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  1. Hi there, I recently though of a theory about the Stalker after taking note of his aesthetic and part of the game's lore. What if Ash and the Stalker were originally brothers (or best friends maybe) before they were turned into warframes? For starters, there's similarities between their aesthetic and skillset. They're both masters of stealth and assassination. And share two skills similar to each other: - Teleport: Meant to make enemies vulnerable to finishers (Stalker's version automatically makes the finishers happen) - Smokescreen: Meant to make the warframe invisible for a while (Ash's version is for a shorter period of time though, compared to the Stalker) Then there's this one part from Ash's lore that specifically stood out to me. To sum it up, essentially Ash had saved this pair of brothers (and potentially their father or older male relative) from the Orokin's control before getting rid of a group of killers under the Orokin named the Scoria (maybe it was after, I'll check back on that in a bit). However, if I remember correctly, after he let them go free, he ended up not moving for a while, which kind of struck me as odd. I had originally believed that the Stalker was an Umbra-generation variant of Ash (like how Excalibur Umbra is the Umbra variant of base Excalibur). However, after thinking about that and noting the similarities from earlier, I came to this conclusion because what if that reaction was a trauma response (possibly to seeing what could've been if Ash was in the family's position). Granted, I don't remember the lore all too well since it's been a while since I properly looked into it but I'll check and update this with quotes from the Leverian. But yea, that's what I currently think could be a portion of the Stalker's lore. But what do y'all thinkk?
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