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Posts posted by renzollama

  1. @Stoi84 I appreciate your considerate reply regarding the builder/GDPR changes and your ongoing efforts with frequent updates - been getting a lot of use out of the site again lately with more frequent user participation/vote, thanks!

  2. @Stoi84

    Thanks for your work on the site, warframe-builder continues to be a critical part of my Warframe enjoyment.

    Reading the last couple weeks of thread replies I can see that this is a touchy subject, but I'm hoping you won't mind if I ask a couple of questions about the intent of the vote decay / limited like system? As I understand GDPR (and I'm a fairly experienced full-stack engineer working for a major adtech / display-marketing firm with many clients in EU), the vote data should be completely safe from GDPR regulation since there's no reason to track it relative to the individual user who submitted it originally. So I'm not sure I understand the necessity of the vote decay / limit system relative to GDPR constraints? Is the decay/limit specifically designed to satisfy GDPR requirements, or is it a separate initiative to create a more active / 'live' rating system?

    To me, it feels like the new system is unnecessarily constraining user participation and long term data value - it's hard to feel like investing in a system where you know your vote will be trashed in <x> days, and limiting votes also reduces participation in the system. If the vote data is not being tracked to the user who originally submitted it (and there's no reason to do so if you're not trying to track/limit their votes), then why not let everyone vote as much as they want and leave the vote data in place forever? If the concern is that some builds will become outdated but still remain highly rated, I think a simple filter like 'All Time' vs 'Last 30 Days' would solve that problem the same way that it's applied to many other online rating systems currently.

    Again, I hope these questions don't come across as complaining / insulting, I really appreciate your work on the site and I know from personal experience how much of a nightmare GDPR has been causing for web devs. If you ever need help with maintenance or adding new features, feel free to send me a PM and I'd be happy to contribute if possible. 

  3. Thanks for the work to make the site GDPR compliant. The new UI options for Search/Save/Export/Like/Bookmark/etc seem straightforward and functional so far in my experience. A few questions I have about the new like system if you get a moment to consider/answer them:

    1. How does 'Like'ing a build relate to the score column in search? I did some testing with adding a Like for a specific build and then re-searching and didn't see any impact on the score for that build
    2. Why/what are the stars being shown on the build page now (by the build name) and how do they relate to the like/score for that build?
  4. 17 hours ago, Stoi84 said:

    The following should be ready, I hope, for the May, 25, with the rest of the update to the accounts.

    Account page:


    Builder page:


    I hope this will put an end to the endless questions about the ranking of the builds. This will be an active system, where being active (voting, liking) will matter. I hope you guys will show the same enthusiasm for this as for jumping on me when I change something.

    That looks great, thanks for all your work - the site is a tremendously helpful resource for me as someone who jumps into Warframe on and off with no idea of how the latest changes have affected my builds etc. 

  5. 5 hours ago, KirukaChan said:

    I actually get quite a bit of use out of Atlas as-is. He's a great choice for Elemental Enhancement Sorties, and his Rumblers are a lot more aggressive than Nekros Shadows are. I kind of think the main reason Atlas is used so little is because the Juggernaut farm to get him is ridiculous (does DE have access to what percentage of players owns a particular piece of gear?) and thus a lot of people probably don't even have him to begin with. The Pherliac Pods blueprint simply doesn't ever want to drop.

    I spawned/killed Juggernauts via the derelict capture / abandon strategy for around 50-60 times with no blueprint drop. Eventually juggernauts just stopped spawning completely, 10+ derelict capture runs plus another dozen or so across extermine/capture missions on Eris with no juggernaut spawn. The Atlas quest as a consistent method to acquire the warframe for average players within a reasonable amount of time is utterly broken. 

    Edit: And the blueprint is listed as a 'common' drop in the codex as well as showing a 10% drop rate at the official rates listing, so clearly there's something broken under the hood beyond just bad luck RNG

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