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  1. Thanks. I checked the total damage values and I think I can now explain in detail how to bug works. I'll paste the explanation to OP and to video description. Thanks for help!
  2. I am getting different % values in the video I posted. I noticed you posted 5 values from 797,5 to 1787,5. I presume those are the Shard-buffed values and you did not mention the unbuffed electric damage value without shards. If I presume that 797,5 is the base value buffed by 45%, then the base electric damage of the weapon you used must have been 797.5/1,45=550 Coincidentally Fulmin Prime's base damage is 550 (110 irrelevant impact + 440 relevant electric). Did you use Fulmin Prime to calculate those values? Because if so, there's a contradiction. I would be really happy to see video on how you got those values though, because for me the damage jumped from 440 to 687,5 which is 56,25% increase. The impact damage stayed the same for me all the time.
  3. This message has a slight error. What can be noticed from the five videos, the following: Impact damage is 110 all the time. It is not relevant in this test because it does not get any modifiers at any point. With 0 shards, Electric damage is 440. In the first video, one shard is inserted. Not five. Electric damage goes to 687,5. 687,5/110 is 6,25. In reality the Eletricity damage increases by 56,25% (687,5/440=1,5625) It's an interesting coincidence and probably that caused the confusion.
  4. I spent some hours inserting and removing the shards and checking the math on how much increased electric damage each shard provides. The shards are still very bugged. Video below shows what happens to unmodded Fulmin Prime's electric damage when you insert Violet Tauforged Archon Shards one by one. I made this in order to show that there is something really weird happening when inserting the shards and the math does not seem to add up. I also did some basic match in google docs to see the numeric and also %-based increases in damage after inserting each shard. The spreadsheet link can be found from video description. TLDR version: After socketing fourth Archon Shard, the game starts to show your damage with two different values. On Arsenal screen where you can view your Warframe and guns, you will see a normal number, but when in Weapon Upgrade menu, you will see a RED value. EDIT 2th of May 2024. I think I can now explain how the violet shards are bugged regarding primary damage. Explaining it requires observing total damage in Arsenal menu screen. I noticed that, unlike yesterday, now the total damage in Arsenal screen goes up to 3850 when Fulmin Prime is not modded. In Upgrade menu it's still 1677,5. But let's return to that later. I also added a video of this number on Arsenal Menu screen just to back my claim. But yesterday, the number in the 5th video was 2612,5. It is exactly 375% of the original value of 550. There's 45% from 5 shards, totaling 225%, so there's also 150% extra. 10 times 15% But how do the shards gain exactly 10 times the bonus? It seems that they follow three rules. Rule 1: All shards see to same direction Rule 2: You obtain bonus from everything you see Rule 3: You don't see yourself. The shard on the far left sees 4 other shards. It gets 4x 15% bonus on top of the 45%, totaling to 105% The next shard (2nd from left) only sees three shards in front of him, gaining 3x 15% bonus, totaling to 90% The middle shard sees two in front, gaining 2x 15%, totaling 75% Then we move one spot to right, This shard sees just one shard. It gets 45%+15%, totaling to 60% The last shard in far right sees nothing, gaining just the base 45% The sum of all these bonuses is 375%. Okay, so now I have explained how shards gain their damage buffs based on the videos I posted yesterday. Today I added one more video, which is linked in video description. In that video, the Arsenal menu damage goes to 3850. Then I replace weapon, the number changes, and then I equip Fulmin Prime again. Now the damage drops to 1787,5. Later on it goes back to 3850, but on this you need to trust me. The point is, those two numbers are both visible in Arsenal screen depending if you just swapped weapon or opened Upgrade menu. You know what 3850 is of 550? That's exactly seven times bigger (+600%). 1787,5 in turn was 550 buffed by 225% extra. That equals 5x 45%. This is why I believe that the shard bonuses do not apply at all now. If the shards worked as I think they should, they would gain following damage bonus with 5 identical tauforged violets: The shard in far left gets 45%, and since there's five shards slotted, the additional bonus is 5x 15%,= 75%. So the shard gains 120% bonus electrical damage in total. All other shards work exactly the same if the Shard description works as it should. So now we have 5x 120%, totaling 600%. Because Arsenal menu is able to display a value of 3850, I believe that the shard description is correct, it has been tried to implement this way, but there's some bug in the code that does not allow the per-shard -bonus values to apply. I rest my case for now. Heck, I wish I would have become a coder. Anyway I hope some dev reads this and adds this to to-do -list :) PS. I also would like to thank VibingCat for insight.
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