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Posts posted by ROSING

  1. Just curious, but how many of you know about the hidden passageways to the jail cells in rescue missions? Not being stealth, that's understandable, but too often when I'm pugging people just try to barge in through the front door only to find that I've already slipped through and let the hostage out. 


    Do you know about the hidden routes, and if you do, do you use them?


    Edit: wrong title lol, I meant Rescue not Spy

  2. The sparring charge attacks open up finishers. Try it out with Kogake, obex, etc...just know thatcharge attacks are a bit buggy for one of the stances.


    In the past, decisive judgment's leaping attack was also able to open u to finishers, it's been a while so I'm not sure if it still does, as it takes a bit of practice to land.

  3. That's the other thing I forgot to say, people wanting nerfs forget how new players see the game. You, me and many others have been playing for years and as a result we all have lots of mods, almost every frame and weapon, so our perspective is completely different than what it was when we started.

    New players won't have those super CC builds, they won't have those one-shot weapons multi-formaed and modded to the fullest for quite a long time (because the more content the game has, the more time it will take a new player to get everything needed for those builds).

    When I started there was already quite a lot of content, and it took me a lot of time to get there (and there are some things that I still don't have), new players today have it a lot worse, as there is tons and tons of content there that they don't even understand at first, much less have access to.

    That what progression is, I played for 2 years to get where I am now, it's not as if every new player can just start the game and take -insert x frame- already maxed and start playing the lvl 100 sorties...

    Like I said, I understand not everyone sees the game in the same way, but changing now every CC means having to rework everything from the ground up, and I personally don't think it's something DE can do (and I hope they don't, as I enjoy the game as it is now. I don't want another generic Third Person Shooter with some powers on the side).


    I don't think that any of the changes to CC proposed here will affect the new player experience that much...in fact, I would propose it would change it for the better. Lowered CC would mean faster paced and more challenging content, less grindwalls since farming isn't so ridiculously easy, and I don't really see core abilities being affected too much. It's things like the nightmare mods with min/maxing that are some of the things that really make the CC super-cheesed here, which isn't something new players would normally have.


    Addressing the people who are defending the current state of the game, one of the more important points of the OP is that the ridiculous grindfest that Warframe is turning into is here primarily because of rampant cheesed CC. If CC is toned down and the grind is accordingly toned down with it, then I assure you that stances, mods and resources would require less tedium to acquire and more fun. The reason why all of these new stances are being made rare is because the units who have them are slaughtered with such alarming frequency using a CC spam team that if it was any lower than you would burn through half the content in a day. 


    I don't CC spam, I play normally like some of you are advocating for. I don't instaquit when I join a group with rampant spamming, but all I want to do is get that rare mod. But by the time I get here, DE has made it the rarest tier with the rarest unit in order to counter the ridiculous cheesing of CC farming. And everyone suffers, because if these things weren't so able to be abused and things were easier to get, the spammers wouldn't have to grind so much,  I wouldn't have to grind so much, you wouldn't have to grind so much, we'd spend more time actually playing the game than turning it into Joe's button factory minigame on the same map for 3 straight hours a day.



    I don't mean to sound like a mod, but both sides should keep discussion civil and attack the arguments, not the posters. Saying posts sound like a joke or arguing who is more hypocritical/self-entitled do nothing to further this discussion.

  4. Well... you give money to the person in real life and ingame, u just gave the guy an ammo drum in exchange for the thing you bought. This happens a lot in internet cafe or in your group of friends who plays Warframe.

    But in the terms of service and all that, this is against the rules and could get you banned even if the person isn't a scammer

  5. There were some surface missions and then an underwater walking mission and (swimming?) Mission if I don't misremember


    Anyone remember the loony in the locker in the underwater place?


    "I'm not coming out, fishy, you're going to eat me!"

  6. No matter how much balance anyone can put in a game, there will always be an easiest way to do things. Sucks, but the goal here is to minimize that easiest way. If preexisting and unintentional methods of crowd control were all removed, that would be something. Pull back on the damage we deal, the damage enemies deal, and instead of needing more health enemies can get harder by being more complicated and dodgier. It's really hard to balance out an infinitly leveling game where anything can be minmaxed by maybe five times what it was made to do, but case by case nerfs/tweaks combined with a total rework seems like a way this game could get back in hand again.


    Don't get me wrong, your idea is actually what I've been pushing for so many times; overall reduction in damage for all sides, faster over tankier, complex over simple. But I think a reduction, not a removal but a reduction, in the effectiveness of our CC will only make the changes more effective. Minmaxing needs to go to start with, in my opinion, but those tweaks and nerfs you're talking about would probably require the same amount of work for the tweaks and nerfs to the weapons for the fixes you've suggested (and I support) for weapons/unintentional crowd control.


    I agree; there will always be an easy way to do things. But we can raise the difficulty of the easiest way and thus even the easy way will require a little skill.

  7. Well that was another wrong assumption in saying I'm a meta player ether way and just came of as rude and condescending :/. But its fine I understand you didn't want to direct it as an attack now. However don't go saying in **Narrowminded** :D by making the statement Warframe might not be for you. I still stand by it, you may not realize but there are many people who really enjoy a agme, however have problems with its core and can't be in tune with it. For me it would be Bethesda games. I want to like them, I want to enjoy them, however I can't stand the bland nature of its gameplay and colorless worlds. I have placed hundreds of hours in Fallout 3, New Vegas, F4. But I always have long term issues with it.


    What I defend is not easy mode everything dies in 1 button. But I don't want this to be a mandatory skill based game ether. Don't assume I want everything to die in 1 shot of a hyper death beam that covers the whole map. However I don't see how removing the premise of our "power" to be of any good. The game can be hard, however we can become so powerful we can trivialize most of it. And that is what I'm fine with it.


    I don't defend meta ether, as I play what I like. I'm one of those mr21 with everything in the game so I do anything mission at any level with any equipment because I can. I don't abide by the "what others say to do and how" because I don't care.


    However thinking that "meta" would magically disappear with such changes you are delusional. "Meta" is a play style some people enjoy and can not simply be removed from most games. Even Destiny used to have the "meta" that was cheesing bosses with Gjallahorn rocket launcher or sniper ammo regen IceBreaker. Or even someone who mentioned Borderlands 2, still has "meta" in how people use certain gear with such, rubi/grognozzler bee shield with sandhawk, etc.


    And lastly, saying we don't have tot ouch or weapon or frame stats would be detrimental to what Warframe is. A buildivers game (not the best but hey) were players can custom fight a frame and its stats how they want it too. I'm all for mod system rework if it promotes even more build diversity, but not being able to custom my stats at all would ruin the game for me (well at least I still have my fashion).




    There will never be a scenario in which a "meta" does not exists.


    I respect that opinion, however I would disagree with it. I don't think that meta will completely go away, but the meta we have right now isn't what Warframe's true potential is, in my opinion. I think a lot of the people opposing you in this thread don't wan't this to require dark souls' 2 skills, but I think we disagree that our abilities should trivialize all of the content. And it doesn't trivialize most of the content; we can trivialize almost all of the content. Because we see DE trying to come up with things that aren't able to be trivialized, like the nullifiers and the manics, but their course of action is to only up the ante while not trying to instead tone down what is causing it, maybe for fear that they will tick off too many players, maybe because, as you say, this is what they want Warframe to be, where everything they throw at us provides no real challenge as long as you have one of a few combos of frames and mods. But I firmly believe that this is not what they want Warframe to be.


    But that's, like, my opinion man. I respect what you have to say.


    I think if enemies scaled in the difficulty of fighting them rather than just their straight damage, cc wouldn't be be so "nessasary". A Helion is a much more interesting and potentially skillful fight than a shotgunner who oneshots you if he isn't slova'd. Getting here would require a complete and utter uprooting of the whole concept of enemy levels and mods, but I think it would be worth it. Unless you actually enjoy doing nothing except imobilizing the entire map and oneshotting enemies from inside a snowglobe with infinte energy and ammo from a trinity and pads. Personally, I don't think that's what the game was designed to be.


    However if you don't touch the frame abilities at all, that Hellion's skill will still mean nothing if in the end you can just m prime for over a minute, no matter how good he is. True it wouldn't be necessary, but since it will be there then players will be incentivized to use it, and thus whatever great and challenging content is thrown our way is almost instantly trivialized (as in the case of the bursa event) and thus the arms race between the players and new enemies continues.

  8. You have your own choice of using CC or not. You arent forced to use any CC what so ever. BUT if the player has to reduce their gear/frame/mods etc to make the game more "fun" there has to be something wrong with the difficulty of the game itself. 


    Most older or long term players i know are bored, including me. Im on a break again because there is nothing else to do but thats a diff story.


    I somewhat agree the CC is nuts in this game but then again....meh honestly


    There have been several posts which have countered that argument, which largely go along this line


    DE introduces new mission that encourages spamming CC "i.e. lvl 100 sortie defenses next to impossible to defeat without spamming CC, incredibly rare resources/mods that take way too long to farm without spamming CC to facilitate the quickest and easiest farming on endless missions, raids that also need spamming CC so you aren't one-shotted" and players who "choose" not to spam CC are pretty much not able to access this content without plat because they "choose" not to use the strategies that are at times necessary to get it. Is the content optional? Sure, but you are locking a portion of the playerbase effectively out of this content because they "choose" not to spam CC, and the unchecked CC spamming is only leading to more content that encourages it because that's all DE can do to combat it without taking a good hard look at CC and changing (not removing!) it.


    I'd be willing to bet that the reason why a lot of people are bored is because they were sick of spamming CC to farm/get at new content and are waiting for content that doesn't require such tactics to obtain. But what have we been getting? Content encouraging spamming CC because without it, it's too easy for the spam CC players. The "you have your own choice" is not only a fallacy, but actually a cover for a vicious cycle.

  9. New Sortie Condition: No Fun


    I'd like to challenge that statement; I think that having no ults might be more fun than you might think. At the very least, different modes cater to different playstyles and people; I'm sure some people think melee only is no fun allowed when others think melee only is the greatest mode ever. You personally don't have to like the mode, but I just think that others will. Besides, don't knock it till you've tried it, right?


    New condition: No WF Skills allowed, weapons or bust


    I've thought about that but it brings us to the whole idea about abilities being the core part of the game; you can't remove all of them. Devoid, I do see your point about the implications of what I've proposed.


    Finally, I know that some frames' most powerful abilities aren't their ults, but I didn't want to make an arbitrary mode like "the following abilities are banned: ___, ___, ____," and I wanted to provide some options for CC should they arise. I just wanted to challenge players to try other abilities or frames who might not be as efficient as others but still can get the job done in a potentially refreshing way.

  10. EDIT Ignore this quoted part

    Your brand of mentality is precisely why I find Warframe to be a sub-par game; you can't just tell me don't like it, don't play it because DE is going to listen to feedback, and when your mentality says that the game isn't challenging until you get 2~4 hours in whatever endless mission you're doing, that's what DE is going to balance around, not the actual game itself.


    It's not that I want to choose not to do this, it's by having your mentality cry out the game get's made worse for my type of player.


    The fact the cheesy and completely cheap, brainless, trivializing, monotonous, and mindless game-play get's upheld by players of your caliber has made the game worse.

    Because of your player type, we have been punished with Argon Crystals, Tellurium, Nitain, Combi, Scrambi, Nullifiers, Sap Ospreys, unnecessary boosts to the Ancient Healer's damage reduction aura, the Sentient's poor execution of the damage adaptation mechanic, Snipers being impossible to properly buff, Stealth being infinitely inadequate to any other game-play style, extreme levels of RNG, hiding ship parts in rare crates, tedium in game-modes such as Trials, Sorties, and Tactical Alerts, lack of game-play diversity, lack of truly challenging content, Draco being the extreme meta, and being the reason why we label 'grind' as being a negative thing.


    News freaking flash, it's you players who want to keep perpetuating this trivialization of game-play that makes Warframe a worse game for not only you, but the rest of us as well. And obviously, so very obviously, none of you are happy with it either, because in the forums all the time I see <X Warframe> is under-powered, this content isn't difficult, the grind is real, stealth isn't viable, sniper buff when, rng too extreme, Argon/Nitain has no point, etc.


    Everyone suffers because of the way your mentality, or at least these meta-players, want to play the game.


    If we ever want Warframe to be truly fun, truly challenging, truly varied, and make every element inside of it viable against something else, inevitably this trivialization of content has to end. The meta has to die. But, seeing as the majority are in favor of keeping it this way, we'll never see Warframe meet its potential, and all of us are going to suffer because of the players who do nothing but cheese the game.


    The mantra of 'You can play Warframe however you want' is ironically the bane of its existence, as they are trying to cater to these players that like trivializing content, which leads to an entropic game-formula, which leads to a game that isn't fun for anyone. 


    And even that mantra is false, because my type of player can't play the game we want to, because it's always being balanced around your type of player.


    Krion, you are my hero. This is what we need to hear.


    I am actually so glad to see so many people who think in this similar vain (that I just blew off hw and read this whole thread) and I would like to say major props, to both sides for having a relatively civil (albeit at times passionate) discussion.
    I would like to say that the focus and the blame isn't or at least shouldn't be towards the farming players and the ability spam players, but towards the mechanics themselves; it is the system that encourages these behaviors after all. But I am in favor of the arguments Neko, Krion, and others have made, I've never seen nearly all the core problems of Warframe stated so succinctly in one thread. I really hope this catches attention from DE.
  11. So, I had this idea one day and I wanted to hear your thoughts on it. To be clear, I don't mean that ALL sorties would restrict ults, but this would be one of the randomized mutators (like eximus stronghold or halved energy). 


    I would be really curious to see how this would affect gameplay in a mission where 4th abilities cannot be used. I think there are still a decent amount of CC options out there (sonar, blind, snow globe) that aren't ults that it would be more of a challenge to play but not be ridiculous (we are dealing with lvl 100 enemies here, which I take issue with but that's another topic).


    I know this won't completely satisfy the people who dislike the way that sorties don't provide too much of a challenge with the right team composition and it might tick off someone who loves their blessing a bit much, but I think that relative to some of the other things we're given (sniper only, melee only), this might be worth a shot. Thoughts?

  12. Here's the whole message:

    BOUNTY: [Placeholder - Remove if shipping] Supply and Demand

    EXPIRES IN 352d 22h


    Artificers and Datalysts defeated: 0 / 2

    About the "Basolk Primary" though: Bear in mind it was preceded by 'Test', along with many of the headlines on that list. Plus, we already have a Basolk primary, it's called the Ignis.

    Welp, that ties in the event and the ancora void, I guess.

    Those artificers and datalysts sound like new sentient units...

  13. To start with, damage 2.0 needs to limit the scaling of enemy health so that higher level enemies do more damage but not have more health, while at the same time nerfing our own damage to the same level. Then, the mix of enemies needs to adjusted so that there is a certain unit that can counter a certain type of ability (i.e. The kat ladies who can see invisible people), not catch alls like the nullifiers. The combas and scrambus are a good start, but there are too few of them and they are also limited to one faction. Lastly, introduce enemies that require skillshots (don't hate me but for example, an impenetrable shield lancer), faster reflexes (quicker ospreys and manics are a good example of this) or enemies who are more susceptible to melee (wardens and prosecutors, but this needs a bit more tweaking). The best way to counter a diversity of skills and weaponry is to widen the diversity of enemies, but not in a bandaid fashion.

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