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Posts posted by Cappucchino

  1. I'm not color deficient but still got annoyed by it too, the color is too similar which make it so damn hard to see especially when you do Sortie that you  can failed only 3 times and the vault goes loud.


    I know Yellow/Orange is Grineer theme color, but if Kuva Fortress already has White background on the terminal, why don't apply to all since it makes everything easier to see not like yellow on top of bright orange with almost nearly blended in together.

  2. I don't know what to say but...

    For me, if they got weapon changed to Cestra/ Spectra (which is better for close combat) then it should be good since their priority is to nullify our power so they have to get close to us to do it. They don't really have to snipe us at far distance, allies within the bubble already do that for them.

    Instead as personal opinion, this will push the pressure to player, trying to keep them away from you before they get close and nullified our powers.

    Given them (not required charge) Lanka seems to be opposite of thing that they should do.

    Also why not give them different Corpus weapons? Sniper Crewman already got Lanka, why give another to them?

  3. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

    I only have 20 unused reactors, 5 reactor BP.  What if they release another 25 warframes and companions before the next reactor alert??? - I need them in the sortie table!  I'm glad they're rare on the sortie drop table... and agree with the OP they should be rarer than a LC.  Or at least make the so we can sell them for credits (not that we need those either but whatever)

    That's not gonna happen in my opinion, since when DevStream is up, then Potato alert will up. So it is guaranteed for you to get one type of potato (well sometimes Exilus but it is very rare) So I don't think that there will be no Reactors alert to get for entirely (25 Warframes will approximately 6-7 years and not included companions) 6-7 years period of time. You are making too ridiculous case up, I will not disagree with you if you just said 1-2 Warframes.

  4. Here we go again the post like this...

    From what I have read, you didn't even go half of the star chart yet.

    But you want some challenge?

    Good, go on Plains of Eidolon and soloing Teralyst with your current stats. Figuring out how to defeat it by your own thinking, don't go through internet to get info.

    So now you can think some strategy to play the game. Thank you. And you will see how powerless you are as you wanted.


    You didn't really try to understand the nature of the game and already yet start trolling the game with that opinions? You deserve a trolling challenge too.

  5. KUVA

    - Yes, I agree that the amount is absurd. It needs to improve but I don't know which amount is "proper" amount. For me normal Siphon should give "1,000-1,200" and Floods should give "2,500-3,000" (approx 2.25x from normal Siphon)

    - Don't forget to mention Kuva Scorches too, they even do more damage than Kuva Hyakka Masters


    - For me, ability to lock all stats for Riven is not a good idea. Limitation to 1-2 stats per riven should be fine. It may costs 1 Eidolon Shard and 1 Riven Transmutator for first lock, and 3 Eidolon Shards and 3 Riven Transmutators for second lock. After you locked the stats, it should have some penalty for doing that too by increase the amount of Kuva if you re-roll it by 10% after first lock and 25% after second lock. (About Riven Transmutator, I will explain in Transmutation section below)


    - The point of DE costs us so much plats for Riven Slots is their servers have to remember each one Riven in the system (since every Rivens are totally random) not like common mods which it just only one data required so the space required for Rivens those players have will have an effect to their server's spaces. They need new servers to support the amount of Rivens in the game and costs per server is not cheap you know...

    - But still it would be great if they can reduce 20p per slot to 15p. (45p for 3 slots)


    - I saw one post about Riven Transmutators should be not consumed for Riven Transmutation like having Arcane Distrillers but will be consumed for Riven Stats locking. Which I think it is a good idea, I'm going with it.

    - However, if the purposes of Transmutator is changed, the name should be revisited too...


    These are just my opinion about it, don't know that it is a good idea or not but these maybe my preferences to see if DE make some changes.

  6. As I heard (not guaranteed but I heard this a lot) if you have to rank up you have to pay for sacrifice but after that you going below that rank again you don't have to pay the sacrifice, the rank will automatically promoted.

    However, need some confirmation about this.

  7. 18 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    In a previous topic on this I liked the suggestion that Magnetic procs cause a temporary weapons jam
    (see Mesa's Shooting Gallery), that'd make it much more generally useful,
    not least with how Magnetic damage already shreds Shields anyway.

    Also maybe change the effect on Warframes likewise.

    Yes, I would like to see it jams the firing weapons you currently hold in your hands instead of draining all energies.

    Primary and secondary weapons will be unable to fire. (will shoot nothing out and gives "clack clack" sound)

    For melee weapons it should still be used but you just cannot channel you power into melee weapon while you got magnetic proc on.

    Quartering the shields is ok for me, can leave as it is.

  8. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)BMWWOW said:

    Approaching 600 days of play, and while I LOVE the new Open Map idea of Plains Of Eidolon, there are some serious problems that need fixing (DE I'm talking to you).
    I am guessing these have been voiced before, so consider this a Bump.  Also a problem with Focus 2.5 that needs fixing.

    1) Void Flow (Zenurik) - Neither myself nor my friends who chose to max Void Flow on the Zenurik tree have noticed how this makes ANY DIFFERENCE whatsoever.  We all thought it was supposed to permanently increase the energy pool by the expressed percentage for our Operator...?  But in fact the amount of available energy shows no difference in their pre & post Zenurik pool (tested by switching to Madurai for a few or switching Void Flow OFF).  What am I missing here?  I am just showing the same base 100 energy and not 190 when the "extra 90%" from Void Flow is active???

    2) PoE Bounties & Map - The fact that I cannot Do a "Zoom Out" on the map with Cetus CLEARLY MARKED is absurd.  A major futuristic ninja has a map that does not show KEY points like the ONLY city nearby?  How about a method / button so we can mark a WAYPOINT / location with a marker?!?  How about Full Zoom Out to see the WHOLE MAP??  Now why is this so important?  Because again its absurd that once we complete a BOUNTY that we not only have to go Alllllll the way back to Cetus - even if we are having a perfectly good time out on the Plains FAR away from Cetus, but to add insult to injury we have to FIGURE OUT WHERE THE F we are based on a TINY piece of the map.  Then DE just plain kicks you to the curb by having TWO towers so yeah you can run across the entire map only to find out its the Wrong Tower.  C'MON DE - LETS GET THE PLAINS OF EIDOLON *** NAVIGATION *** up to something Realistic and Respectable.  Its like the FUTURE you know.... and Warframes don't even have GOOGLE FREAKIN MAPS????  ADDITIONALLY.... Let Us Turn In Bounties and Get New Bounties while OUT ON THE PLAINS!!!  Stop making us go alllll the way back to Cetus to do so!!!

    3) PoE Archwing Controls - SERIOUSLY!  Hey look, I really enjoy normal Archwing missions (I know I am one of the few who does).  I kept the modified Archwing navigation where you lose the "local vertical" (as astronauts say) to achieve a more realistic "zero-gravity" effect.  That is fun in OUTER SPACE.  But Plains of Eidolon is in a NORMAL GRAVITY environment.... so WHY THE F do we often find ourselves flying uncontrollably ON OUR SIDES or UPSIDE DOWN, ETC???  Furthermore..... Put Some Darn BRAKES on the PoE Archwing!!!!  I am soooooo sick of trying to hover or even SLOW THE F DOWN when approaching a desired location but instead you ZOOOOOMMMMM past it !!!  UGH !!!!  BRAKES NEEDED for PoE Archwing BADLY!!!

    4) Lastly, the idea that you get One Use per PoE Archwing is very annoying.  How about making TWO GREAT CHANGES to PoE Archwing Deployment: a) Once you get a PoE Archwing active, you can jump out and jump in to The Same Deployment as long as you stay out on PoE (i.e. the Archwing just sits there waiting for you if / when you temporarily jump out, say to fight a battle on the ground); When you return to Cetus THEN its gone and next PoE excursion requires a new Archwing deployment.  It IS nice that you can deploy for friends, so once you "Lock Into" your PoE Archwing it then only works for you / that person for the remainder of that given PoE excursion instance.
    ADDITIONALLY, b) please fix the deployment so that it does NOT deploy the "Archwing Ball" across the darn field - instead make it so the "deployment ball" ONLY deploys RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.  Only Only Only.  Yes I know you can "aim it" - WHY?  What is the purpose of being able to throw the darn depoyment ball far away into the bushes where you sometimes LOSE IT???  NO POINT!!!  It should ALWAYS deploy right in front of you - end of story.

    Thanks for listening.

    1) The energy that Void Flows increases is the circle one, the bar with number is energy for Amps not your Operator. You can test by rapidly using Void Dash while Void Flows on and off. For me when On I can do 6-7 consecutive dashes before running out of energy while when Off I can just do only 3-4 dashes.

    Additional: To increase energy form Amps, go on the Madurai path one.

    2) I can't answer this, maybe you can ask this on Devstream.

    3) I want a brake too, with also not accidentally press E (melee attack) due to I'm melee user and just popped out from Archwing... please use another key to do it...

    4) Same as 2) but this is a nice idea.

  9. 4 hours ago, Runeglyph said:

    Please Read them Both Again Slowly, the Augment in the Photo is for Nidus' LARVA Ability Detonating the Larva with Toxin Proc.

    However the Decription on the Text Above the Photo says it's for the RAVENOUS Ability Bursting all the Maggots with Viral Proc.

    The Big Difference is the Real one is for His 2nd Not His 4th Ability, and also Bursting the 4th Abilities Maggots is already Covered in the Synergy with His 1st Ability so an Augment of it Would be utter Useless.

    Pretty much they confuse in the patch note...

    However, I notice that they also said there are 3 mods those still not released yet (some people may get it from Transmutation because of bug and hotfix is already done for that) so...

    those 3 mods, Ravenous Augment maybe one of them.

  10. 12 hours ago, zWhiteKz said:

    haha have u ever do Bounty 5 will 0 corrosive project aura and no -armor weapon? and if u do then u will know why so many people go agaisnt the change for slash proc cause slash and corro the only way to deal with armor target in the game and if slash is nerf to the ground that mean everytime u face an armor enemies u will have to force using corro weapon vs it and that make the game less diversity which is very bad for a game that the custom/build is key to Warframe content

    I go Bounty 5 alone by using Oberon Prime and I still get fxcked up by Tusk Boltors even I use my corrosive build Akstilletto Prime to corrode down Boltor's armor.

    Still fxcking hard to take them down. Mainly they don't get Slash proc so well that's gonna happen if DE apply this.

    However, they said they still need to be fixed again so let's see what DE actions from the next fix.

  11. 1 hour ago, Dadof4 said:

    I did all of that and didn't get anything in my inbox.  My kids did the same thing and they got theirs.  I know there are others who didn't get theirs neither and they have their twitch account linked and watched the whole damn thing.

    Oh crap, I didn't check for mine yet. I opened the stream through my work place.

    Thanks for let me know about this, probably if you have did that, I maybe didn't get the cape too.

  12. Maybe they can leave the first one as it is like the Zaw, just Zaw in the codex but after you click to go in then it will show which one you have already mastered.

  13. The one that totally make me curious is Nullifiers.

    Their shield nullifies Void power, which is make sense to stop all Warframe abilities but... Operator? Nope, I can still do anything with Operators in the dome even all of Operators power are Void power. But well that isn't matter.

    The one that is really matter is the shield that nullifies power can block bullets???

    Bullets are Void power??? NO.

    Well it will be much better if Nullifiers still able to nullify Void powers but not the bullets, bullets will pierce their shield and damage anything that bullets pass.

    Their shield is already blur enough to make player hard to see what is inside so it is Risk and Reward type of thing you can choose.

    Snipe them outside but hard to see whats in it and maybe got sniped by Nullifiers too. OR, Going in and breakdance with them inside but you know whats in there and can prioritize what to do first. Bullet jump in their face to CC first, shoot Techs, Blah Blah Blah.

  14. 6 hours ago, tekmansam said:

    Admittedly, my results were primarily with Rhino, so I can respect what you are saying.  But, it isn't just the raw damage output, you can mow down 150 lv mobs with pure slash procs, at a rather alarming rate--with no stealth bonuses.  I fully agree with your take on Scythes.  As for polearms--I find flailing branch to be decent.   I don't like the quick spam.  Spamming E like that becomes a bit arthritic after a certain point.

    Flailing Branch is stance for Staves, not Polearms.

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