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Posts posted by MurderHoboDinosaur

  1. When will Planets such as Sedna, Europa, and the area like the void get a resource rehaul? And when will Orokin Cells actually drop in the Orokin Void Ships?



    When will rifle and pistol status mods be actually useful and up to par?


    Will we ever have more Nightmare Mods coming in?


    When will Defense/Survival/Excavation rewards have stuff we want, such as instead of Magazine Warp for a first round of Sechura DSD, why not 3x-5x R5 cores?




    When will rewards match the diffuclty? All Sciarus Prime parts are considered easy to get, yet some drop from places as high as T4-T3. The part should match the diffculty.


    When will more Sentinels be made and added?



    Will Neural Sensors be added to Grineer planets, as its description is made for Grineer?

  2. As the title says, recently when alt-tabbing or switching windows away from Warframe, the game becomes nonresponsive and must be quit via the task manager. This happens on Windows 8.1. I'd like to have this fixed because it's much more convenient to be able to switch back and forth, especially when doing trading or waiting to see if a Void key mission comes up.

    If I go to web broswer and go to SB and watch a video, everything freezes while the video keeps playing on.

  3. You mean the Pyrotechnic Ogris? 


    But serious, give the flamethrower a major buff. The other pure elemental weapons [Amprex/Glaxion] have a large clip size at least in order to compensate for the lower damages. At the very least give the Ignis a massive clip size.





    You see that over there? That's a door, please exit. 

    The Dera is a great weapon to use with pinpoint accuracy and if you know how to mod it, you basically get an SMG laser gun that slaughters Grineer. But this is about the Ignis, not the Dera. Still, go to that door. Shoo-shoo.

    Missed the point. Most if not all weapons at 30/60 should be able to stand up with no forma, yet the dera and ignis cost relatively high for noobs. Compared to their damage output with a not very modded Serration, it becomes useless.

  4. Would be nice if they'd rework the Ignis to be more like a traditional weaponized flamethrower. Long reach with a heavy arc, a narrow stream of liquid fire with a high status chance. Maybe even get crazy and let the ignited fuel adhere to surfaces and continue burning for a few seconds, creating the added utility of an area denial weapon.


    There's a ton of potential mechanical upgrades here, but the real issue that no one's addressing: Whatever they do to our Ignis (mechanics-wise) will also be done to the enemy's Ignis.


    As if we care, see enemy ogris. And Tenno weaponry never get buffed or nerfed according to enemy stats.

  5. Well, you have to bear in mind while these weapons may have issues, making a solution would most likely affect the whole spectrum of weapons. At least in regards to ammo drops. While 20 pistol ammo might not be a wonderful amount for the Viper, it is a joyous thing for others, like the Lex or the Brakk. Mainly because they do not fire as fast. Why not try to find Scavenger Aura Mods or Mutation mods to change other ammo types to the one you are looking for? Seems like a better, if not temporary, fix.

    See thats the thing, TEMPORARY! A percentage based on total ammo pool is nice, and perhaps hand cannons should get a nerf in ammo capcity, 50 rounds for a Brakk doesn't sound out of place. And for hand cannons, 5-10 ammo per pack should be good.

    Probably because Corrosive Projection, Energy Siphon, or even Regeneration are just straight better.

    The first because x4 fixes the armor scaling problem that has been in this game since before my time (I started in u8)

    The second because outside of 4x the first it is still the best aura in the game

    The third because health orbs are more RNG than slash procs, and Infested now have relatively reliable shield skip


    There's a lot of mods in this game to "patch" the ammo system, but honestly, the ammo system itself is what needs patching.

    This too.

  6. With weapons such as the viper, amprex, ignis, and other such rapidly ammo consuming weapons, we need to buff their default ammo capcity. Even a maxed ammo drum(and pistol version) do almost nothing.


    For the amprex, a defaulyt of 1400-1500 ammo, for the viper 600-800 ammo. Does the Panthera really need 540, when 100 would suffice? Trying to burst fire barely does anyhting, and makes damage even worse.


    Even some shotguns face this problem, the Boar Prime and Kohm being the most glaring(though I admit the Kohm has semi acceptable amount of ammo for it.





    Or we might have a bigger problem, namely ammo drops. 10 per ammo pack type is a disgusting paltry sum considering the weapons being run. Just like energy/health orbs, they're as wide a margin from their weapon/warframes as the pacific ocean. 25 HP for even a 500 HP Volt is ludicrious. A Viper that can expend a mag in less than 2 seconds literally with only 200 ammo to its name getting only about 20 ammo? Even worse.



    Please, does anyone have any good solutions for DE to have?

  7. Your logic makes sense but the execution would most likely be a negative impact.

    Right now, those two stats are always at the max, if they followed suit to the shield/health trend they would be even lower than than they are now and then slowly scale up to their current values.


    So I vote no.

    I mean from their base stats they increase. The stamina we have is low, and the Armour can be increased. So for example, Volt with his 65 Armour would be at level 30 135 armour. Same concept with stamina. We have the same stamina and armour at level 1, but it can be INCREASED. Chroma's armour rating at level 30 would be 450 for example. 

  8. If Health, Energy, and Shields can be increased by leveling, why not Armor values and Stamina? After all, repeated wounds lead to tougher skin(as that analogy can be applied to Tenno) and constantly exerting yourself over a long period of time leads to greater stamina.



    This is reasonable? Plenty of frames such as Volt, Excal and Mag need these. For already high values such as Chroma and Valk, it could increase very small over time.



    Stamina is a must for all frames. People do not bother with Stamina mods, and considering how fast its gone it needs to get buffed.

  9. Post them here!



    One for Vauban for the vortex is when you make 2 nearby, they "pull" apart enemies caught between them. This idea came to me when I was on a DSD mission, and I thought about how two vortex's next to each other would make enemies gravitate to the middle.



    For Valk, a Impact proc could be applied to Paralysis.



    Does anyone have actually reasonable augment ideas to share?

  10. When can I run T4 Survivals and NOT get one forma or orokin cells after another? This is T4S, shouldn't I be getting rewards worth that difficulty?




    The Orokin Void makes no sense, but moreso when there are Alloy Plates. Why have a bloated resource? Just replace it with Orokin Cells as a resource, because first it makes sense because Orokin ships=Orokin cells to run it, and because Orokin Dereclicts drops O cells.



    Really with an exception of Mars, Ceres, Earth, and Eris there are bloat resources hogging all the attention. Neural Sensors in their description are Grineer;let them drop in Grineer places, like Sedna.



    How come we stil have 5k-8k cred alerts? And added with that fact all mission nodes drop very few creds and have poor rewards, couldn't greater cred rewards and or lets say 5X rare resource make running "regular" mission nodes better?



    Also as a side note, we always see after an update the rage of "stealth nerfs" and the perceived malicious intent of you guys. Why not put a disclaimer "Some things within the game may not work or be affected, please report this as soon as possible!" We're your guniea pigs, let us test for errors.



    SO finally, thanks DE for all the stuff you've done!

  11. This sounds sorta neblous, when is the best time to get out of beta? Hell, how does WF consititent a beta? Will it cost money after the "final" product is done? I mean, its on PC, PS4, and XBOX 1. Is there a far away date? Will we go through all events just one more time?



    I mean, yes there is a LOT of stuff to do, new content and huge things such as new game modes, buffing/nerfing, new planets, enemies, lore build up(STILL waiting for a Warframe book, every video game worh its salt has its own book now(Halo, Gears of War, Warhammer 40k being the prime examples), and a thousand other things.



    Will we have a forever rat race, fun but ultimately staying in "beta"?




    Will we have a chance to play offline(its naive to think Warframe will stay around forever, I got load TF2 in its dying days and screw around on NPC filled areas, and in other games offline can be as rewarding as online, but iN Warframe where you ALWAYS have to be online just to sign in(can we have a password saver?), how does that affect Warframe longetivty? How long does Digital Extremes think Warframe will last? And if Warframe does plummet for any reason, or DE suddenly implodes, how would we still be able to play Warframe?

  12. For those of you unfamiliar, Shik Tal of the G3 has a supremely powerful marelok that fires explosive bullets.  If you've ever been wiped by the G3, chances are it was Shik Tal who killed you.


    Anyway, I want his gun.  It's possible to use the same weapons as the other G3 members, but not Shik Tal.  I want his cool explosive marelok of wiping out entire teams of Tenno.

    I want explosive bullets mod.

  13. Panthera and Quanta should have always been able to aim, without it its inaccurate as hell, and requires strafing or careful placement. At higher levels this gets you killed, or on the lowest bar for damage.



    And for both of their secondaries(blade and cube) they too beenfi from aiming.

  14. Yes grinding, a long cherished tradition of Warframe stumbles when it gets to AW. For example, Fluctus, Centaur Blade, and all Elytron parts drop ONLY every 4th round. 



    This is ludicrious. Even worse besides those parts, there are mods and keys to worried about. If you REALLY want to make it only every 4th round, atleast make more AW missions on more planets, so there is no choke point funneling. Consider this analogy. Burning building, and only one way out. The door can only accept 1 person wide, and there is 50 people trying to escape. That is the problem for grinding either the Fluctus parts, Centaur, or Elytron.



    Or better yet, why not every round have a chance? Fluctus X MAY drop in round one along with Elytron Y, Round 2 Fluctus Y and Centaur blade, and so on.



    There is nothing wrong with grinding to be honest. There IS something wrong with negative toxic rage indcuing grinding on a hard map with possible 1/25 chance of getting a specific part(when you factor in keys, mods, detrius parts or duplicates).

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