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Posts posted by DenoDagor

  1. Can we please have the option to use heavy attacks on 'Hold E' like they were before? Please?

    It feels very weird on some weapons, especially those I was already using the charge attack before (which wasn't many, but still)

    • Like 3
  2. I'm not gonna waste everyone's time with more ideas, I dont have many, but I must be at least another voice saying these two:

    1- His 1 should deal damage, maybe 33% of max health + 1000 or whatever, something that lets it kill trash enemies by running into them, but still scales into Lv 100+

    2- His battery energy drains too quickly, it shouldn't get lowered from being shot with 2 activated and maybe not even when casting his 3 on burn mode. 

  3. Quick Hildryn suggestions:


    A)Make her 4 instantly equip her 1 and give it some kind of buff when used with 4 (Faster fire rate would be a obvious and great addition, maybe even less cost per shot)


       Allow any primary or secondary to be used with her 4. (Still possible to use her 1, but no extra buff)


    B) Allow usage of her 2 while 4 is active


        Increase amount of Armor/Shields taken from enemies. (50%? 100%?)


    C) Remove the effect her 3 has on enemies and the shield drain (Damage is not even worth it)


        Make damage be based on enemy health % (or increase VERY quickly over time while active)

    • Like 1
  4. As the title suggests, trying to use you Archgun Deployer with high ping seems harder than its supposed to be.

    I tend to have a hard time finding low ping matches (Brazil) and so i'm used to playing at 200ms or more, it's not even much of a problem (Other than going in and out of operator mode which you can really feel the delay). But the Archgun deployer is not having just a delay, it's literally not working at all sometimes. I just had a match with 300ms ping and I managed to use the Archgun once during the whole Orb fight (After clicking the button about 20 something times). The second time I waited until the cooldown timer ran out and still could not AT ALL get it again until the end of the match.

    - It's not happening with other gear wheel items, everything else has the usual expected delay because of the high ping.

    - Literally nothing happens, meaning that I select the Archgun Deployer and can proceed with whatever I wanna do. Selecting it and waiting without doing anything else also doesn't help.

  5. I haven't tested this completely but I've seen a noticeable increase in the time it takes for weapon magazines to reload when holstered with the Synth Set Bonus. Only factor I've seen affect it seems to be being host or not, bigger ping longer times. It's very easy to notice when looking at the % symbol that shows up when it's active, but I've timed it and my 15%/s was taking about 12 - 13 seconds to refill a magazine (about double the time it should)


    EDIT: Getting very inconsistent results, had a match with very bad results at 190ms ping and almost normal results with a host with 250ms ping. Might have something to do with packet loss/how well the host PC is managing the data.

  6. 11 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    Completely subjective AND wrong.

    Subjective and wrong...I don't think that's how things work, subjective implies there is no wrong option, just opinions...

    Still it's the only ability that's different from normal gameplay, if you find it fun or not is subjective. But objectively impossible to find her 1 and 3 MORE FUN than her 4, because they differ nothing from normal gameplay, they don't change how you play, 1 is just extra damage and 3 is just extra resistance (the reflecting part deals negligible damage)

    A case could be made for her 2 though.

    11 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    Abilities don't have to be interactive to be useful. Mesa's 2, and 3 are vary useful. 

    When did I ever say that? I said her 4 is the only one that's both of those things, which is what all abilities should be. Why would her 3 need to exist if she could just have tons of armor instead? Abilities should do something that can't be passive, for example her 4, you couldn't make a frame that can't walk but has aimbot, so it needs to have a toggle button.


    12 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    Her kit is plenty useful. Mesa is good just the way she is. The only change she needs is to her 1. 

    Exactly my opinion and why I made this thread (Also to see if anyone thinks something else could be changed and what, but my only real problem is her 1)

  7. 57 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    Players that actually play Mesa will use at least 3 of her abilities regularly, unless your still on Mercury that is. Lol

    You're missing the point (hopefully not on purpose)

    It's because they are not interactive, 2 and 3 are literally just one press and forget. Her 1 is arguably useless considering her 4 can do much better damage. Her 4 is the only fun AND useful ability.

  8. 7 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

    Well, I use Mesa's 1 to kill Phorid by boosting my Rubico P but that's all it's good for.

    As for her 1, instead of moving her forward, maybe it can move her backwards and quickly shoot enemies within the aiming circle of peacemaker using well, the peacemakers, at the minimum multi with maximum aiming radius or whatever multi and aim radius if peacemakers is toggled on.

    Also, more energy for her would be nice. Knowing DE, prime will just get more shields and more energy.

    Yeah I was thinking about moving towards where you're running, so you can also use it to move backwards just press S before 1. Not much reason to have a power that only moves backwards, better to have options.

    7 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

    While we can certainly discuss possible changes... which I say really only needs to be her 1 realistically. But...

    Except Chroma... who had no changes and honestly is in a worse of position than Mesa overall. I am just going to be salty...

    Yeah, Chroma deserves a real rework, he's strong but he has 2 powers that are basically useless. He needs to have his power spread out more through all his four skills.

  9. So, we all guess Mesa Prime is next prime. And DE has been giving frames a little touch up when their prime comes out.

    What do YOU think should change and what shouldn't change on her?


    For me it'd be mostly just her 1, just get rid of it. I'd say she could have something close to Excal's 1, but with the Regulators.

    A quick dodge or dash in the direction you're moving, during it she automatically shoots the closest enemies, 3 of them at most(?).

    Something very quick, usable while moving without stopping your control for too long.

    The thing is, it'd need to have some synergy with her other skills like:

    - Hitting enemies stunned by her 2 deal extra damage;


    - Enemies hit get marked and take extra damage from all sources for 5 - 10 secs. Could maybe stun them, disarm (like shooting off their weapons), or at least a guaranteed impact proc. (Doesn't really have synergy with her skills but helps make it useful even at high levels since it'd be an extra % of the damage, or it could only activate this effect if it hits enemies that are stunned by her 2)


    What do you think? Any ideas? What would change about her or about my suggestion?

  10. First of all, the good:

    - She looks ****** GREAT

    - Very cool concept

    Now the bad:

    - Literally everything to do with gameplay. By that I don't mean everything needs to change, but that all the things that would be good, end up being bad because other things don't fit together with it.

    She needs to lose health for her passive, and to get energy. But she has no reliable way to keep herself alive, this is my biggest problem with her.

    Her only defense is the shield, but it's directional, so the only way to stay alive at high levels is to stay in a corner where your back and sides won't get shot. But to get the shield and her healing you need to get close to enemies, so you end up dying.

    Also her 4 doesn't really "feel" useful, the extra slash procs debuff DOES help, enemies take tons of extra damage. I just don't think she needs a debuff ultimate, it should just deal damage by itself or be MUCH easier and quicker to apply. 


    Give her some kind of damage mitigation (80/90%), probably on her 1 instead of the shield, or even on casting her 3.

    OR give her a "overshield" like Rhino's, which she could regenerate by using her 1 and her 2.

    Then probably make her 2's range something like 100m but remove the healing, it just regenerates her "overshield". That way she can just cast it and forget, she looks like a frame made to move around (her 1 and 2 literally throw yourself at the enemy), she can't be wasting time around healing fountain.

    And maybe, just MAAAAAAYBE: Make her 4 scale with melee mods but remove/nerf the debuff it has. You could even have it just proc slash but then have her passive be Extra Damage on enemies bleeding, her 1 could even be given a guaranteed bleed proc if this was the case.

  11. Yup she definetly needs some 80/90% damage mitigation like Mesa or a "overshield" thing like Rhino's. Directional shield simply doesn't work for a frame that needs to get close to things for 2 of her skills. It looks like it'd fit a camping defense frame like Frost or Gara.

  12. Sorry if my comment suggest anything someone already said or very close, it's too late, I can't just read the whole thread right now.

    So here are my 2 cents:

    1 - Shield shouldn't be directional, it's weird and not ideal for a frame that deals in losing health and healing, would be better as some last resort armor, just like Rhino's armor but it only takes damage after she's at 2 HP like Quick Thinking. That way she can keep her health low for a while for the extra passive damage. Also it looks very slow and not much fun, unless it only needs to be used once in a while, then it's fine.

    2 - Meh...? Looks cool, don't think it works with having to stay around the impaled enemy. Maybe would be better with something else to it. Not sure what, carrying a ball of blood around that heals you over time? 

    3 - This could be changed, or just have some extra effects, doesn't look too bad if the other skills are fixed.

    4- Now HERE I have some ideas, it could be THE fun ability. Obviously this is my opinion, and I'd love to hear what looks good or not.

    Would now be a melee weapon, just like excal or valk (Energy drain and all that, obviously). BUT it'd have some if not all of these (obviously other skills could be toned down so as to not stack with the 4 and make her stupidly OP, but that's just numbers, let's talk concepts):

    - Long range (Whip range on normal hits, but not something so extreme on slide attacks), just like a normal melee weapon, but the animation makes it feel cool. She's literally attacking with blades that she doesn't even hold. 

    - Innate Life strike (Does consume extra energy when used, exactly like life strike). She's a blood themed frame, life steal looks like a good idea, would save a mod slot.

    - 'Throw-mechanic', holding melee button throws a blade just like glaives. You can attack while it's out because you still have other blades. It could just deal damage or maybe even stun enemy while he is impaled by the blade (No ragdoll, enemy stays on his feet just stunned as if he had a Fire Proc).

    - Now this one is mostly just a damage reduction, like Block or Mesa's 3. The thing is, again, the animations. At all times even when attacking, the blades not being used are blocking some bullets all around you, just like regular Block does, something like a 65% damage reduction from every direction (numbers could always be changed if too strong or too weak).


  13. I've had this bug for a long time, so I finally decided to post here in hopes of finding a solution or having it fixed (If it does happen to anyone else)

    Basically the normal Jump and Slam attack with the Jat kittag  show the explosion animation a few meters away from the floor, I've had this happen for a veeeeery long time, never found a solution online, barely even saw anyone else with this bug.

    Doesn't happen in other slams, like mid-combo. 

    Does anyone know any fixes? 


  14. DE can we please have infinite Capacity points on exalted weapons? I had 7 formas on my Lex prime and i'll need at least 5 more just for the Regulators now. Seriously, that's not nice, I hate grinding for formas...

  15. On 16/04/2018 at 12:58 AM, PsiWarp said:

    Thanks. That idea is whack-y in a good sense, although a bit complex for me to fully grasp at this time. Is there anyway to prevent Limbo from gobbling up the enemies inside the room and denying teammates access to it? That's my primary concern.

    I haven't fully developed the idea, but most likely they'd have a limited time within the rift like with Banish now. Don't know any other way that'd prevent this and also not give TOO much control of the rift to the rest of the squad. But maybe limbo could have some kind of "area buff" that allows the squad to go in and out of the rift as they see fit, but i have nothing solid thought out yet.

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