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Posts posted by Sithalo

  1. Why is it that sentinel's are not used in Archwing mission's ? .  Why have a flying sentinel's and not be able to use them in flying mission's ? .

    i figure we cant use them because they cant keep up. in space we are technically moving wayyy faster than we do on the ground. its likely that sentinels cannot keep up with the speed

  2. Will we ever see a new flamethrower or a flamethrower rework? they can achieve alarming ranges for what they are supposed to be

    actually flamethrowers have a huge range.

    the M2 Flamethrower used during WWII had a range that went up to 40 meters. Thats 132ish feet range.

    but the flamethrower in game is a more short ranged spread one by the looks of it. for its range it needs to be more like compressed fire. er something like that

  3. I hope that Bo Prime on the Market is a bug. Or is it Pay2Win?

    its already pay to win in that regards. you can buy a prime item outside of the market with plat. 

    a new player with lots of money could buy a ton of plat and buy all the parts needed for Bo Prime in trading tab and the orokin cells needed to build it in the market. idk if the market item came with the installed double mod point part but they could easily buy that in the market to. weather or not its accessible in the market has nothing to do with it being pay2win or not. 

    people can easily buy the needed materials in the market and the trading tab so it might as well be considerd pay2win now.

    course most of the time the bo prime is likely being used agianst enemy ai not player tenno so its not really paying2win. your winning agianst the ai but that doesnt hurt your fellow players so theres nothing wrong with that. and if you use it in conclave (im unsure if you can i havnt played conclave in while) you still have to be good at the game to kill anyone with it likely. you still need to go and level it up and youd have to buy all the mods to make it more useful in conclave if you didnt have them. and you need to level up your frame and have the mods for your frame to survive better in conclave.

    really it goes much farther than just being able to buy the weapon from the market for it to be considerd pay2win. even if you could buy prime items right form the market it wouldnt be pay2win anymore so than now because you can just buy prime items from the trading tab.


    its not. just dont color the gold segment or color it something orange.

    they should add a seperate color slot so u can color the gold seperate from armor.

  5. never say never when it comes to a warframe. warframe is always changing and what was said in the past doesnt necessarily keep its weight in the future.

  6. you can end the use with escape or check ur mission progress but those are not as useful as just an exit button. maybe escape should just exit the camera w/o bringing up the options.

  7. the game to me atleast looks so much cooler in the view i had. there really no reason not to add it in. i get that theres model and animation and programming and the like and thats all super incredibly hard... but its not like it couldnt be done. I would enjoy it if it was just a crappy shift in perspective as this view is in the video. its better than nothing.

    in fact the new camera thing kinda shows they are open to the idea of changing the view point. there is little use for the camera actually. its good for sending it down a hallway but it just focuses on ur frame so you cant see around a corner or into another room super well. 

    the fact that this new camera is a thing makes me hope that maybe by the end of next year we will have a first person view option. and it gives me hope that we might have a first person view at some point.

  8. I think he's talking about Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Both main characters have blueish hair and there've been many quotes from that show in this thread.

    not sure this is their whole quote post thing. the link looks like chiyochan and one of the other girls but blue haired and different school outfit.

    "Phailberry, on 30 Jul 2015 - 1:02 PM, said:


    Congrats on 80pages of Hype, now for 20 more ^__^


    I love that anime so much"

  9. and thinkin about it i cant see any reason why mag and... volt? loki? idr which, would drop at any of the first 3 planets. 


    it wouldnt thrill new players who chose the frame but that also gives them reason to move on to the next planet and get to the boss there to get a new boss they can get the new frame parts from.


    but as said vor is trickyish lol

  10. thats a fairly good idea. vor is a lil tricky i think. his table would be diluted with seer and excalibur and the frame shouldnt just drop from nightmare. 

    id like it if more frames where found in proper seeming places. valks found in corpus tenno disection and research or something, embers found at sargus ruk. frost could be found on corpus ice world, hydroid at the new underwater set. bosses and planets do not really match the themes of a good portion of the frames but it would be a lil more logical. Vay Hek has no real reason to be dropping Hydroid parts. a frame like rhino seems more of a drop fit for him to me.

    it would make some sense sorta to gather the starter frames before you got some non starter frames. sorta. 


    it would be a lil neater if more proper bosses/locations to drop frames.

  11. But then it would actually be useful.


    Thinking about it, that could be an awesome and balanced mod if done correctly. While equipped, your energy pool is merged with shields. Using abilities uses shields, energy orbs restore shields. If the ratio was something like 8/1 shields to energy, that could work pretty well. A basic ability would cost 200 shields, an ult would cost 800, but it regenerates.

    you say that as if there are no actually useful mods in the game...

  12. heh, tenno are the mercs, corpus are the wealthy bankers, grineer want to rule it and infested want to eradicate it :P

    btw, where did you find the footage for alad v and zanuka?

    infested dont want to eradicate they want to assimilate lol. 


    Its from the PS4 Warframe trailer Profit.



    fun note about that trailer. It came out around a year or a half before archwing was even known about and in it is a  little locust drone archwing enemy

  13. dddddddaaaaaammmnnnnnn.........that was a great one...and it fits so well.


    Thanks alot. Everybody wants to rule the system would have fit better though lol. And i dont see the corpus as wanting to rule the system just its economy lol. And i dont see the tenno wanting to rule just... doing what they do.


    Grineer and Infested on the other hand... lol

  14. I made this Music Video a couple weeks back. I thought i would share my love for warframe and post the link to it on the forums so that others might see it. I thought i did a pretty good job. it went through 7 versions until getting it mostly right. 

    if you like it you could also show it to friends who also like Warframe. 


    Rarely does a multiplayer game keep me coming back or playing as long as often as Warframe does. Thanks DE.


  15. 1.Unless you can't read there is crystal clear text that says the new tenno reinforcement is just around the corner

    2. Get used it, warframe without updates will always get players complaning

    3. Bread and read?

    I can read i just missed that part. 

    not just warframe its all games players will complain about anything even with a great team behind the game.

    bread and read?

    also i never said "_I'm being protective" which is what it said i said in the quote box for ur post

  16. As far as people clawing for content...I can see both sides.  As a coder, I understand that you can't schedule improvement.  As a player, I view the communication between DE and the community as, paraphrasing here, crap.  They often tell us critical information minutes or hours before unveiling it, host casual streams that make allusion to features that have no definite timeline, and directly respond to player issues almost never.  It's difficult to cut people slack whenever their communication demonstrates no consistency.


    ah thx i missed that reinforcement part. 

    i wouldnt call it crap. the streams have no definite timeline because there is none alot of the time. the communication between the two seem to be better than any other game ive played especially with the streams. a bug fix is a direct response to player issues.

    i would prefer to learn the critical info just before i play anyway. depending on what kind it is. no real reason to say the info long before its ready

  17. i dont know why so many are complaining. WF updates with newer stuff more often than most other games. There was no set date that they update they just try to make them come out on Wednesday. Things come up even at the last second causing delays. its just one more day. chances are everyone who posted here complaining about having to wait will still be alive tomorrow and the next day to play. Come on people just be patient.

    also people are saying new weapon, what new weapon? the link doesnt say anything about a new weapon and i cant really find any new weapons mentioned anywhere else.

  18. copy and paste of my end post on my other of event topic


    "well i give. i messed up. its annoying thought because i didnt have the ability to play until there was only 2 days left. then i made some mistakes which wouldnt have been so bad early in the event but with just 2 days left mistakes cant be corrected.


    ive tryed to get people to go into the event to raise the % to pass it, ive ran the 25th conflict 70 times. ive been up since 6ish mostly on warframe since then doing mostly the event.


    no one cares, 70 runs by one person doesnt matter much, wasted time i could have been doing something actually productive instead of getting points into something that i wont even get in time."

  19. well i give. i messed up. its annoying thought because i didnt have the ability to play until there was only 2 days left. then i made some mistakes which wouldnt have been so bad early in the event but with just 2 days left mistakes cant be corrected.


    ive tryed to get people to go into the event to raise the % to pass it, ive ran the 25th conflict 70 times. ive been up since 6ish mostly on warframe since then doing mostly the event.


    no one cares, 70 runs by one person doesnt matter much, wasted time i could have been doing something actually productive instead of getting points into something that i wont even get in time.

  20. unlikely but considering how the event system sorta confused a number of people (not me but i started very late and made bad decisions on it) i think there should be an extension on the event by a day. ive seen a number of people confused at how it worked and possibly screwing up the event for them. I doupt they will give an extension on it. But technicly they can and that would help alot of people who got confused or started to late because of life situations.

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