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Posts posted by Kefaljohn

  1. Warframe supporters against the known MC in a nutshell



    The same could be said by any human being against a Super-hero/soldier/super powered character



    Though if you mean that the argument magically went to MC's favour because you said so:

    The last 20 something pages are enough proof as it is,let's let this zombie of a thread die already



    -Resists vaporization from the librarian

    -Plot armor or something to do with genetic material,nothing to do with tanking or dodging that

  2. Personally I'd love this event being more single friendly,because it's quite hard to find 3 other (honest)people with Lepis without trolls or asshats screwing you over.

  3. There's a problem to this logic:

    We don't have a competent animator

    We don't have a competent director

    We don't have a competent *insert staff job here*

    Point is:

    Arguments,facts and lore

    That's what we have,that's what we use.

    Most people here used evidence and abilities,two(along with some one-time posters) people insisted that Chief would win,somehow.

    One admitted defeat after overwhelming amount of evidence and left.

    The other's persistence reached to this page,with most of it being due to ignoring most evidence posted and insisting that Chief will win in some way with trying to nerf the Tenno for that to work out that Chief will win,to saying that Chief will overpower them by buffing him.

    People need to stop referencing Haloid to prove a point

    Use actual evidence and try to prove them wrong with counter-evidence/facts.

    One side did,the other didn't.

    A natural thread had this argument :They decided the Tenno won.(PS.It's spacebattles)

    Though we now have people arguing how the Tenno can't outsmart a bullet and Chief being Xanatos level of tactical genius.

    And that Tenno are wrong to trust their only supplier of refuge,materials and equipment

  4. Lol, so he just becomes the boogeyman that eats your revives once per mission? 



    Ah yes, he's still a 'pussy' for spamming the same abilities and one shotting you instead of giving you a fair, well balanced, fight. 

    Like we do to the bosses :P?

  5. He's supposed to be a figure to be feared,not to be taken lightly.

    All but the highest ranking of players can fight him now,and maybe that's for the best..


    Because instead of a pussy with good theatrics,now he's a figure worthy of "OH S#&$,HE'S HERE" type of reputation he's supposed to be.

    He's not unbeatable(a high ranked player can beat him),but he's not someone you want to cross on any mission at any point.

    Yes he might need per user scaling and a drop rate fix,but it's better that what he was before no doubt

  6. Yui could u make another comic about " Stalker can use skill 4 Nyx (absorb) and Mag skill 1 (pull) ",for reminding DE that he's too damn OP right now since update 11,my teammate just got wasted because of that skills in T3 MD

    You mean make him a genuine threat and live up to his status as a "OH S#&$ HE'S HERE" figure of Warframe?

    Oh how horrible that must be.Instead of an implied threat and a nominally powerful figure with good theatrics,now he's someone capable of being a threat and not to be taken lightly.

  7. here is a what if for ya....what if vor found chief in that pod an brought him back on the grineer side? how many would wanna take him on?

    Rhino stomps,Face meets Scindo,Blood and Brains get out of Face's house and fall on the ground after they got drunk by one too many of Scindo's HIT drinks.


    That,or the Grineer majority shot the Chief the moment he was in front of them because they hate/fear everyhing non-Grineer and Chief was well,not of the G group.

  8. Question. HOW? There's nothing to review if nothing was discussed. I just wanna know how he does that. There should be some sort of explanation. DBZ, Avatar, certain Anime freak shows like Naruto infers that they transmit Noetic Energy to physical energy, guided with their own respective facts and history. 


    FYI. He stomps with his foot. 

    I consider warframe Void Warhammer Void-lite,makes more sense that way

  9. Its a gameplay universe, not an actual lore universe, in any lore or background the planet stays the same like it always has, but in gameplay the spawns, the units themselves, the backgrounds and objects will all shift depending where you select. That is all I meant.

    But don't Different planets have different resources,materials and necessities for said materials?

  10. :D Well for starters, the enemies you fight differ in both, even though they have the same equipment, like the fact you used to base that the easy campaign and the legendary campaign are two different universes. I never intended to imply that the low tiered planets and higher tiered planets are whole different universes, just somewhere in that specific area. I'm saying that the planets are different, how they have different enemies that are the same are just gameplay mechanics to make the game more fun than it already is, which is what I stated above, a multiplayer game like Warframe is not based on one player, so you can't be dedicated to one universe. The way Warframe takes it, it's a whole map dotted with little worlds that differ with only a background and ambiance to connect each other. In Halo you choose the difficulty you want to be dedicated to at the start of the campaign and you follow it all the way through, no matter how hellish it is, in Warframe, you choose a world, hence you choose your difficulty and objective at the same time.

    I'm saying that the campaign in Halo is similiar to a single planet in Warframe, only that Halo is much larger and longer and you cannot know your objective before you go into it. That is somewhat what I intended to imply in my earlier comment.

    And that helps...how?

    By that logic:

    The enemies from Dark Souls are Chuck Norris^2 and they're the Apex-Predator of gaming


    Joking aside,every Spartan is super-human,and they die a lot,without any nuke/bridge/your mom/the Halo itself dropped on them and,if I have to harp on it,the one thing that made MC stand above the rest(besides his implied Intellect)?






    And does theory/Hypothesis use luck in calculations?

  11. Sorry for going off on you, but I generally look something up before trying to use it in an argument. You're on the internet, nearly infinite free information is literally at your finger tips.

    Meh,there's much MUCH worse things as a reaction to my mistake,so yeah,I'm not offended or annoyed,it's a simple correction for a simple(if not stupid)  mistake.

  12. You don't know what a Lynx looks like do you?


    Or do you think the people in Warframe are two feet tall?

    I admit it isn't quit as massive as a horse, but it's nearly 5 feet tall at the shoulder and at least 9 feet long.

    I said it's closer to a lynx or dog than a horse in size,not that it is at the size of a sphynx

    And yes,I did underestimate their size,can't remember the last time I've seen one anywhere,so apologies for the miscalculation

  13. With game mechanics. You know what else can flip Warthogs/Scorpions ingame? ODSTs and completely unaugmented UNSC marines. Unless you're going to argue that baseline humans in Halo are all genetically-modified ubermensch and that MC's augmentations are all completely redundant in comparison, that example falls flat on its face.


    Master Chief's actual lifting strength according to lore is in the area of 2-3 tons IIRC, which, as I've demonstrated time and time again is nothing special by the standards of a Warframe's physical strength. Hell, Rhino's feat of ripping Zanuka in half and then tossing the pieces 8-10 meters away is a lot more impressive than anything we see Chief or any other Spartan do. (even more impressive than the disproven in-game feat of him flipping a 66-ton tank to be honest. Moving 66 tons of metal is one thing. Tearing a horse-sized mass of metal apart is another thing altogether)

    Personally,it looks closer to the size of a Lynx or Dog,IMO

  14. this is very amusing, i love both the Warframes and Haloverse immensly but give credit to the Chief lets see his exploits first and compare


    • Fought off an entire Covenant armada, almost single-handedly in the first game.
    • Rescued Captain Keyes when he was captured
    • Fought off the Flood, and prevented it from escaping from the Alpha Halo Ring.
    • Took down the Scarab that was ravaging New Mombasa
    • Assassinated Regret
    • Fought off the Flood (again)
    • Wiped out an entire army of Covenant that invaded Crow's Nest, giving most of the marines in the base time to evacuate.
    • Fought off the Flood when it invaded Earth
    • Entered High Charity, fought his way through an army of Flood, including Pure Forms, and rescued Cortana
    • Killed 343 Guilty Spark
    • Flips Mammoth/Scorpion Tanks effortlessly
    • Stated that it would take 1000 spartan III to defeat a Spartan II...he also BEAT UP 118 off them before being caught...thats 118 Supersoldiers beat n down Rhino style

    so now we kno a few off his things now lets see his key traits that make him the beast he is...


    Master Tactician,adaptable,highly conditioned,immense strength,insane reflexes,HES @(*()$ LUCKY


    Now where i find it funny is when most people say 1v1 he would not stand a chance...wrong even the greatest one that would come to mind would be a walk in the park...yes sadly rhino you would be a dead weight for the Tenno...

    there is no way rhino would be able to beat the chief using brute force...Fists/melee weapons forget it chief has it hands down if he can flip a tank like its a damn joke rhino is gunna meet his maker...weapons...they use mostly brunt force...rhino's signature Fragor would be sliced in 2 by the energy sword or chief would just grab it


    wich frame would be able to stand a chance 1v1? trinity/mag/saryn but again they would have to use stealth and NOT be detected chief would easily dispatch them if they would be detected before being in Effective range.


    i am not fanboyin chief i am giving him his dues and im not having frames fight him on johns terms...nope John will fight in the Frames universe by having him enter it via story...he can easily be cryo'ed and unfrozen thousands of years later ready to fight again...humans need a savior and chief will rise again wipe the universe off anything trying to harm mankind...sry grineer...sry corpus...and yeah infection ur just another alien life form chief is gunna eradicate

    I might be wrong,but aren't most of these attributed to luck,since it's what it's pointed out,in-universe mind you,that makes him an exceptional Spartan?

    Hell,we didn't witness any instance(besides the one training incident) where he showed us his brilliant tactical mind actually mattered.

    No seriously,I don't remember his wits alone taking him through all that,considering there are smarter and stronger beings in the Haloverse.

    Most of the time following other people's plans and orders,rather than his own(well,according to the short wiki search I did :P)


    Also,mind telling me how he resists rhino stomp/dash,slash dash/radial blind,freeze,mind controll/chaos,decoy/radial disarm/switch teleport off a cliff,soul punch,world of fire/fireball,Grappling hook,M.prime/nova star(or whatever it's called),bastile/vortex,shock/electric shield/overload,bladestorm and Sonic waves which can cause quakes to everyone near them and flip them off the ground,regardless of  mechanical augments?

    Bullets do just fine against him,why not these?

    As for the Spartan  III thing,a>b>c logic much?


    The last 20 something pages brought it up and explained.So I'm just bringing up questions(or trying) that mostly deconstruct the argument by themselves.

    So good luck trying to surpass 20 pages worth of arguments and scientific factoids thrown left and right,also hypothesis doesn't play with the dice,it follows the most possible outcome with the facts it has

  15. The master chief has only 100hp/shield and no abilities

    I bet all warframes will beat him.

    Alad V will simple kill the chief. ^^

    The salad?

    Nah,he just needs a  fork,a spoon and proper dressings(preferably oil, Vinegar and/or Soy sauce for some)

    The spoon and fork to take out whatever he can,and the dressings to apply to his eyes


    Zanuka on the other hand...

  16. We've kept this thread civil the whole time. Until rainbowfarts sneaks in. 




    -Well,dear sire,I hereby agree that yes,I was uncivil no reason whatsoever,you had no part and only me rambling because you were a very good at the argument


    With that out of the way:


    As Remitevji said, let's keep it civil everyone.

    Apologies, let's just say that I wasn't...too pleased with sudden "trolling"(must be Poe's law at play) and I shouldn't have gotten that angry.

    Will learn to be a bit calmer with things like this and I hope if we cross paths(or forums) again,it wouldn't be under circumstances like this one.


    Back on topic:


    Some forget that the only difference between MC and other Spartans(well most) is luck and intellect(isn't too impressive,even among them),which in hypothetical thought, is equal to Deus ex Machina.

  17. I doubt you passed the first test,but still,you're a gold disciple.Good for you.

    Fine,the solar system,but you get my point she has no reason to reveal herself.


    I'm amongst the Tenno which played games before and doesn't say the character's dumb because he's not as savvy,with good reason:

    Why search for the same place for a Corpus executive/politician/scientist when there's a litterary an ancient and powerful infested with his nest mucking around in there?


    Oh tell me,are you in the Dev. team,the Story/Lore writing department?

    You're telling me that we could take on the whole Grineer/Corpus core even though you have no evidence supporting it?

    Go ahead,let us try with the Giant army of space battleships and carpet bomb-oh wait we only have one man armies that can kill large ammount of units,not destroy the ships and facilities themselves(as far  as we're concerned and know)

    Come on,tell my info is wrong because of my rank again,you'd like that wouldn't you?

    I'm just taking the theory that makes most sense:

    They're too strong/too well hidden to find and kill them...for now.



    Hell, she had a win/win situation and (possibly) said "Hmm...I hate both of these idiots and I earn something no matter who wins,why not make them lose even more resources and power with the Tenno running around with both sides,will satisfy their Loalty and Duty I've been blabbering on about,so they won't question me more for choosign a side "


    Do you know how someone with a hidden agenda/manipulator works?

    They hide things,lie and make sure you do what they want to happen by feeding the target/s the right information,they m-a-n-i-p-u-l-a-t-e.


    Why not?Why not let them take all the artifacts and not do squat about it while the Corpus and Grineer get more and more power and resources?

    Risk/reward,let a threat get more powerful,or lose possibly 1,and only one, of the thousands/millions/billions of soldiers she has,nevermind the fact that most of the time it works,like it or not(nevermind the fact that they've been fabled to be one-man-armies and showed that.


    Exactly,the Lotus is the Tenno's eyes,ears,information supplier,the only one so far not out to kill/lobotomise and disect them when they wake up,gives coordinates and possibly the only source of our space-ships(what?You're going to tell me that the Tenno are excelent craftsmen for Spacecraft and hackers too?)


    And do you honestly think that the Lotus is a definite force of good and justice,with supporting loyalty and all that NOT a scam for her scheme to manipulate the Tenno and just blind,hypocritical bullS#&$?


    She single-handedly(unless the Lotus is an organization) managed to revive  an army of Ninjas,support them and lead them to being the only  threat to both Superpowers besides eachother and the Infestation,to the point of assasinating their major political figures with the only possible loss 4 soldiers .Nevermind all the hacking,material/credits management and hiding them all from BOTH of the solar-system empires.That takes more than just "stupid" , "idiocy" and a rabbit's foot as a charm.

  18. Tennos are gullible and relies everything on the Lotus. They neither compromise missions given nor try to reach out for any explanation. 


    The Lotus does WAY too much? How?

    By with-holding information on every objectives?

    She whom we owe a debt for saving the last of us, whom stands as the Core-a Leader who cannot decide which to side in an impending all-out War? She who never revealed herself yet you place your whole trust on someone you merely known?

    She who asses and intervenes a War she cannot comprehend and decides to leave her position and weighs everything on her pawns? 

    She who provides provisions? No, it was the Corpus that runs the Tenno Market. 

    She who doesnt value Military necessity and precautions?

    She who allows a Single Tenno to retrieve information of a missing Cell on a certain Infested Planet?

    She who allows a Single Tenno against a High-Ranking officer, a General perhaps alone?

    She who allows a Single Tenno to retrieve information of a missing Cell on the Void Storms?

    She who claims that we fight to preserve balance while Ironically sending a Cell of Tenno to slaughter, mutilate and divert an Entire Ship to its End?

    She who does nothing to ease the tension of hostility and continues to pursue relentless massacre?

    She who values the Honor of Restraint and stability yet conjures bloodshed overwhelmingly?

    She who never reveals herself?

    She who spots a Heavy Grineer overhead yet fails to inform of the impending number of hostiles?

    She who facilities the reservation of Peace in the Sol System through Blood and profit?

    She who tries to infiltrate a Hostile Ship by conjuring an espionage by a Civilian provided only by a malfunctioned sidearm?

    She who negotiated to provide support for Fhrod Bekk but fails to avail the thoughts of her pawns? In which she failed to locate the objective's location though its was obviously pointed at?

    (We all knew Alad will be in Themisto since the beginning)

    She who never stops blabbering and she who messes with the Waypoint?


    She who negates the Laws of Warfare: Proportionality, Distinction, Military Necessities yet is being hailed as the Leader of the fallen?



    She who does WAY MORE THAN Cortana? 



    Say what?

    She could damage both sides more AND give the Tenno an illusion of choice:The Victor pays more for theit victory either way


    How the F*** are we supposed to know that Alad,no matter how likely,wasn't somewhere else(No we simply know because that's what we see,we saw that happen because we're genre savvy and know a few rules/cliches of writing)?


    If we knew where the Grineer/Corpus center of leadership is,we would have done the job,or we don't have ennough firepower(The sisters and the Corpus Council, too bad they're way well to hidden or protected)


    She sabotages both sides,imbecile, that's what the random missions are about,screwing over both incase they discover/do something they shouldn't.


    Why reveal herself? Does she have a reason to reveal herself even though two superpowers of the @(*()$ galaxy are after her?



    She had something to get done,Zanuka project was way to dangerous to continue,she doesn't trust him,just that there's an agreement of the extermination of a common pest.


    She does warn of waves of enemies before they appear jackass.


    Does she have a reason to tell them more than they need to know for doing what they are needed to do?


    Hell,we know nothing because there's nothing more to know,according to what she says


    How does she mess with the waypoint?



    Simply put,you act like the Tenno have an option,they don't.They have to be Lobotomised and bisected,killed or infected.Pick your poison or join the Lotus.


    It's been more than shown that Lotus is a lying,manipulative,immoral and with outside agendas,we just don't know what her agenda is(possibly building a Superpower of her own).



    I also said way more than we give her credit for,not more than(though possible) Cortana,asshat.

  19. Set WAY into the future? Mankind in the Halo Universe expanded from the edges of the Milky Way to the Great Black Hole with Wormholes. 


    @Val-Cortana does not only projects waypoints, she scouts the perimeter for hostiles-distance, number, strength and possible weaknesses, analyze escape routes, serves as a second voice of opinion, hacks a Planet's Core and provides sociological relationship with MC.


    Lotus? A Blabbering Purple Dora who messes up with the Waypoint.

    And the planet core hacking(elaborate please) helps in this situation...how?


    Also the Lotus does WAY too much than we credit her for,considering how much the Tenno rely on her and her info(which is always spot on,well what she gives anyway) and the fact that she pretty much decides what they will do and why.

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