are balanced. if we accept sorties and raids as intended endgame (so lvl 100~ enemies), all frames could probably handle them, though of course some will shine more than others in certain roles (infiltrate augmented ivara makes spy even more of a joke than loki does, for example). 

    after SotR, endless missions aren't really worth playing unless you really want that challenge but no decent rewards, so unless that changes, i wouldn't touch that can of worms when so many other things need more polishing.


  13. 47 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

    Seems like I"m the only one who don't find it that difficult... But lets face it, there are barely any people who do archwing missions, which meens that people don't get enough practice with this game mode. I think the problem is not that it's a part of a junction challenge (on PC it's not anymore), but that archwing is not popular enough. There need to be something in the gameplay that attract people to play this game mode, special rewards won't solve it.

    I'm not trying to say that you suck at archwing because you don't play it enough, I'm trying to say that people don't find something fun about it and that what cause the lack of skills. Even I don't play archwing that much. That Uranus archwing mission is difficult, but not impossible, with the right team it's even easy. It's just extremely hard to find people to play archwing with.

    well, you're not the only one, friend and i managed no problem...but we've been playing for a while, we've been hyped for archwing update, we were eager to try in beginning while we had hope DE will improve it.

    but honestly other than mastery there is really no incentive to play and no real content to play - 1 mission per planet is simply not enough. do i want to play low level exterminate that won't get me much xp or do i try high level interception that i can't beat? meh, i'll just stick to vanilla game.

    i remember fomorian event and poor execution of it - and then a while after there was tac alert or something - middle level interception with those ogmas that gave good xp, and rewarded golden cores - would've been better if that alert came before event because it gave good incentive to play, could net you decent xp and mandatory mods, so people would be better prepared for event. 

    imo, archwing at it's current state is neither fun nor rewarding experience, and definitely needs more missions with all levels of difficulty represented

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