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Posts posted by MrParadise

  1. hello, I bought Nekros on release and do enjoy him, however as many have already commented his set up needs to be altered or changed.


    base stats: 


    low shields, hp, low-medium power and armour


    Doesn't need altering as long as his abilities counter these cons (currently do not)




    Soul Punch - currently a nice single target dps with minor aoe knock-back 


    I feel like this needs a small buff to aoe damage, or have damage removed and aoe cc buffed (currently is to low damage to be great and to low cc to be helpful)


    Terrify - currently a nice panic button, HOWEVER more mobs rush in seconds after using it and its like you didn't cast it at all. This needs to buffed to be on par with other frames abilities.


    Add a continuous fear affect on Nekros over the duration OR allow feared mobs to spread fear into new mobs (both of these things would imo bring this up to par with other cc moves)


    Desecrate - first off i loved the sound of the move on the profile video, however i soon found out that 90%+ of mods and abilities remove bodies making this a 2 second gap to cast between mobs dying which is currently causing it to be one of the most useless abilities in the game (only current work around is to go solo with no elemental mods or weapons that destroy bodies - which is no fun)


    I think to make this ability useful without having a complete rework of it would to be to allow Nekros players to see fallen enemies (since he is a death oriented frame anyway this is fitting) as a ghost like figure on the floor and remove the body requirement of the skill. so this would mean after a big fight you can see the fallen enemies on the floor and harvest there remains.


    Shadows of the Dead - such a nice looking ability but riddled with bugs and problems


    mobs have to low...everything, they just are not useful other than a short taunt. the AI movement makes them get stuck at every corner and infested shadows explode causing team members to take knock-down (also laggy hosts don't show animation)


    I am not sure of this can be fixed other than to buff the shadows defence and dps while fixing the AI pathing and friendly fire issues.


    These are my thoughts on the current Nekros and they are only my opinions, i feel he is to weak and buggy for competitive missions.


  2. you are exactly right Scene, i posted it here to get it noticed and fixed. i asked for help in case anyone else had a similar problem, but the forums are full of the "i dont care about ur problem deal with it" people....which is not what this section is for.

  3. Hey guys if you have any void keys and need help your welcome to invite me. i got all lvl 30 gear Super Charged so can do tier 3/4 and i have experience with the secret loot rooms/timed rooms.



    add me ingame and if needed we can skype ^^

  4. Is it in the correct format as mentioned a few posts earlier in this thread?




    I had assumed that .Substring(0, -1) would return the entire string, when infact it throws an exception.  So the way I was parsing the items for compatibility with the wiki [  alert.reward_other.Substring(0, alert.reward_other.IndexOf('(')).Trim().Replace(' ', '_') ] had to be changed to: [ alert.reward_other.Substring(0, (alert.reward_other.IndexOf('(') > 0 ? alert.reward_other.IndexOf('(') : alert.reward_other.Length)).Trim().Replace(' ', '_') ]

    yes its a .wav

    i tested it several times and it simply didn't play

    i assume from earlier posts its a different type of .wav, anyway you can suggest a .wav that will work and be more noticeable? 

    the current one i found to be easy to miss (when in-game in something else)

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