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Posts posted by frost19

  1. I don't remember everything but in Update 7 there will be:

    New map - on the planet

    Pets - called Sentinels

    Different Skill Tree

    No more mods - we use artifacts and there will be something to change your mods into something new

    Poison Warframe

    Sonic Sound Warframe

    Global chat

    Arena/Dojo mode - fight for as long as you can where enemies get stronger every level

    Blocking attacks

    That's all I remember from the livestream.

    wow, that's nice

    I'm still watching the recording now

  2. Prestige levels, how interesting. I feel like this is a good idea because often at time when I play with level 30 gear, I think to myself "This is a waste of experience" and then I'll end up playing noob weapons that I really hate. Being rewarded new customization options as you level past 30 sounds like a good feature to introduce into the game.


    I'm playing with noob weapon right now, because it get me Rank Mastery and my lv 30 weapons just shred everything that can be shredded... without me getting anyhing

  3. Aw you guys and gals.

    We do our best :D!

    We're new to this - this is our first time having in-house Support so we're building it as we go!

    Boldly going where... well, you know the rest!

    Well, you deserve it. the DEvs really deserve it.

    Hope you won't be overwhelmed in the future

  4. Sorry about the color mess guys, I definitely knee-jerked to restoring the classic color purchases and I didn't have a lot of flexbility in merging or showing single column palettes. I wish I did.

    Please believe me, the intent is never to cheat, devalue or rip a single one of you off. I thought it sucked that we changed prior classic buyer's colors underneath their noses. If you want a refund on a color picker you bought we can work it out next week and you'll be back where you started.

    The other option is to accept my crappy solution which will 'grandfather' you in with 2 color pickers for the price of one. In a few days the 'screw up' sale will end and they will cost the same and when you're refunded you'll have to buy one or the other.

    Sorry again!

    Well, it's already done.

    Just be careful next time when it is about money and/or plat.

    My God.. i swear to Him. If the developers working on this game ever lose their will to make it happen as they wanted it to, the blame will be on all those different people who - while on their own are doing nothing wrong - as a group can do nothing but complain, and very loudly might i add, about stuff that shouldn't matter that much.

    You made an extremely devoted chief developer devote extra time over the weekend simply to correct a - and don't argue with my opinion on this - pretty worthless issue. Was it an issue? Yes, of course it was. To quote a brazilian saying, you "bought a rabbit and got a cat" (don't ask me to explain the sense behind it, i have no @(*()$ idea). But it wasn't like the UPnP and NAT issues. This wasn't preventing you from playing the game, it just meant that your desidered color had more (or less) saturation. Unless you have OCS (in which case disregard this rant), you could live perfectly fine for a few days or weeks while the issue was sorted out.

    A whole plethora of solutions were made available. The saturated color palette which should be the original one was offered for 1 credit. A platinum refund for those who bought the first palette was offered. And you complain that now people who didn't had any full color palette have one for basically nothing, unlike you who had to spend the equivalent of 5 bucks to get one.

    Well, guess what?! The people who bought the thing for 1 cred only have 1 palette while you have two. And don't come and say that you were "ripped off" with the original purchase you made, because no one forced you to. When you bought that, you didn't even know that a saturated option was available, so you did (just as i did) the purchase because you desired what you were seeing.

    And if for some cosmic reason you thought that you were buying the saturated pallete all those weeks back instead of the classic palette, the plat refund is available for you. Get your bloody 75 plat back and buy the new one for 1 cred. Yes, other people who didn't had plat bought it for 1 cred, but now you have your @(*()$ 75 plat back and they still have either nothing or something under 50, like everyone else.

    So, for the love of God and Jesus Christ, if you found any ammount of common sense between your last complaints and now, STOP acting like spoiled childs, play the @(*()$ game and stop complaining about what you have, what other people have and about what you think you don't have.

    Although I agree with most of the above poster's arguments, this isn't a completely worthless issue because it costs real life money. However a solution was introduced where no one misses out. (Everyone gets the colours they wanted) Sure, people who didn't pay platinum at all got extra colours. Why is that a problem? Their enjoyment is a detriment to yours?

    Really I just want people to be more tolerant of others. Mistakes were made and solutions were presented. The devs are sorry and were with good intentions.

    Well, it's people and their money. When others get something that basically free but some have to pay......

    And for the refund, from what I get is you get your 75 plat back but lose both palette. And when you want to buy the saturated, the price will be back to normal, correct ?

    CMIIW, but if it is... some people will not happy although yes, this is no urgent issue. But again, it's people and their money.

  5. What if you bought the original, pretended saturated color pallet for 75 plat before, and they offered the "classic" one for 1 plat now? It's the same thing.


    Buy yourself this 1 credit picker or ask for refund. And than you can buy ONE picker for 75 plat. Saturated, or not. There is no problem. God, I wish that other devs would be so fair towards their fanbase.

    I think the problem here is that other people who originally do not buy the color palette for 75 plat can get it now (limited time, yes, but still) for just 1 credit.

    People who originally buy with plat will get 2 palette, I know, but with both palette is close or even almost identical in color, or maybe the buyer just want the saturated, he will probably feel ripped off 75 plat because if he haven't bought it originally, he'll just lose 1 credit...

  6. It's been like that for "hardcore" farmers.

    It'd be hilarious to me if aborting affects your drop table and that's why we see people who claim to farm a specific assassination target indefinitely and never get their final blueprint.

    Tenno ditching their mission halfway? No shinies for you!

    if this true, that would explain why I got so many complete set blueprint with relatively low run (usually just playing 2 days with +-5 runs/day)...

    or I'm just lucky...

  7. you can just rush building the warframe for 50 plat which is less than $5 (or 125 plat if you rush the component too which is still less than $10). But yeah you still need to farm for blueprints and rubedo (and to some degree alloy plate).

    Hey, at least you don't need to wait for 3+ days

  8. Well, I feel like shuriken need a bit more spammable. While the damage is great, the not-so-great aiming usually makes me just spam that thing until I realized my energy is all gone.

    And bladestorm. Can it be range based ? Like you just hit enemies that are in some range from your starting position. Or if it still target based, please don't target already dead enemy that are dead after I start the skill ? And make the slash multihit so that close enemy will die in one swoop.

    And yeah ofc rework teleport and fix the bladestorm falling through floor. And another thing, add a silhouette or something when using smoke bomb. I know I'm supposed to be invisible but come on.

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