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Posts posted by (PSN)Hollow118

  1. Well , I think you console guys should not even be here , like we have no access to PS4 & Xbone one zone , this should be applied same ways so you guys dont get yourself spoiled here

    Whoa there pal, General Discussions and Feedbacks (where most of the spoilers are) is for the entire community. It doesn't say PC General Discussion anywhere. It's for everyone. The subforums dedicated to us are bug reports, specific feedback and recruiting, just like PC has.

  2. In regards to the Valkyr thing...

    I think that the Operators can't simply 'disconnect' they are after all linked with the Warframe, and they only way they can switch to a different frame, was accessing the Arsenal in the landing craft.

    And the Operators weren't awake, they were dreaming, and in the lucid state it was an out of body experience. They probably weren't even aware they were dreaming honestly. So simply disconnecting wasn't an option at the time I assume.

    But that's just my take on that. And if they are sharing a link with the frame, I'm thinking they might be able to experience the pain as well.

  3. I think my only issue was the quest was that it seemed to imply that that's all the Warframe was. A ghost in the Shell more or less, which I really feel like they should have touched on. A lot of people are upset because they believe they are that child now. I merely seeing them as the Operator, even if they are Tenno. But whatever is in the Warframes, has SOME level of thinking. If they are infested they want to kill. The Tenno guides them into killing for good I suppose. Basically taming the flesh husks with what seems to be a telepathic link to direct them. The way I see it, like the Lotus, the children are directing our urge for killing in a more positive beneficial direction. The Warframes are killing machines, but the upper thinking that allows them to be so agile and use guns and blade is the Operator. Without them, the frame would just go beserk like Eva Unit 01 from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Which I find to be a good comparison. Like that Eva Unit, it's restrained, encased in armor, but has a primal urge for murder on the inside. The pilot controls it and guides its strength, using it against the enemies, fire with fire.

  4. After playing Second Dream, I immediately revisited Rhino Prime's codex, to see if I could draw some connections. When they entered the cell where the ones from the Zariman were kept, the hulking mass (which I assumed to be Rhino) just stopped in its tracks and became quiet. From what I can gather from this entry, they discovered that the children from the Zariman could tame and control these things. Which is more evident now then ever with the reveal of the quest Second Dream.

    While I don't think that entry was hinting at the Reservoir itself, it certainly hinted at what the Tenno were capable of.

    But maybe I'm missing something here. From how it sounds, this 'Rhino' was experimented on by the Orokin. And they did experiment on Infested during the old war. There are connections to be drawn based on that I suppose.

    What catches my eye is Excalibur's entry, saying they built a frame around the twisted few who returned from the void. At first glance you think it means the children, but I think it's actually talking about the infestation itself, or those Orokin who had become infested but weren't fully mutated, but we're still apart of the hivemind. It's understandable why the Rhino in the one codex entry is rampaging and eating flesh and what not. It was out of control, until one of the children could 'tame' it more or less. And David's line about a Promotion made it even more clear that they discovered something to help them win the Old War.

    This is all just speculation more or less based on the codex entries. But what do you guys think? Valid connections here?

  5. It's an odd way of imagining it though. That inside the armor is just a hulk of infested flesh (should this be the case). If it really is infested then I really like the concept of it overall.

    But indeed the reveal leaves open so many new questions.

    (Actually thinking back to the quest with the Infested Mesa, she wore the collar from Alad, which possibly broke the link between the warframe and it's operator, which allowed the influence of the infested to take over it and fight against us. All just theory more or less, but if it's seen in that way, that could be another example of the infested flesh in the warframe idea)

  6. I do wish there was a way for my purchases to be on record and transferred to my pc account if possible. Now I know that won't happen, and it's a pipe dream, but I migrated to ps4 because my pc was originally too much of a potato to play Warframe. Now that I'm getting a new pc, I want to pick it back up, but my pc account has hardly anything to it, unlike my ps4 account which has become my main one (Mr 20 while pc is Mr 8).

    For me it's just a lot of time I'd have to spend grinding again to make Warframe enjoyablet for me on pc. Hopefully way down the road, there might be SOMETHING that can change that. But transfers in general are so rare to come by, and there never will be a way to transfer back to pc.

    A boy can dream ;-;

  7. My Fx 8350 cpu runs both FPS and TPS games with zero issues and that's without any over clocking. Why the game type is doesn't matter. I've always liked AMD personally (sadly my Linux professor who is an Intel fanboy crushes my happiness whenever I mention AMD ;-;) but like the others have said, go with AMD on a budget, go with Intel for multiple uses aside from gaming.

  8. I'd like to apologize on behalf of the the PS4 players attempting to be represented by this thread. A majority of the players I'm sure do not feel this way, that is a massive claim to make in an attempt to represent an entire platform.

    Reactors and Catalysts have the same chances on pc as they do on PS4, outside of devstreams it's all RNG.

    Sony / Microsoft must certify and approve an update before handing it back to the devs and giving the green light on releasing. There is no other way around this.

  9. Excalibur is my main, and I really want to create a Cosplay of him that I can use this upcoming year at conventions all around my state. Problem is I've never done custom costume work ever before. So I really don't know where to begin.

    Essentially I just need some of the more experienced cosplayers to give me an idea of what kind of materials I should buy!

    Things like





    Anything helps!

  10. OP, I know exactly what you are talking about with the coloring in the arsenal, it's made me reds look like washed out pink on any scheme that doesn't have PBR.

    And the void, is a mixed one for me. While I do like the gold touch up, the rest of it is something I have to adjust to. The void has this darker color scale now it seems, and I've been use to the clean white void we all knew for years beforehand. However, I will this a chance and hopefully I'll come to like it in due time.

  11. Excalibur, because I'm biased to Excalibur only. :P

    But seriously, Loki Prime I think would suit you pretty well. Loki is pretty flexible with his power set, and can last quite a long time if you know what you are doing. Frost is a good defensive tank, and has survivability, but you seem like someone who would prefer agility and fast pacing over Frost. Ash is all about offensive stealth play, but as LilLemay mentioned, you are gonna be Bladestorming quite a lot, because outside of that, Ash lacks more powers with crowd control capabilitis.

    So I'd say go for Loki, but at the end of the day it's your call ^_^

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