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Posts posted by searcheR

  1. When Im not a host I cannot hear fish in water when aiming with fishing spear.

    Edit: Same with my friend, If Im host - he cannot hear fish, but still can catch if sees it

  2. Yeah, got the same thing. But I died 4 times and my camera position just frozen at one position but I still can aim. Cannot abort mission, it is saying same as in screenshot above

  3. So I wanted to play a bit with my Prisma Shade. When I went with him on missions, I dont know what triggers that thing but I think its after he is giving me invisibility, head is just disappearing. On Ash Prime even his accessories disappeared and he is looking like headless normal Ash. After another invisibility from Shade everything is going fine, head and all accessories are appearing. Absence of head can be visible to other players, but not always, sometimes my friends tell me that I dont have head but to me everything is fine. As soon as I took another Sentinel everything went fine, but again, went I took Prisma Shade I become headless.







    Edit: only after creating that topic I found another about that bug. Searching by word "shade" could not find anything -_-'

  4. On 3/1/2016 at 9:24 PM, Eienlanzer said:

    Our friend also has a very slow computer and this happens often. May I suggest: 

    1. Have your friends wait for you before loading mission.

    2. Buy a new/ or upgrade your computer.



    1. When Im playing with friends ofc there are waiting for me... But with randoms? - No way

    2. I gave my gaming laptop to service center because of some problems, thats why I was forced to play on older PC, so now its not a problem for me.

    But still, i made this report for DE, so maybe they can somehow fix at least this "Nothing to do" thing after slow loading :)

  5. So, after winning a mission, because of my old computer im loading very slowly, when my teammates starting another mission during my loading from previous mission, after my loading finished im appearing on this new mission which they are started and I cannot do nothing exept typing in chat. ESC not working, screen not moving, /unstuck command also not working (it saying that i must be in the mission to use it). Maybe server thinking that im not in mission and my client in mission (some kind of dissynchronization) so i can only ALT+F4 or wait untill my teammates will complete this mission and i will get zero reward because of AFK system 

  6. Same happened to me, first it started from this Orokin Core Def mission, and after continued with other missions but i dont remember which exactly

    As I understood, u still remaining in this turret, and if enemies will (for exaple) explode near to you in this turret - they can kill you, but u can move around.

    I was lucky that we had Loki in team and he made switch teleport. Also I escaped this bug only after dying and teammates revived me.

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