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Posts posted by Hatzeputt

  1. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    So you know that DE never promised anything, that your virtual items have no real world value, and that your account can be suspended or terminated at any time, right? You are literally complaining over something that you don't even legally own.

    I never bought the mod and I considered people insane and stupid to pay this many dollars for a virtual item that was not real. Still someones hard earned dollars went into this, especially during a time when Warframe wasn´t doing so well, peeing in the face of those is not very nice.   

  2. 2 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    Yes but they made no such promise not to re-introduce the mod. Same deal as all the other magic cards, they are reprinted consistently. Wizards regrets the reserved list because it is a potential revenue source that they are unable to tap. Just as I'm sure DE regrets excalibur prime.

    Imagine the British Postal Service decided to reprint the Blue Mauritius Stamp for lets say 100 £ a modest 10k in number to make a quick buck, they also never promised to never republish it.  It would be an insulting move, that is all that I can say. I always kept on preaching people, things you buy in an online game never belong to you, the company can always decide to screw you over, sadly DE did just that. Some companies pull such moves others have the decency to NOT pull such moves out of respect to the customer who made sure the company even got that far. Sadly DE has proven to be rather classless in recent years Riven changes were one thing this is just the crowning act.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    Black lotus is on the reserved list. Akin to Excalibur prime, where Wizards has promised never to reprint the card, that's why its value is so high. if there was any risk that it could be reprinted the value of the card would plummet.

    Promised or not, it is still a S#&$ty move to pee in the face of long time collectors after 7 years. People who made sure that all the mooching gloaters can even play the game because they kept it alive while paying money. It is a matter of respect, to all those girls and boys who threw in their dollars, so that the game could keep going, that the DE staff got payed and they decided to pee them in the face and laugh about it. 


  4. This is a bad move. Some things should be kept rare, just for the few hard core collectors who also happen to be whales. 

    Ever played Magic the Gathering? Black Lotus while being nice to have still sells for hundreds of dollars, beta variants even for thousands, these trinkets are like rare baseball cards. You just do not throw in a Babe Ruth Card for 100$ or release a new exclusive cards pack for MtG with a Black Lotus for 50$.

    Does the thing have an impact on the game? No! It´s just a unicorn's horn, nice to have, something to brag about but that´s it. Years ago collectors were willing to pay 20k plat for Primed Chamber well before the market price inflation and prime frames cost like 40 plat. Offering this now for a still trinket price, is a grave insult to hard core players and collectors who have carried the game all these years.

    I do not own Primed Chamber nor do I aspire to own it, but I would be furious if I had payed sick money just to be it the crown jewel of my all mods collection, now to find out, the pawn shop next door sells it as well. Very S#&$ty and insulting move by DE I am afraid to say! 

    • Like 1
  5. CP was broken from the start, it was the mandatory aura for all co op missions since it stripped all opponents of their armour, because of this DE introduced damage caps and other shenanigans. If CP had never existed in the first place this game would be much better. During solo play it is pointless, here many auras have a right of existence. For a full 4 people crew, sadly, CP is the best aura, 2014 and today. I never understood why DE introduced something so stupid. It makes high level content extremely difficult for solo players since DE adjusted the mobs based on the use of CP. Even if there are fewer mobs, a 16.000 ferrite armour high level Grineer is a much higher obstacle to a solo player than 10 of those are to a 4 man crew negating all those 16.000 ferrite thanks to stupid Corrosive Projection.            

  6. 15 hours ago, Awazx said:

    The good guys?

    We are mercenaries, which are sold to the highest bidder. If you have to help the Corpus to get 3 damn fieldron, we do it without blinking. And then, we kill them, because the Grinners offer us a better offer. The Tenno have never had honor.

    Actually a mercenary can be quite honorable, simply by honoring the contract and not allowing to get bought while on a mission. In terms of that we are honorable since we have to fulfill our mission to get the reward. There is no selling out the employee. That's the mercs honor. On rare occasions we get the choice but most of the time we have to be damn straight arrows, no turning vs our employee during a mission.

    Other than that, we are mass killing child soldiers (I never understood why DE rolled with the teenager theme for operators).  


  7. Well according to my game stats I have personally slain over half a million sentient beings (not counting infested) as a childsoldier/assassin and I am pretty sure there are others around who got 10-50 times that number. So no matter how you try to rose color it, we are pretty pretty bad.  


  8. I like Ivara, one of my favorite frames, easily the go to girl for spy, some sabotage and other missions when you do not need to be quick. Easily one of my top frames to level stuff, stealth kills anyone? Now Ivara Prime....to me after obtaining her, turned out to be ....the fugliest frame I own and I own like almost all of them except maybe 4?.....honestly. What did possess the art guys and gals to create something like this. Jelly fish meets thunder thighs meet big foot with an emergency shutdown button on her head??? 

    Well so be it, I will stick to the original, which in my book is the first Ivara (none prime).  

    Sigh, such opportunities wasted....  

  9. Check computer firewall as well, issue a tracert to on the command line see if you recognize hops if your second hop is not a public one check that and forward ports.

    Forward ports for application warframe.exe on udp 4970 and 4975 

  10. I am an old guy, playing since? 2014? A lot less less in the last 2 years but Warframe never got forgotten.

    I have to say Mesa Prime is hands down, bar nothing, visually the best thing Digital Extremes has ever produced.

    It has everything! Strong female theme, best,sexiest rear end upon all frames, best overall visual concept.

    This is something were I have to say hands down, bar nothing everything done fantastically well. 

    Thank you Digital Extremes, you got me back playing and paying because exceptionally well done things deserve to be paid! 

    I am not thrilled about the grind necessary to build up your operator but alas I make my own content in the end.


    Best regards



  11. Yes there are rude vets and there are also rude noobs, just yesterday we got the hotfix warning including: "PLEASE STAY IN YOUR MISSION !" in bright red letters and guess what my team of randoms did? They opted to exit the mission while the warning was still on screen..... All I can say after more than 2 years is this, players got worse in both skill and behavior.



  12. I am amazed, I always loved Mirage but the Prime is exceptional! Well done! My wife got jealous: "What are you playing, that one looks gorgeous! Wait you are supposed to look at me....that one looks far to fabulous," no kidding!... Well now WF got kinda ruined since the wife demands me to unlock Mirage Prime for her Char.        

    Anyways since my wife never reacts to any game especially not WF until this day I guess this is a two edged blade. One I will have to master in the future! Regardless as an old school player with 2k hours under my belt I have to say, well done! Mirage P got me playing again!

  13. TBH when I play Akkad to level stuff and I got a Limbo in my Squad 9/10 I will leave after wave 5 since, sadly 9/10 the Limbo does more bad than good.

    Usually spamming Limbos get reprimanded to reduce spamming, only when they do not heed the advice things get toxic. I usually say nothing and just leave after wave 5. 


  14. Once every week while being in a good mood I will grant a random chap a free mod give away, which includes every mod that I do have at least 1 copy off.


    Hatzeputt help desk has to be in session, and open.

    Time frame 60 minutes at most, once every weekend.         

  15. 2 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    2,147,483,647 (231 - 1) is the highest damage you can deal because that is the highest number that can be stored as a 32-byte two's complement binary number (the 31st power comes from the fact that the 1st number in two's complement determines whether the number is positive or negative).

    32 bit not byte a byte has 8 bits so 32 byte would be something else other than that you are indeed correct.

  16. This whole TWW thing is rather messy despite the nice cinematic.....the whole riven mod thing will create a whole new mess of elitism, trade shenanigans and generally do the community no good, plus a power leap, not even a creep a leap if you take a look at some of the riven mods stats this and a new resources to grind added YET AGAIN just makes the whole experience feel quite sour.

    Story, cinematic, voice acting: Top !!

    Kuva, riven mods, shelved focus: A rather large mess! ! !      

  17. I tried kuva farm several spots Uranus, Sedna all the wiki suggested, Capture, Exterminate etc, solo, no spawn, no dice 20+ missions , looked for a dedicated group ran 2 capture on Sedna, 2 kuva syphon spawns someone had a booster 2300 kuva! Wasted it all on rerolls, with no real luck, things just went from 100% poop to 98% poop. Conclusion, do not try to farm solo. Introducing yet another resource to grind feels incredibly tedious on top of the great lottery of the riven mods. 


  18. 3 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    Just saying that most exploits and such aren't put on the forums because people don't want DE to find out about.

    In most games exploiting loop holes and not bug reporting them can be counted as ban able offense. If things are clearly NOT working as intended and you exploit them to gain unfair advantages the rewards you gathered while doing so can be removed and you can receive punishment according to the TOS and EULA.

    All digital content is the property of the company that produced it and you are just allowed to use it, should you have acquired something through an exploit of game mechanics and distributed that knowledge by posting it on reddit for example you just committed a ban able offense.   

  19. The new system does not register opened relics, I only need 1 more Neo relic to open, opened 2 but my junction counter did not get updated still stuck at 2 despite having done numerous Neo relics 

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