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Posts posted by Didjit

  1. Hey, So I decided to buy Frost Prime because I love how he looks, And I am bored of my current melee weps. (Orthos Ether Reaper, Fang, Nami Solo)


    So I looked through the options.. And Saw the Galantine. Looks impressive.. But I wonder what is a good all round weapon for me to carry around on frost as I go about soloing, survivals and all that good stuff. I will of course be utilizing my 3 presets for elemental changes depending on the species I am fighting against. But I don't want to be switching melee weps all the time. Something that hits nice high damage against all types of enemy (with the aid of elemental damage mods etc) and that is not going to turn in to a wet sock later on.


    For the record I am only mastery 4 right now (Probably end up 5 ish after I am done leveling a few frames) I plan on getting the Katana thing later on.

  2. Here's my stock at the time of writing will update with my new finds. 




    Frost Prime Chassis x1


    Loki Prime BP x1


    Mag Prime BP x1


    Mag prime Chassis x1


    Rhino Prime Helmet x1


    Rhino Prime Systems x1




    Paris Prime BP x1


    Braton Prime BP x1


    Boar Prime BP x1


    Ankyros Prime BP x1


    BO Prime BP x1




    Boar Prime Receiver.


    Burstone Prime Stock.


    Fang Prime Handle.


    Hikou Prime Stars.


    Orthos Prime Blade.


    Latron Prime Stock.


    Lex Prime Barrel.




    You can message me in game on the same name I use here. Or you can mail me on the forums and let me know what you wish to do.

  3. I have been away for many months.. Just wanting to know if.

    A: Loki is still a good frame.

    B: If my equipment and planned upgrades for him are going to be best. I will be logging in shortly when the game downloads.


    So my Loki setup is as follows:


    Primary: Paris Prime Bow (Not maxed yet had only just acquired it.)


    It's got crit % chance mod on it giving it a 100% crit rating. (That's what's displayed on the stat panel)


    Next mod is 120% Damage (Working on increasing the mod for more damage)


    Planning on adding Elemental effect combos on it depending on what I am fighting.




    Secondary: Twin machine pistols (Not sure which) low damage high RPM They are fitted with % damage % firerate and Elemental mods + % reload speed




    Melee: I think I have a Nami Solo whipped on here for the lulz and experiments. Pretty sure I put maxed % damage mod + Crit % chance increasing mods and elemental mods to stack damage.




    Warframe: Loki


    % Shield capacity increase I think mine is currently at 280% right now. 


    % Energy efficiency mod (I think it's supposed to reduce the energy cost of my skills.)


    Skill range increase (I primarily have this to max the distance of my radial disarm as it's a life saving skill)


    % Health increase. (Thinking of throwing this out as when his shields die he's going to die anyway I could make more use of the points other ways)


    % Sprint speed increase. (He's fast to start with.. So I was building on his strength he is weak to damage after all Speed helps me get the hell out of there.)


    Not sure if I have another mod equipped I will have to log in to see. I am sure I was trying to get a hold of a mod that increases the duration of his invisibility so I can stay perma hidden.




    My ultimate goal is to create a constant stealthed heavy burst damage Loki. With utility to save people or myself any help is appreciated I am fairly new to the game so blame that for my noobness.


    Apologies if this is in the wrong place.

  4. Looking to buy all of his things. Actual parts not blueprints.


    Frost prime Blueprint.


    Frost prime Helmet


    Frost prime Chassis


    Frost prime systems.


    Will be paying in platinum, post your prices. It would be nice to get all the parts in one go but if that's not possible I will buy what I need. 


    I am aware that the chat system and warframe itself are in trouble at the moment, but if sellers do pop up and warframe returns to normal I would be happy to trade for the parts then. :) 


    I appreciate the help of anyone willing to sell me Mr Iceman. :P


    Oh before I forget, if you would include your In game name so I may contact you in the game to buy them that would be nice. 

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